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普通專(zhuān)升本 責(zé)任編輯:管理員 2023-06-05



Part I Reading Comprehension (60 marks, 60 minutes) Section A Passage Reading (每小題 2 分,共 50 分 )

Format I

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked А, B, с, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet. (40 points)

Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

Distinctive handmade products showing Chinese culture and art have proved popular at the 2023 China Cross--Border E-Commerce Trade Fair (中國(guó)跨境電商交易會(huì)) that opened on March 18 in Fuzhou,

East China's Fujian Province.

Handmade items have been a very popular category in cross-border e-commerce trade and there is a rise in the interest in Chinese cultural items overseas, says Huang Chaoying, head of communication work with the three-day fair.

"We 've attracted more than 100 handmade enterprises to the fair this year,"Huang says.

"A considerable number of items carry Chinese cultural messages," he adds.

Dou Weiyong with Fuyue Daily Necessities Manufacturing Co. , based in Shaowu, Fujian Province, has been contacted by many international buyers,

Many international buyers, especially those from Europe, have shown great interest in our bamboo products," Dou says. It is the second time he has joined the fair.

"We have three booths (攤位) exhibiting our products this year, as opposed to just one we had last year, and we have also increased the varieties of our products," says Dou.

Zhang Bin from Beijing Meida Technology Co. was also surrounded by visitors at the fair asking about details of the delicate works featuring the country' s palatial art ( 宮廷藝術(shù) ) from the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.

"We joined the fair to have a try, and the feedback has been very positive," Zhang says.

"Next, we will bring more products featuring traditional Chinese culture and related elements to the overseas market," Zhang says.

1. What products were shown at the 2023 China Cross- Border E-Commerce Trade Fair ?

A. Imported products.

B.Handmade products.

C.Technological products.

D.Mass-produced products.

2.Which is true about handmade items in cross-border e-commerce trade according to Huang Chaoying?

A.They are as popular as before.

B.There are not enough booths for them.

C.Fewer enterprises are interested in them.

D.Fewer international buyers show interest in them.

3. What was featured in the delicate works presented by Beijing Meida Technology Co.? 

A. Folk art.

B.Palatial art.

C.Modern art.

D.Religious art.

4. What does Beijing Meida Technology Co. plan to do at the next trade fair?

A.To reduce its supply of bamboo products,

B.To maintain its supply of handmade items.

C.To withdraw its supply of handmade items.

D.To increase its supply of products carrying Chinese cultural messages.

5. What is the author' s attitude towards the handmade products?

A. Positive.

C. Critical.

B. Negative.

D. Indifferent.

Passage Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.

One morning, when the employees of a company arrived ,at work, they received a message:“The person stopping you from succeeding in the company has passed away. Please gather for funeral service in the meeting room."

While there was some sadness among the employees at the unexpected news of the death of their co-worker, they were curious to know who was stopping them from succeeding. Moreover, most of them were now interested in the possibility of moving up and succeeding in the company.

Many employees were shocked to find all their co-workers still present and very much alive when they entered the meeting room. “l(fā)f it wasn't him or her, then who? Who was holding us back from succeeding? Who has passed away?" they all thought.

The employees went to the coffin (棺材) one by one, and each was at a loss when they saw what was inside. They could not make sense of what they were seeing.

There was only a mirror in the coffin. So, when each employee looked in to see who were“holding them back from success," they saw themselves. Besides, there was a sign next to the mirror that read:

You are the only person who can limit your 'growth. You are the only person who is capable of creating your success. It is not the situations and people that change your life, the way you face different situations and people in life makes the difference. Your life will change when you overstep your limiting beliefs and realize you are in control of your life. You now know who has been preventing you from reaching your full potential (潛力). Will you continue to let that person hold you back.

6.What were most of the employees now interested in?

A.moving up in the company

B.The unexpected death of their co-worker.

C.The possibility of succeeding in the company.

D.The funeral service they were invited to attend.

7. The employees were shocked at the fact that____ when they entered the meeting room.

A.there was a co-worker holding them back

B.all of them got a message about the funeral service

C.all of their co-workers were present and much alive

D.there was a coffin in the center of the meeting room

8. What does the underlined phrase“make sense of”probably mean in Para. 4?

A. Feel.




9. What did the employees see inside the coffin?

A. Nothing.

B.Only a sign.

C.A co-worker.

D.A mirror and a sign.

10. Which can be the best title of this passage? 

A. An empty coffin.

B.A sad funeral service.

C.The person passing away.

D.The person holding you back.

Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage

There are a few things you should keep in mind when you talk to your professors, especially if you ask for a particular favor.

