
考博英語(yǔ) 責(zé)任編輯:田炯陽(yáng) 2024-01-05









試卷分為試卷一(paper one)和試卷二(paper two)。試卷一包括聽(tīng)力(30%)、詞語(yǔ)用法(10%)、完型填空(10%)和閱讀理解(30%),答卷時(shí)間115分鐘;試卷二包括書面表達(dá)(20%),答卷時(shí)間50分鐘。

整個(gè)試卷共五大部分,總分 100 分,答卷時(shí)間共 165 分鐘,加上考場(chǎng)指令與試卷收發(fā)時(shí)間,總共考試時(shí)間 180 分鐘。


試卷一(paper one)

part Ⅰ 聽(tīng)力理解(listening comprehension)

聽(tīng)力理解分兩部分:section a 和 section b,答題時(shí)間為 30 分鐘。

section a:對(duì)話(conversations)

本部分共 5 個(gè)對(duì)話,每個(gè)對(duì)話分別由100個(gè)左右的單詞組成,旨在測(cè)試考生對(duì)英語(yǔ)對(duì)話的聽(tīng)力理解能力,要求考生能理解所聽(tīng)對(duì)話的中心思想和主要內(nèi)容,并能根據(jù)所聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行邏輯推理、分析概括和歸納總結(jié)。

題型包括大意概括題 ( questions for the general idea )、具體細(xì)節(jié)題 ( questions for specific details ) 和判斷推理題 ( questions for inference )。每個(gè)對(duì)話附有3個(gè)小題,每個(gè)小題附有 4 個(gè)選項(xiàng),要求考生在聽(tīng)完每個(gè)對(duì)話之后,根據(jù)所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容于12秒內(nèi)從中選出1個(gè)最佳答案。對(duì)話及問(wèn)題只讀1遍。

該部分共15個(gè)小題,序號(hào)為 1~15。每題1分,共計(jì)15分。例:


w: can you tell me about yourself, please?

m: sure, my name's harry, 18 years old, currently studying biology and chemistry at school. as you are aware, i hope to pursue a career in medicine.

w: harry, why do you want to be a doctor?

m: well, everyone in my family is a doctor, so i think i can follow on nicely.

w: apart from treating patients, what do you think being a doctor is going to require?

m: well, you also need to be academic and have to be an excellent communicator with your team and the patients.

question number 1: what are the two speakers talking about?

question number 2: why does harry choose to be a doctor?

question number 3: what is mentioned by harry as one of the requirements for a doctor?


1. a. switching to biology and chemistry.

b. choosing to be a family physician.

c. going to college.

d. being a doctor.




2. a. because of his family's influence.

b. because of the fact that he's young.

c. because of the practical skills he has.

d. because of his love for biology and chemistry.




3. a. a strong sense of responsibility.

b. good communicative skills.

c. excellent health.

d. great patience.




section b:短文(passages)

本部分共由 5 篇短文組成,每篇短文由 150 個(gè)左右的單詞組成。旨在測(cè)試考生對(duì)英語(yǔ)篇章的聽(tīng)力理解能力。要求考生能理解所聽(tīng)短文的中心思想和主要內(nèi)容,并能根據(jù)所聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行邏輯推理、分析概括和歸納總結(jié)。

題型包括大意概括題(questions for the general idea)、具體細(xì)節(jié)題(questions for specific details)和判斷推理題(questions for inference)。每篇短文附有 3 個(gè)小題,每個(gè)小題附有 4 個(gè)選項(xiàng),要求考生在聽(tīng)完每篇短文后,根據(jù)所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容于 12 秒內(nèi)從中選出 1 個(gè)最佳答案。短文及問(wèn)題只讀一遍。

該部分共 15 個(gè)小題,序號(hào)為 16~30。每題 1 分,共計(jì)15分。例:


we commonly think that our health is affected by our age, gender, lifestyle and genetic factors that we inherit from our parents. however, these factors are only a small part of what affects our health. other factors include our social relationships, income, education and working conditions. let's look at stress for example. unemployment or poor working conditions create unstable life situations and cause stress, which has negative effects on health. one major factor, education, determines income or employment. however, even if you are employed, some workplace conditions, such as lack of flexibility and control over your workday can cause stress. as you can see, many complex social processes and other factors are connected with one another to affect our health. studying how these factors work together in large populations is a challenge for researchers and that is what we would like to look at next.

question number 16: what is the passage mainly about?

question number 17: what does the speaker intend to say by mentioning stress?

question number 18: what does the speaker call for at the end of the passage?


