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普通專升本 責任編輯:管理員 2022-06-21




Directions: There are 30 items in this par. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter in the bracket.

( ) 1. Linda's score on the test is the highest in her class. She_____ have studied very hard.

A. may

B. should

C. must

D. might

( )2. He suggested_____to Wudang Mountain together next week.


B. we went

C. weshallgo

D. we go

()3.I have two kids but_____ of them likes sweets.

A. both

B. neither

C. either

D. none

( )4. Time_____,the lecture will be held as scheduled.

A. permit

B. permitting

C. permitted

D. permits

() 5. Professor Wright had Katc_____her raper many times before elling her it was good enough.

A. rewriten

B. to rewrite

C. rewrite

D. rewriting

( ) 6. The computer works very fast,_____data at the speed of light.

A. having handled

B. handling

C. handled

D. handles

() 7. Ever since Monet's painting went on exhibit, there_____large crowds at the museum every day.


B. has been

C. have been

D. are being

( ) 8. I can still remember_____for the first time in Hefei,

A. to mect her

B.10 have met her

C. having met her

D. meeting her

( )9. Ten minutes earlier,_____we could have caught Flight D5472.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

( ) 10. After_____for the job, you will be required to take a psychology tcst.

A. interviewed

B. being interviewed

C. interviewing

D. being interviewed

( )11. By the end of this week, we study_____a satisfuctory solution to the problem.

A. have found

B. will be finding

C. will have found

D. are finding

( ) 12. In that country schools in the south tend to be better cquipped,_____those in the north are relatively poor.

A. while

B. since

C. when

D. as

() 13. Mary was much kinder to Nancy, the youngest daughter,_____of coursc,made her brother jealous.

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. what

( ) 14. It was only with the help of the local guide_____the missing boy was rescued.

A. then

B. that

C. when

D. who

( ) 15. Galileo claimed that he had invented_____telescope.

A. the


C. an

D. a

( ) 16. She was participating_____an intenational English public speaking competition and got the first prize.

A. for

B. to


D. in

( ) 17. He has been_____to State Supreme Court in Florida.

A. abandoned

B. appointed

C. charged

D. compared

() 18. I tried to make him understand that I wasn't interested in him, but he never got the_____.

A. message

B. information

C. word

D. news

( ) 19. He's not found another job yet and it's not_____that he will for some time.

A. casily

B. hardly

C. likely

D. rarely

( ) 20. Susan is a very_____secretary- she never forgets anything and arrangcs everything well.

A. eager

B. anxious

C. efective

D. eficient

() 21. More problems will_____as we do the work.

A. rise

B. arise

C. raise

D. arrive

( )22. 1 strongly objcct_____punishing a whole group for onc person's fault.

A. against

B. about

C. to

D. for

() 23. John used to smoke_____but he gave it up three years ago.

A. severely

B. seriously

C. badly

D. heavily

() 24. She was so_____in her writing that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.

A. attracted

B. focused

C. absorbed

D. concentrated

( )25. As time_____on, man becomes old.

A. gocs

B. files

C. passes

D. walks

() 26. It's not surprising you're tired._____,you were up until three last night.

A. Above all

B. All in all

C. Despite all

D. After all

( ) 27.1 couldn't_____what that object was in the dark.

A. make out

B. make over

C. make up

D. make for

() 28. After studying in a medical collge for five years, Jane_____her job as a doctor in the countryside.

A. sct out

B. took over


D. sct up

() 29. In modern times people have to learn to_____all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.

A. bring with

B. stay with

C. carry with

D. live with

( ) 30. To be frank, I have had great dificully_____the rest of the class.

A. keeping up with

B. making up for

C. putting up to

D. coming up with


Diretions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best choice and write the corresponding ltter in the bracket.

Passage 1.

Last summer I took a trip to an island. I had a lot of fun. I sat and watched the waves and listened to the ocean. I learned to identify birds. I discovered pretty things and enjoyed the taste of new foods. It was a very nice time.

One evening I took a pleasant walk by the ocean. When the waves came in, many starfish fell on the beach. Some starfish went back into the water, and they were safe.But other starfish were still on the sand. They would die if they did not get into the water. There were many starfish on the beach that night. It made me sad, but I knew I could not fix the problem. I stepped very carefully so I did not damage them.

Then I saw a ltte girl. She was also sad about the starfish. She wanted to prevent all of them from dying. She asked me ifl could perhaps help her.

“To be frank, I don't think we can do anything," I said.

The lite girl started to cry. She sat back against a rock and thought for a while.Finally, the emotion was gone. She stopped crying and stood up. Then she picked up a starfish and threw it into the water.

“What are you doing?" I asked her. But she did not answer me. She just threw as many starfish as she could.“You can not sav: al; of them!" I said.