Call them by the right title. A “Doctor” is someone with a Ph. D.; not all professors have a Ph.D.“Professor” is usually acceptable, unless you have been told otherwise. I prefer to be called by my first name, and I make that point clear on the first day of my class. If you are totally unsure, a“Mf," or“Ms.” is usually fine. Do not use“Mrs.” unless the professor herself uses it; it is time to recognize that not all adult women are or want to be married.

Be prepared to do the work. If you have missed an assignment or a test or are falling behind in your reading, and you are seeking help to catch up or a special dispensation ( 豁免 ) to make up the assignment, you had better be prepared to do the work - and generally under more difficult conditions. I get the impression that a lot of students imagine I might just say “don't worry about it, I'll give you the points anyway. " This, of course, is not going to happen.

Prepare for disappointment. So often a professor will not or cannot help you. Your professor probably spent hours writing his or her syllabus ( 課程大綱 ), and probably spent another hour explaining it to you at the beginning of the class, so he or she has invested a lot in the rules. They especially hate it when you do not do an assignment and then ask for a way to make it up. Your only choice might be to shift into damage control, see what you can do, and ask honestly if you should continue in the class.

As a general rule, professors respect true interest. They will go out of their way to help if they feel that you are honestly interested in doing well.

11. Which title is usually acceptable for a student to call a teacher at a university? 

A. Doctor.


C.Mr. or Mrs.

D.First name.

12. As a university student who has missed a test, you had better___

A.ask for a particular favor

B.ask for an easy makeup test

C.get prepared to work harder

D.seek help from your professor

13. Professors hate it when students do not do an assignment and then ask for a way to make it up, for they have already____ 

A. explained the syllabus

B.invested much in the rules

C.finished writing their syllabus

D.prepared to disappoint their students

14. What will professors do when they feel that you are really interested in doing well? 

A. Offer you help as much as possible.

B.Require you to catch up with others

C.Ask you to get prepared for the work.

D.Give you the points you want to have.

15. What can you infer from the passage?

A.We can often use "Mrs." for women professors.

B.The ,author is likely to give the points as the students wish.

C.You should drop out of the class when you fail to do an assignment.

D, Students should follow some advice when dealing with their professors.

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

Imagine there is a small fire in your kitchen. Your fire 'alarm goes off, warning everyone nearby about the danger. Someone calls 911.You try to put the fire out yourself- maybe you even have a fire extinguisher (滅火器) in the kitchen.If that does not work, you know how to safely leave. By the time you get outside, a fire truck is already pulling up.Firefighters use the hydrant (消防栓) in front of your house to extinguish the fire before any of your neighbors' homes are ever at risk of catching fire.

We need to prepare to fight disease outbreaks just as we prepare to fight fires. If a fire is left to bum out of control, it becomes a threat not only to one home but to an entire community. The same is true for infectious ( 傳染的 ) diseases, except on a much bigger scale. As we know all too well from Covid-19, an outbreak in one town can quickly spread across an entire country and then around the world.

When the World Health Organization first described Covid-19 as a pandemic just over three years ago, it marked a collective failure to prepare for pandemics, despite many warnings. And I worry that we are making the same mistakes again. The world has not done as much to get ready for the next pandemic as I had hoped. But it is not too late to stop history from repeating itself. The world needs a well-funded system that is ready, to act immediately when danger appears. We need a fire department for pandemics.

I am optimistic about a network called the Global Health Emergency Corps (全球衛(wèi)生應(yīng)急聯(lián)盟) that the WHO and its partners are ,building. This network of the world's top health emergency leaders will work together to get ready for the next pandemic. Just as firefighters run drills to practice responding to a fire, the Emergency Corps plans to run drills to practice for outbreaks. The exercises will make sure that everyone governments, health care providers, emergency health workers- knows what to do when a potential outbreak appears.

16. What is the relationship between pandemics and fires according to the author? 

A. Pandemics are not as dangerous as fires.

B.Fires are easier to control than pandemics.

C.Both can quickly spread across an entire country.

D.Both pose a threat to a community if left uncontrolled.

17. As for pandemics,the author is worried that____.

A.they are not dangerous than fires

B.Firefighters are not trained to respond to them

C.the world is not doing enough to prepare for them 

D. the Global Health Emergency Corps will not be successful

18. What is the Global Health Emergency Corps?

A.An organization that provides funding for medical research.

B.A program to train firefighters to respond to health emergencies.

C. A new technology launched by WHO to extinguish fires more efficiently

D. A network of top health emergency leaders preparing for the next pandemic

19. What is the purpose of running drill for outbreaks? 

A.To ensure everyone knows what to do.

B.To ask people to take health measures.

C.To find an effective cure for pandemics.

D.To test fire extinguishers in case of a fire.