16. a. the role of genetic factors.

b. the factors that affect health.

c. the impact of lifestyle on health.

d. the importance of working conditions.




17. a. people with jobs have less stress.

b. the more education, the less stress.

c. many factors affect health via stress.

d. stress is not related to genetic make-up.




18. a. more challenging research on workplace stress.

b. a better understanding of stress-health relationship.

c. a better connection between medical research and practice.

d. more research on the combined effects of health-related factors.




part ii 詞語(yǔ)用法(vocabulary)

詞語(yǔ)用法分 section a 和 section b 兩部分??荚嚂r(shí)間為 10 分鐘。旨在測(cè)試考生對(duì)英語(yǔ)詞匯和短語(yǔ)的理解和使用能力,重點(diǎn)考查名詞、形容詞、動(dòng)詞、副詞和短語(yǔ)等的用法。

section a:填空 ( blank filling )

本部分試題的題干為一個(gè)或兩個(gè)句子,句中留有一處空白,題干后附 4 個(gè)選項(xiàng),要求考生從中選出 1 個(gè)最佳答案,填入題干空白處使該句語(yǔ)法正確、意思完整、邏輯合理。

該部分共 10 小題,序號(hào)為 31~40,每題 0.5 分,共計(jì) 5 分。例:

31. i hope you will _______ your cold in a couple of days.

a. get over

b. get off

c. get away

d. get out




32. bacteria's needs vary in the living environment, but most of them grow best in a slightly acid _______.

a. mechanism

b. miniature

c. medium

d. minimum




33. postnatal care includes assessment and counseling provided to the mother after ________ in a health facility.

a. giving birth

b. receiving an injection

c. getting pregnant

d. undergoing an operation




34. mean blood vitamin d3 increased ________ in the intervention when compared with the control group.

a. abundantly

b. significantly

c. radically

d. maximally




35. ________ your poor record in the medical school, we think you should study harder.

a. in spite of

b. in case of

c. in charge of

d. in view of




36. the sufferer with hydrophobia is ________ of water.

a. curious

b. considerate

c. doubtful

d. dreadful




section b: 替換 ( substitution )

本部分試題的題干為一個(gè)或兩個(gè)句子,句中有一個(gè)單詞或短語(yǔ)帶有下劃線,題干后附 4 個(gè)選項(xiàng),要求考生從中選出1個(gè)和句中劃線部分的意義基本相同或近似的最佳答案。

該部分共 10 小題,序號(hào)為 41~50,每題 0.5 分,共計(jì) 5 分。例:

41. experts can even reach consensuson how the material standard of living sharply reduces the death rate.

a. agreement

b. contention

c. judgment

d. resolution




42. habits can be consciouslystrengthened, as when a patient in physical rehabilitation practices and memorizes different limb activities.

a. conveniently

b. sufficiently

c. occasionally

d. intentionally




43. if the cells can't use sugar, the body begins to break downits own tissues for food.

a. degenerate

b. dehydrate

c. decompose

d. dispose




44. doctors discourage massivedoses of drugs for infants.

a. excessive

b. repetitive

c. progressive

d. indicative




45. biologically speaking, she doesn't resembleeither of her parents.

a. take over

b. take after

c. take on

d. take up




part iii完型填空(cloze)