She stopped to look at me.“No, I can not save them ll," she replied. Then she picked up a very big starfish and said,“But I can save this one." And then she smiled and threw the starfish as far as she could into the ocean.

() 31. What did the writer get from the trip to the island?

A. Taste of foods

B. Identifying birds

C. Lovely walk on the beach

D. All of the above

() 32. What made the writer feel sad?

A. Watching the waves.

B. Walking on the beach.

C. Identifying birds.

D. Starfish dying on the sand.

() 33. What caused the lttle girl's emotion?

A. Starfish were dying on the sand.

B. She fell on the rock and hurt herself,

C. She could not stop the starfish from dying on the sand.

D. The writer's refusal.

() 34. What did the girl mean by“But I can save this one'"?

A. She would save just this starfish.

B. She liked the big starfish.

C. She gave up saving all the starfish on the beach.

D. She would save as many as she could.

() 35. What is the story about?

A. An interesting trip to an island.

B. How to save starfish.

C. A gir's saving of starfish.

D. A girl who is too emotional.

Passage 2

Vanuatu is a nation of small islands in the South Pacifc. It is one of the smallest countries in the world. But for those who are interested in adventure and sport, there is a lot to do. Some of the best swimming. snorkeling ( 潛游) , and sca kayaking (海上劃艇) can be found here. Vanuatu's islands also offer visitors two of the most exciting and dangerous activities in the world: volcano surfing and land diving.

On Tanna Island, Mount Yasur rises 300 meters ( 1,000 feet) into the sky. Yasur is one of a few active volcanoes in the country. It cerupts (噴發(fā)) almost every day,sometimes several times a day. For centuries, both island locals and visitors have climbed this mountain to visit the top. Rcently, people have also started climbing Yasur to surf the voleano. In some ways, volcano surfing is like surfing in the sea, but in other ways, it's very different. A volcano surfer's goal is to escape the erupting volcano-without being hit by flying rocks! It's fast, fun and dangerous- the perfect extreme sport.

Most pcople arc familiar with bungcc jumping. But did you know bungce jumping started on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu, and is almost 15 centuries old? The original activity, called land diving, is part of a religious ceremony. A man ties three vines around his ankles. Hc then jumps headfirst fcomi a high tower. The goal is to touch the earth with the top of his head- without breaking the vine or htting the ground hard.Every spring, island natives (men only) still perform this amazing test of bravery.

( ) 36. What is the writer's purpose?

A. To talk about the world's best volcano surfers and land drivers.

B. To introduce voleano surfing and land diving.

C. To talk about the dangers of volcano surfing and land diving.

D. To introduce the origin of volcano surfing.

() 37. Which of following is NOT true about Vanuatu?

A. It is the smallest country in the world.

B. It has more than one aclive volcano.

C. It is where bungee jumping originates.

D. It is famous for volcano surfing and land diving.

() 38. What can we learn about Mount Yasur?

A. It is 1000 meters high.

B. It has been 15 centuries since the beginning of volcano surfing.

C. It is an active volcano.

D. It erupts several times a day.

() 39. In Paragraph 3“the earth" refers to

A. the ground

B. the vine

C. the tower

D. the local people

() 40. How are volcano surfing and land diving similar?

A. Both are old sports.

B. Both are extreme activities.

C. Both are religious ceremonies.

D. Both men and women do them

Passage 3.

The first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang, accomplished a huge amount during his rule. Between 221 and 210 B.C, he started the construction of the Great Wall. He buit a large nctwork of roads. He introduced a new writing system, currency, and set of measurements. The emperor also ordered the construction of a huge army of life-sized trracotta soldiers (兵馬俑) . These, he hoped, would proteet his tomb afer his death.

The soldiers in Xi'an's terracotta museum are today light brown, but they weren't always. They began as an army of red, blue, yellow, green, white, and purple. Sadly,most of the colors did not last to the present day. After being exposed to air during excavation (挖掘) , the coating under the paint began to fall of. The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg, taking with it important pieces of history.

Now new techniqucs arc suarting to reveal the army's true colors. Archacologisus(考古學(xué)家)have recently discovered an area with more than a hundred soldiers. Many of these still have their painted features, including black hair, pink faces, and black or brown eyes. Chinese and German researchers have developed a special liquid to help preserve the soldiers' colors. Afer they find a soldier or other artifacts ( 手工藝晶) ,archacologists spray it with the liquid. They then cover it in plastic.

Archacologists are also finding colors in the dirt around the soldiers. I's important not to disturb the dirt, so the colors won't be lost. "We are treating the earth as an artifact," says archeologist Rong Bo, the museum's leading chemist. The next challenge,says Rong, is to find a way to apply the colors to the army again. Once that happens,artists can bring Emperor Qin's army back to life in full, vivid color.

()41. The reading is mainly about,______.

