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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-11-24




I. Each of the fllowing incomplete statements is fllowed by four ateratives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)

1. Culture is stored in           for the coming generation to learn.

A. thought

B. habits

C. customs

D. language

2. When we say that language is           , we mean that speech is the primary medium of language, while writing is secondary.

A. symbolic

B. arbitrary

C. vocal .

D. systematic

3. Words are units of           which language users can intuitively recognize in either speech or writing.

A. description

B. item

C. definition

D. expression

4. Social meaning or           meaning is what a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.

A. stylistic

B. conceptual

C. connotative

D. thematic

5.1) It is 9:00 already.


The above pair of sentences shows the grammatical contrast between English and Chinese in

A. grammatical morphemes

B. subjects and objects

C. paratactic and hypotactic relations

D. recipients and modifiers

6. The English sentence“Tony ate up the cake made by his mother" demontrates___.

A. a paratactic relation

B. a causal relation

C. a branching sentence pattem

D. a linear sentence pattem

7. "Daisy" is a popular English girl name. It belongs to names.

A. religious

B. weapon

C. flower

D. knowledge

8. When thanked, the Chinese public servants customarily reply,“沒(méi)什么,這是我應(yīng)該做的”. The English equivalent expression is"___”.

A. It's my duty

B. It's my job

C. Not at all

D. It's my pleasure

9. The meaning of the idiom“to put one's foot in one's mouth" is“____”。

A. to say something embarrassing

B. to have an angry atitude

C. to be bad at doing something

D. to continue working hard

10. The following expressions are alusions from literature. Which one can best ft in the following sentence?

The heroine of this novel is           who was born in a humble family and struggled to make a great success in business.

A. aRomeo

B. aCinderella

C. a Cleopatra

D. a Sherlock Holmes

11. In the sentence “Bring the child down to me for a fortnight. I have a huge old garden where he can be as free as a bird", the vehicle is,

A. a bird

B. a fortnight

C. a huge old garden

D. the child

12. In the following metaphorical expressions,“           ”shows love is magic.

A. I'm crazy about her

B. She had me hypnotized

C. She is besieged by suitors

D. Iwas magnetically drawn to her

13. Which of the fllowing sentences shows the highest formality and politeness?

A. Open the window.

B. Open the window, please.

C. Will you please open the window?

D. Would you mind my opening the window?

14. The following euphemisms of death rflet a religious notion EXCEPT          

A. go toa better world

B. to be with God



15. Which of the following expressions is NOT a textual connective?

A. As a matter of fact.

B. Secondly.

C. Beside.

D. Furthermore.

16. The next morning she was glad and proud that she had nol yielded 10 a scare. For he was           most strangely and obviously better.The above example ilustrates relations.

A. additive

B. adversative

C. causal .

D. temporal

17. The word that is spelled in American English is____.

A. metre

B. programme

C. traveler

D. modemise

18. A large portion of brand names in English advertising are newly invented words or           coinages. Which of the following is an example of this kind of coinages?

A. Ford.

B. Kleenex.

C. Chanel.

D. Pierre Cartan.

19. Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal messages, but add to or strengthen or clarify the meaning of the verbal message. This is one of the functions of nonverbal messages as.

A. repeating

B. regulating

C. complementing

D. accenting

20. of the fllowing categories of gestures,____ are perhaps the most important category, for they are intentional behaviours with widely agreed meanings in a society.

A. affect displays

B. adapters

C. regulators

D. emblems

II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There is more than one correet answer to each question.(10%)

21. Anthropological culture emphasizes the          of a population.

A. customs

B. habits

C. materials

D. behavioral patterns

22. Harmonious relationships between           were emphasized in traditinal Chinese culture.

A. man and nature

B. individuals

C. individuals and society

D. men and women

23. Which of the following words have derivational morphemes?

A. Incomplete.

B. Quicker.

C. Establishment.

D. Worker.

24. "Good moming”can be used in English speaking counties when people__

A. greet each other in the moming

B. have just been introduced to each other

C. bid farewell to each other in the morming

D. are not really concerned about the hearer's health

25. Which of the following proverbs are related to religion?

A. Man proposes, God disposes.

B. Each cross hath its own inscription.



26. Similes can be found in the sentence“           

A. My hands are as cold as ice

B. His words stabbed at her heart

C. That young man is a bear at mathematics .

D. Pop loked so unhappy, almost like a child who has lost his piece of candy

27. Questions such as“           ” should be avoided when conversing with English speakers.

A. Are you married or single

B. Are you a Republican or a Democrat

C. Where are you from

D. Do you go to church

28. The logical relationships between adjoining sentences can be clasified into:____ and adversative relations.

A. additive

B. causal .

C. temporal

D. comparative

29. Of the following words or expressions,           ,are used in British English.

A. mackintosh

B. schedule

C. lecturer

D. math

30. Which of the following belong to primary trritory?

A. Theatre seats.

B. Personal offices.

C. Mother's kitchen.

D. One's own room at home.

II. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)

31. Intercultural communication is concerned with communication among people from           cultural backgrounds.

32. The Chinese equivalent for“rest room" is“___” rather than“休息室".

33. It is often said that English is a language with.           grammar and Chinese a language with implicit grammar.

34. In vocatives,           names are used to suggest familiarity between the addresser and the addressee.

35. An idiom is a construction, expression, etc, having a meaning different from the literal one or not according to the usual            of the language.

36. A metaphor is a(n),           comparison between two or more unlike things.

37. In English culture, anything related to           are taboos, for example, people's age,income, political and religious beliefs, etc.

38. If the sentences in a text are linked by meaning alone, we say they exhibit____, as ilustrated in the following example:

A: Could you give me a lif home?

B: Sorry, I'm visiting my sister.

39. Technical terms, such as“Mercury", “Venus", “Earth", “Jupiter" are derived from Greco-Roman           

40. We frequently replace felt emotions with emotions thought to be more appropriate.

Through,            we try to hide such emotions as jealousy, dsappointmnent, btess, etc.

IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)

41. How would you interpret the statement that language is uniquely human?

42.“叔”and“伯”in Chinese correspond to only one word“uncle" in English. How would you interpret the contrast in regards to culture?

43. Why are passive sentences frequently preferred in EST (English for science and technology)?

44. What contrasts can you find between English and Chinese touching behaviours between males and females?

V. Translation. (18%)





49. There are lees to every wine. (Note: translate it with a Chinese proverb.)

50. Do not wear out your welcome.

VI. Discuss the following topics. (20%)

51. Compare the following pair of sentences, and find out the grammatical contrast between English and Chinese as manifested in them.

a) We are students.


52. Use the following two examples to discuss cross-cultural similarities and differences in similes and metaphors between English and Chinese.

a) He's as strong as a horse.他力大如牛。

b) One look at his face and we realized that a thunderstorm was about to break.-看他的臉色,我們就意識(shí)到一場(chǎng)彝風(fēng)雨即將來(lái)臨。








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