本部分為 1 篇短文。旨在測(cè)試考生在篇章水平上理解和運(yùn)用語(yǔ)言的綜合能力。實(shí)意詞與功能詞基本上各占 50%。實(shí)意詞主要是指具有語(yǔ)義內(nèi)容,在特定句子中具有獨(dú)立內(nèi)涵的詞,包括名詞、動(dòng)詞、形容詞、副詞等。功能詞主要是指具有語(yǔ)法結(jié)構(gòu)、句法功能的詞或詞組,包括從屬連詞、關(guān)系代詞、冠詞、介詞及表明時(shí)態(tài)和語(yǔ)態(tài)的功能詞。要求考生閱讀一篇約 200 個(gè)單詞的英語(yǔ)短文,其中留有 10 處空白,每一處空白對(duì)應(yīng) 4 個(gè)選項(xiàng)??忌诶斫馊拇笠夂蜕舷挛囊馑嫉幕A(chǔ)上,從 4 個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案。使短文在語(yǔ)法、用詞、句型結(jié)構(gòu)和上下文邏輯關(guān)系等方面都能完善。

該部分共 10 小題,每題 1 分,共計(jì) 10 分。序號(hào)為 51~60,考試時(shí)間 10 分鐘。例:

despite growing numbers of joggers, canada fitness surveys demonstrate that canadians are less physically fit than their u.s. or swedish counterparts. many people are convinced that they do not exercise often or vigorously __51__ for optimal benefits. only about 25 per cent of canadian adults paddle at the __52__level that increases the heart beat to a(n) __53__level and keeps it there for at least 15 minutes thrice weekly. men are more likely to be either "sedentary" or "very active", __54__women are more likely to be"moderately active."

common reasons for __55__are no willpower, poor facilities, boredom, fatigue, sheer laziness or lack of time. experts suggest that incentives and rewards be used to help sustain the exercise habit until the 56 become so self-evident that activity is automatically scheduled into daily routines.

a modest increase in daily activity __57__the sedentary could improve the overall health of our population more than increased activity in those already __58__exercise. activities in older people help them stay agile, and feel better.

even a small gain in fitness among the elderly may permit them to replace a restricted lifestyle with an enriched one __59__they can play golf, dance, cycle and garden. the __60__message is clear: physical activity benefits body and mind, especially for the least active ones.

51. a. plenty

b. enough

c. sufficient

d. adequate

52. a. recommending

b. recommended

c. recommends

d. recommend

53. a. record

b. exercise

c. target

d. time

54. a. though

b. while

c. since

d. for

55. a. not exercising

b. not to exercise

c. being exercised

d. being exercising

56. a. reasons

b. benefits

c. demands

d. repetitions

57. a. by b. at c.to d. on

58. a. excluded from

b. launched into

c. dedicated to

d. done with

59. a. in which

b. for whom

c. therefore

d. because

60. a. crystal

b. overall

c. definite

d. complete

part iv 閱讀理解(reading comprehension)

本部分由 6 篇閱讀短文組成,每篇短文有 350 個(gè)單詞左右。旨在測(cè)試考生通過(guò)閱讀獲取信息的能力,包括閱讀速度和理解程度。要求考生在讀完一篇短文后,能理解其主題思想、主要內(nèi)容和相關(guān)細(xì)節(jié);能根據(jù)所讀短文的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行推理判斷,理解某些詞和短語(yǔ)在具體語(yǔ)境中的意義,理解句與句之間的內(nèi)在篇章邏輯關(guān)系,能領(lǐng)會(huì)作者的觀點(diǎn)和思想情感,判斷其對(duì)事物的態(tài)度。

測(cè)試材料主要涉及醫(yī)普、科普和人文等各種題材和體裁的文章。每篇短文通常包括 3 種題型:大意概括題(questions for general idea)具體細(xì)節(jié)題(questions for specific details)和判斷推理題(questions for inference)。大意概括題主要考查考生對(duì)文章主題思想的概括和歸納能力;具體細(xì)節(jié)題主要考查考生對(duì)短文中存在的相關(guān)事實(shí)或現(xiàn)象的辨認(rèn)能力;判斷推理題主要考查考生對(duì)文字背后和字里行間的含義進(jìn)行正確判斷或推理的能力。