A. the achievements of Emperor Qin

B. the original colors of terracotta soldiers

C. the soldiers' life under Emperor Qin.

D. the building of the terracotta soldiers.

() 42. The emperor built the erracotta soldiers to______.

A. show the greatness of the Qin Dynasty

B. be enjoyed by people

C. protect Emperor Qin's tomb

D. protect the dynasty

()43. The word“Iight" in Paragraph 2 means______.

A. no dark

B. not heavy

C. not faty

D. shining

() 44. What is true about terracotta in Paragraph 2?

A. Their colors disappeared very quickly.

B. The soldiers' paint fell off because of the high temperature.

C. Most of the original colors have not been kept till today.

D. The history of the Qin Dynasty disappeared.

( )45. According to Rong Bo,______.

A. the soldiers' true colors can be restored

B. the earth around the soldiers is destroyed

C. archaeologists can only guess the soldiers' original colors

D. artists should be able to paint the soldiers in any color they went


Directions: There are 20 blanks in the fllowing passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the ONE thar best fits the passage and write the corresponding letter in the bracker.

Stephen Hawking, one of the world's most important scientists, believes that to survive, humans (46) move into space;“(47) we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe," he says.

Today the European Union, China, India, Russia, and Japan are all planning to send astronauts back to Earth's (48) neighbor: the moon. Some of these countries want to create space stations. (49) between 2020 and 2030. These stations will_ (50) humans to visit and later live on Mars or other Earthlike planets.

Robert Zubrin, a rocket scientist, thinks humans should colonize space. He wants to (51) Mars. Why? He thinks sending pcople to Mars will allow us to learn a lot(52) the ability of humans to live in a very. (53) environment. Then we can eventually create new human societies (54) other planets. (55) ,any advances we make in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and health will also (56) us here on Earth.

SpaceX is a company(57) builds rockets. Its owner, Elon Musk, also believes we should (58) Mars, but he doesn't want just one small colony. He doesn't want to send just“one(59) mission", he would like to send millions of people.

Not cveryone thinks (60)humans into space is a smart idea. Many say it's too expensive, even if it's just a short journey. And most space trips are not short. (61)trip to Mars, for example, would take abou si. uonths. People traveling this kind of distance face many health problems. Also, these first pcople would find life (62)difficult out in space. On the moon's_ (63) , for example, the sun's rays are very dangerous. People would have to stay. (64) most of the time.

Despite these concerns, sending people into space (65) certain. In the future, we might see lunar cities or even new human cultures on other planets. First stop: the moon.


B. ought

C. would

D. must

( )47. A. Once

B. When

C. As

D. Since

( )48. A. near

B. nearer

C. closcst

D. closer

( )49. A. here

B. there

C. over here

D. over there

( ) 50. A. provide

B. prepare

C. prevent

D. present

( )51. A. set from

B. set with

C. start with

D. start from

( )52. A. with

B. on

C. to

D. about

( ) 53. A. different

B. similar

C. nice

D. poor

)54. A. at

B. on

C. to

D. in

( ) 55. A. However

B. Otherwise

C. In addition D. Therefore

( ) 56. A. benefit

B. maintain

C. relate

D. expose .


B. where

C. whereas

D. that

( ) 58. A. conncct

B. colonize

C. control

D. consider

) 59. A. great

B. mature

C. major

D. ltte


B. to send

C. sending

D. to be sent

( ) 61. A. One-way

B. A one-way

C. An one-way D. A returm

( ) 62. A. extremely

B. scriously

C. heavily

D. simply

( ) 63. A. surface

B. top .

C. station

D. position

( ) 64. A. indoor

B. indoors

C. outdoor

D. ouldoors

( )65.A. is

B. must be

C. would be

D. seems


Seetion A

Directions: Translate the fllowing sentences into English.





Section B

Directions: Translate the following seuerces into Chinese.

70. She couldn't stand the noise at first, but sae 1s used to it now.

71. Thank you for giving clothes and food to the families who lost everything in the floods.

72. The dancers brought great pleasure to us with their amazing skill and beautiful movements.

73. People say that there is more chance of being hurt when riding in a car that when riding in a plane.

五、英文寫作(共30 分)

以Zhang Wei的名義給英國外教Peler寫-封邀請侶, 邀請他暑假參觀你的家鄉(xiāng)。字數(shù)應(yīng)為120個單詞左右。注意書信的格式,不要用你的真實姓名。

Direetions: Write Peter an email inviting him to your hometown, tlling him some details rclated to the trip. Your writing should be based on the following outline.





四、句子翻譯(第 66-72題每小題3分,第73題4分,共25分)




Section A

66. After 3 hours' walk / 3-hour walk, we finally arrived at the park 1 we arrived at the park in the end. .

67. Close all the doors and windows before leaving / before you leave the classroom.

68. She came to see me as soon as / the minute she got off the train.

69. If anyone telephones / calls, tell them I'll be out all morning.

Section B



















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