每篇短文后附有 5 個(gè)問(wèn)題,每個(gè)問(wèn)題后均有 4 個(gè)選項(xiàng),要求考生根據(jù)所讀短文的內(nèi)容從每個(gè)題的 4 個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出 1 個(gè)最佳答案。

該部分共 30 個(gè)小題,序號(hào)為 61~90,每題 1 分,共計(jì) 30 分??荚嚂r(shí)間 60 分鐘。例:

passage one(題材:人文)

new orleans, with too many private hospitals competing desperately for paying patients, has become notorious for dumping patients. a typical "dump" was described by a director of emergency medical care at charity hospital. early in november his department received a call from a private hospital seeking to transfer a patient. they told us he had slight facial lacerations, the director said. "it sounded ordinary enough. but what the emergency room doctors found when the man arrived was something else. his face was torn to bits. we found teeth in the man's throat. i could take my fingers and move his jaws back and forth like a flag in a high wind. the bottom part of the man's face was crushed. we had to give him six pints of blood. he wasn't getting enough oxygen because of the blood in his throat." doctors at the first hospital had done nothing for the man other than transfer him.

dumping has become so routine in new orleans that, even though anyone needing emergency treatment is supposed to be taken to the nearest hospital, ambulance crews routinely ask accident victims or members of the families if they have insurance. if the answer is no, the ambulance crew quietly transfers patients to charity hospital.

frequently, the transferees weren't told the reason for the transfer. a quarter of all those transferred were physically unstable—they suffered from bleeding, shock, severe burns, etc.—and shouldn't have been transferred.

patients who get dumped aren't the only ones hurt. at a hospital such as cook county, in los angeles, which treats nearly a thousand patients a day in its emergency room, extra cases create real hardship." these patients go through incredible ordeals. some of them don't get seen the day they come and have to come back and line up again," said hospital personnel.

despite the horrors revealed by studies of dumping, not many cases have resulted in lawsuits. this isn't surprising, for people who get dumped often don't have the resources to fight legal battles, and in many states there are no laws protecting against dumping. on the national level, legislation is pending to protect patients by mandating that patients be stabilized before they are transferred.

61. in a typical case of dumping patients, the private hospital would ______.

deliberately get rid of patients with no means to pay

refer a difficult case to a better-equipped hospital

deal quickly with the patient before transferring

only give primary treatment to paying patients




62. as required in new orleans, ________.

the medical insurance does not cover the ambulance

the patient can't be transferred against his or her will

the ambulance crews should include experienced doctors

the patient in emergency should be sent to a nearby hospital




63. as implied in the 4th paragraph, patients who get dumped ________.

are accepted normally and treated quickly

often need to wait for their turns just like others

may disrupt the routine treatment of other patients

are usually taken back to the hospital where they belong




64. what, according to the passage, is the legal problem about dumping?

the transferees can hardly make out a good case.

the transferees are not rich enough to hire lawyers.

the transferees often have difficulty fighting legal battles.

the transferees are often not surprised by the horrors due to dumping.




65. we can infer from the last paragraph that in the us ________.

not many lawsuits can result in compensation

the phenomenon of dumping is going to be against the law

dumping patients is becoming an important area for legal battles

some states will pioneer in passing the law protecting against dumping




passage two(題材:科普)

brittany donovan was born 13 years ago in pennsylvania. her biological father was sperm donor g738. unbeknown to brittany's mother, g738 carried a genetic defect known as fragile x-a mutation that all female children born from his sperm will inherit, and which causes mental impairment, behavioral problems and atypical social development.

last week, brittany was given the green light to sue the sperm bank, idant laboratories of new york, under the state's product liability laws. these laws were designed to allow consumers to seek compensation from companies whose products are defective and cause harm. nobody expected them to be applied to donor sperm.

thousands of people in the us have purchased sperm from sperm banks on the promise that the donor's history has been carefully scrutinized and his sample rigorously tested, only for some of them to discover that they have been sold a batch of bad seed. some parents learn about genetic anomalies after their disabled child is born and they press the sperm bank for more information. others realize it when they contact biological half-siblings who have the same disorder.

so will donovan vs idant laboratories open the floodgates? it seems unlikely. new york's product liability laws are highly unusual in that they consider donor sperm to be a product just like any other. most other us states grant special status to blood products and body parts, including sperm. in these states, donor sperm is not considered a"product"in the usual sense, despite the fact that it is tested, processed, packaged, catalogued, marketed and sold. similarly, european union product liability law could not be used in this way.

even if this lawsuit is an isolated case, it still raises some difficult questions. first, to what lengths should sperm banks go to ensure they are supplying defect-free sperm? as we learn more and more about human genetics, there is a growing list of tests that could be performed. nobody would deny that donor sperm carrying the fragile x mutation should be screened out-and there is a test that can do so-but what about more subtle defects, such as language impairment or susceptibility to early alzheimer's?

66. donovan sued idant laboratories for ________.

selling donor sperm as a product

supplying problematic donor sperm

boasting defective biological products

failing to protect the client's confidentiality




67. under the state's product liability laws, the controversial question of the case was whether ________.

donated sperm could be considered just a product

donovan could be allowed to sue the sperm bank.

donovan's genetic defect could be confirmed

the company could afford the compensation




68. it can be inferred from the passage that actually thousands of people in the us purchase sperm _______.

out of their desperate needs

regardless of repeated warnings

with a series of privacy violations

without knowing its potential dangers




69. the reason why the case is unlikely to open the floodgates is that the ny-based laws _______.

guarantee the safety of donor sperm

give special status to the issue of sperm

treat donor sperm as a product by all means

are specially designed for body parts, including sperm




70. which of the following can most probably serve as the general idea of the passage?

a chance in a million.

science behind the law.

a product hard to guarantee.

no such a thing as donor sperm.




passage three(題材:醫(yī)普)

after 25 years of battling the mother of all viruses, have we finally got the measure of hiv? three developments featured in this issue collectively give grounds for optimism that would have been scarcely believable a year ago in the wake of another failed vaccine and continuing problems supplying drugs to all who need them.

perhaps the most compelling hope lies in the apparent "cure" of a man with hiv who had also developed leukemia. doctors treated his leukemia with a bone marrow transplant that also vanquished the virus. now us company sangamo biosciences is hoping to emulate the effect using gene therapy. if it works, and that is still a big if, it would open up the possibility of patients being cured with a single shot of gene therapy, instead of taking antiretroviral drugs for life.

antiretroviral therapy (art) is itself another reason for optimism. researchers at the world health organization have calculated that hiv could be effectively eradicated in africa and other hard-hit places using existing drugs. the trick is to test everyone often, and give those who test positive art as soon as possible. because the drugs rapidly reduce circulating levels of the virus to almost zero, it would stop people passing it on through sex. by blocking the cycle of infection in this way, the virus could be virtually eradicated by 2050.

funding such a long-term program would cost serious money-initially around s3.5 billion a year in south africa alone. huge as it sounds, however, it is peanuts compared with the estimated $1.9 trillion cost of the iraq war. it also looks small beer compared with the costs of carrying on as usual, which the who says can only lead to spiraling cases and costs.

the final bit of good news is that the cost of art could keep on falling. last friday, glaxosmithkline chairman andrew witty said that his company would offer all its medicines to the poorest countries for a lower price than the typical price in rich countries. gsk has already been doing this for art, and, hopefully, other companies may follow their lead.

no one doubts the devastation caused by aids. in 2007, 2 million people died and 2.7 million more contracted the virus. those dismal numbers are not going to turn around soon—and they won't turn around at all without huge effort and investment. but at least there is renewed belief that, given the time and money, we can finally start ridding the world of this most fearsome of viruses.

71. which of the following can be most probably used to describe the key message conveyed in the passage?

optimism should never be lost, whatever happens.

we can see some light at the end of the tunnel.

a quick fix is no longer a dream.

disasters can still hit endlessly.




72. according to the passage, the case of the apparent"cure"could ______.

promise a new discipline of gene therapy in medicine

facilitate the development of an effective vaccine for hiv

help people draw an analogy between aids and leukemia

change the way we seek a possible cure for those with aids




73. which of the following is referred to as another bit of optimism?

the development of art has a time table.

hiv will be virtually wiped out first in africa.

the cycle of hiv infection can be broken with art.

the existing hiv drugs are being ungraded to become more effective.




74. it can be safely inferred from the passage that in the foreseeable future ________.

even advanced aids patients can be treated free in the poorest countries

gsk will have no financial problem developing art in the world

aids patients in poverty can hopefully have easy access to art

governments will invest more in improving art globally




75. the last paragraph carries a tone of _______.

unreserved enthusiasmd36

cautious optimism

fearsome activism

hopeless idealism




試卷二(paper two)

part v 書面表達(dá)(writing)

本部分為書面表達(dá),旨在測(cè)試考生使用英語(yǔ)書面表達(dá)自己思想的能力。測(cè)試分為摘要寫作翻譯(漢譯英)和命題作文 3 種形式,每年任選其中一種。題材內(nèi)容主要為與醫(yī)學(xué)相關(guān)的社會(huì)議論話題或科普內(nèi)容。

該部分共計(jì) 20 分??荚嚂r(shí)間 50 分鐘

1. 摘要寫作(summary writing)

要求考生閱讀一篇漢語(yǔ)短文并為其撰寫英文摘要。摘要具有一定的體例規(guī)范要求,而不是簡(jiǎn)單的選擇性漢譯英??忌陂喿x一篇字?jǐn)?shù)為 600~800 之間的漢語(yǔ)短文后,用英語(yǔ)寫出一篇約 200 個(gè)單詞的摘要。該題型重點(diǎn)考查考生的分析歸納和書面表達(dá)能力,在分析歸納方面,要求考生撰寫的摘要必須覆蓋所規(guī)定的所有要點(diǎn)或重點(diǎn),偏離主題或漏寫要點(diǎn)會(huì)影響得分。在英語(yǔ)書面表達(dá)能力方面,要求所寫摘要用詞恰當(dāng)、語(yǔ)法正確、篇章結(jié)構(gòu)合理,文字通順,符合英語(yǔ)表達(dá)習(xí)慣。


(1) 緊扣主題,歸納總結(jié)。

(2) 需涵蓋所有重點(diǎn)內(nèi)容。

(3) 避免選擇原句進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單翻譯。

(4) 無(wú)須推演或推論。


薪酬收入與付出極不平衡是全科醫(yī)生(general practitioner, gp)目前最為突出的問(wèn)題。全科醫(yī)生肩負(fù)基本醫(yī)療和公共衛(wèi)生兩項(xiàng)任務(wù)。這意味著除了醫(yī)療本職工作之外,還需要承擔(dān)預(yù)防保健、病人康復(fù)和慢性病管理、健康管理等任務(wù)。勝任這些任務(wù)就需要更高的綜合素質(zhì)。

據(jù)上海長(zhǎng)寧區(qū)某社區(qū)醫(yī)院醫(yī)生透露,上級(jí)要求社區(qū)醫(yī)生學(xué)習(xí)中醫(yī)、心理咨詢、健康管理、營(yíng)養(yǎng)等,并且還要求到達(dá)中級(jí)證書水平。學(xué)了這么多證書出來(lái),每天上班既要從事醫(yī)療工作,又要做公衛(wèi)工作,一個(gè)人要簽約近 3000 名居民,收入?yún)s依然是四五千。增加了這么多技能,提供了這么多服務(wù),工資卻沒(méi)有變化,全科醫(yī)師心理的天平自然會(huì)不平衡。

據(jù)央視報(bào)道,上海濰坊社區(qū)的醫(yī)生李亞玲一年收入是 7 萬(wàn)元,而與她同期畢業(yè)在某三甲醫(yī)院工作的同學(xué)收入比她高 1 倍。面對(duì)這樣的現(xiàn)實(shí),如果有機(jī)會(huì)找到收入更高的工作,她沒(méi)理由不改行。有數(shù)據(jù)顯示,2007 年至 2009 年,北京市社區(qū)衛(wèi)生服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)共引進(jìn) 2000 人,但 3 年里流失率非常高,而社區(qū)醫(yī)生流失原因中 67% 是因?yàn)樾匠甑汀?/p>

據(jù)了解,國(guó)外全科醫(yī)生的收入是社會(huì)平均工資的 3~4 倍,這與當(dāng)下我國(guó)社會(huì)全科醫(yī)生的薪酬形成鮮明對(duì)比。國(guó)外全科醫(yī)生的待遇普遍較高,英國(guó)、德國(guó)等發(fā)達(dá)全科醫(yī)生待遇約是社會(huì)平均收人的 3~4 倍,與此相對(duì),我國(guó)全科醫(yī)生收入與社會(huì)平均收入水平基本持平,僅有 4% 左右的醫(yī)生年收入超過(guò) 10 萬(wàn)元,相較于發(fā)達(dá) 3~4 倍于社會(huì)平均收人水平的全科醫(yī)生收人,我國(guó)全科醫(yī)生的待遇較低,薪酬回報(bào)不具有吸引力,這也是我國(guó)全科醫(yī)生行業(yè)人才匱乏、素質(zhì)整體較低的重要原因。



(1) 問(wèn)題的存在/性質(zhì)。

(2) 全科醫(yī)生需嚴(yán)格的資質(zhì)要求。

(3) 全科醫(yī)生收入偏低,以及其因果關(guān)系。

currently, the problem is that general practitioners(gp) are short-paid. their income does not match with their hard job. they have a wide range of duties such as clinical practice, preventive healthcare, patient's rehabilitation, chronic disease management, and health management. such duties are quite demanding on the gp. however, the efforts they have made are not paid for enough. on the one hand, gps are required to receive continuing medical education for certificates and qualifications. once a gp is qualified, he/she has to be engaged in both medical practice and public health for 3 000 local residents who have signed a contract with their gp. on the other hand, gps are quite short-paid for their hard efforts. as a case in point, dr. li yaling, a gp for a local community, earns her annual income of rmb70,000.00, much lower than that made by her counterpart who works in a tertiary hospital. gps in britain, germany and other developed countries earn their annual income 3~4 times higher than the national average income, while chinese gps make approximately the national average. as a result, they tend to leave their jobs for higher-paid positions. the insufficient workforce can lead to lowered quality of medical service in general.

2. 翻譯(translation;漢譯英)

將一篇 300 個(gè)字左右的漢語(yǔ)短文翻譯為英語(yǔ),短文可以是一段,也可以是數(shù)段,共計(jì) 20 分??荚嚂r(shí)間 50 分鐘,該題型旨在測(cè)試考生漢譯英的能力,重點(diǎn)考查考生用英語(yǔ)準(zhǔn)確再現(xiàn)漢語(yǔ)原文思想和內(nèi)容的能力。


(1) 譯文必須忠實(shí)于原文,不能隨意發(fā)揮。

(2) 用詞恰當(dāng),注意詞性的必要轉(zhuǎn)換。

(3) 注意使用正確的英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法。

(4) 文字通順,符合英語(yǔ)表達(dá)習(xí)慣。



由于人口老齡化進(jìn)程加速和疾病譜(disease spectrum)從傳染病為主向以慢性非傳染性疾病為主的轉(zhuǎn)變,醫(yī)學(xué)模式已從傳統(tǒng)的生物醫(yī)學(xué)模式轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)樯铩睦怼鐣?huì)醫(yī)學(xué)模式。與此相應(yīng),醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生服務(wù)已向四個(gè)方面擴(kuò)展,即從單純治療擴(kuò)展到預(yù)防保健,從生理擴(kuò)展到心理,從醫(yī)院服務(wù)擴(kuò)展到家庭和社區(qū),從單純的醫(yī)療技術(shù)措施擴(kuò)展到綜合的社會(huì)服務(wù)。



with the socialization of production and modernization of science and technology, a growing number of achievements and accomplishments in medical technology have proved that social factors can have a negative effect on health, causing medical problems. as a milestone in the medical modernization,the established discipline of social medicine is an inevitable result of the development of science and technology.

the medical model has changed from the biomedical one to the biology-psychology-society one simply because of the increasing speed of aging populations and the shift of disease spectrum from infectious disease to chronic and non-infectious ones. correspondingly, the healthcare services are managed in four directions:from the single medical treatment to preventive healthcare, from physiology to psychology, from the hospital service to community services and homecare, and from the single therapies of medical technology to the comprehensive social work.

in response to these four transfers caused by the shift of the medical model, inevitably, the medical socialization comes into being. the inevitable trend produces objective evidence for the development of social medicine.

3. 命題作文(essay writing)

根據(jù)題目要求,寫一篇 250 個(gè)單詞左右的文章。共計(jì) 20 分,考試時(shí)間 50 分鐘。該題型旨在測(cè)試考生英語(yǔ)議論文的寫作能力,重點(diǎn)考查考生在寫作中的思想性、邏輯性以及語(yǔ)言應(yīng)用能力。


(1) 緊扣題目,每段只聚焦一個(gè)主題思想。

(2) 用詞恰當(dāng)、語(yǔ)法正確。

(3) 注意句子之間的邏輯關(guān)系。

(4) 文字通順,注重篇章的連貫性和一致性。


title: your health is in your own hands three topic ideas:

(1) 健康和影響因素;

(2) 主要影響因素:生活習(xí)慣;

(3) 自己的健康自己負(fù)責(zé)。


Everyone hopes to be healthy—to feel fit and strong and happy. This gives rise to the rapid growth of health industry worldwide, which provides health products and services for people in pursuit of health. Unfortunately, our health is constantly put at risk. Climate change, environmental toxins, stress at work, junk food and many other risk factors all have serious consequences for our health.

One of the major health threats is largely related to our lifestyle, Cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, overeating, sitting up late and excessive use of digital devices are health-damaging behaviors of many individuals. Abundant evidence shows that these unhealthy ways of living have become leading causes of many illnesses and diseases and even death. What's worse, even if one is informed of the negative impacts of these habits, he, or she may do nothing to quit them before their heart, spine or blood vessels are severely damaged or stop functioning.

How many of you are aware that, to a great extent, your health is in your own hands? Thanks to present-day information resources, you now have easier access to knowledge of health and professional consultation. Thus you are able to make lifestyle changes using scientifically-proven methods. Admittedly, you may find it uncomfortable or even maddening when you stop smoking or spend less time on your phone. You may start by taking some minor actions. Small changes will make big differences. Eat a balanced diet, sit less and move more, and rest well. The benefits are profound. You are your own health defender and life saver!



2025年考博英語(yǔ)2025年全國(guó)醫(yī)學(xué)統(tǒng)考考博英語(yǔ)網(wǎng)絡(luò)課堂(私塾班)至 2025-06-015480點(diǎn)擊購(gòu)買具體咨詢希賽網(wǎng)老師
2025年考博英語(yǔ)網(wǎng)絡(luò)課堂(VIP私塾班)至 2025-06-015480點(diǎn)擊購(gòu)買具體咨詢希賽網(wǎng)老師
2025年考博英語(yǔ)網(wǎng)絡(luò)課(精品私塾班)至 2025-06-014580點(diǎn)擊購(gòu)買具體咨詢希賽網(wǎng)老師