20. What is the main idea of the passage?

A.We should always have a fire extinguisher in our kitchen:

B.Covid-19 was not described as a pandemic over three years ago.

C.The world needs to prepare for pandemics as we prepare for fires.

D. Firefighters should work together with health care providers during pandemics.

Format ll

Directions: In the following passage, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 21-25, choose the most suitable one from the List A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit into any of 'the gaps. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 marks)

Positive social connections are very important to your heath and happiness. You might have found that your friendship circles become smaller as you have gotten older, but it is not too late to reconnect with old friends again and even make some new ones. Here are some suggestions.

21.____To whom from your past would you most enjoy being closer? The answer could be friends,X former co-workers, family members, even people you have met just once or twice but with whom you were ,highly impressed. Put them in order, and contact them one by one.

22.____Today, email and social networks such as Facebook have become a wonderful way of reconnecting with long-lost friends and co-workers. Write a short note saying hello, making sure that the address is correct, and asking if it is okay if you send a longer note. Who can turn down such an online offer?

23.____As ,you begin to make social connections, new or old, you are going to be asked a lot of questions about you, your recent past and your plans for the future. Think about them 'and work on your answers ahead of time.' This will greatly increase your confidence and will help you to focus on giving out positive messages.

24. ____Do you play the drum? Join the town band. Do you love the theatre? Volunteer to play a role on stage. Have you a special skill or collection? Find others with the same interests.

25.____For example, if you see a neighbor, walk over and chat for a few minutes. Stay after church services, classes or work and chat with people you know. Have a short conversation with local shop owners for a while. Talk to shoppers at the supermarket who are buying the same products as you are.

You may find that these little conversations are great fun and build up your confidence.

A. Make a list.

B.Get rid of shyness.

C.Build up your confidence.

D.Use the Internet to reconnect,

E.Do lots of little conversations.

F.Prepare your self-introduction.

G.Turn a hobby into a social activity.

Section B Banked Cloze(每小題 1 分,共 10 分)

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Please blacken the corresponding litter for each item -on The

Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. (10 marks)

Fire officials say two boys saved two young children from a burning mobile home in central Florida.

Ten-year-old Isiah Francis and 1l-year-old Jeremiah Grimes_ 26_ into a neighbor's home around 11:30 a.m. Tuesday in Orange County after a_ 27_ broke out and Saved a 1-year-old and an


Isiah and Jeremiah say the smoke inside the home was so thick they could_ 28_ see.

“I was really frightened because I thought I was going to get_ 29_ ,” Isiah told CBS station in Orlando. “I was nervous because there was so much_ 30_ it was hard for me to see."

Fire officials say two other children, aged 2 and 5, who live in the home, were injured. One was taken to the _31_ in a medical plane. They were both in dangerous but stable_32_ at Arnold Palmer


Orange County Fire Rescue says a_ 33_ of four children and their father were in the home when the fire broke out.

The_ 34_ of the fire has not been found out, but it is believed to have stared on the stove.

CBS reports investigators (調(diào)查員) are_ 35_ K to determine why the father did not get all the kids out, and what was on the stove that caused the fire to start.

Isiah said he has dreams of becoming a firefighter some day.

A. swam B. rushed C. burned D. trying

E. fire F. asking G. cinema H. almost

I. cause J. hardly K. smoke L. total

M. condition N. team O. hospital

Part II Integrated Testing (30 points, 30 minutes)

Section A Cloze (每小題 1 分,共 20 分)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage, Then blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet. (20 points)

Have you heard of Daylight Saving Time (DST, 夏令時(shí))? It is a system used to make__ 36_ use of the longer daylight_ 37_ during the summer months. The idea is_ 38 the clocks forward by one hour_ 39_ the spring and_ 40__ back again by one hour in the fall, _41_ people more daylight hours during their_ 42_ hours. The most important_ 43_ of DST is to reduce power usage by taking advantage_ 44_ the longer periods of natural daylight.

Time changes can have a big influence on _45_ patterns, particularly for the spring DST shift when clocks are moved forward_ 46_ one hour. The shift to DST can affect sleep patterns for several days _47_ the body gets used to the new time schedule. This is because the clock inside the body,_ 48_ regulates sleep-wake cycles, is tied to daylight and_ 49_ . When the time changes, it can_ 50_ several days for the body to get used to the_ 51_ schedule.

Research has shown_52_ the spring DST shift, in particular, can_ 53_ to an increase in sleep disorder, daytime sleepiness and tiredness, This is_ 54 people lose an hour of sleep, which can break their sleep_ 55 and lead to difficulty falling asleep or waking up earlier than usual.

36. A. better B. worse C.bigger D. smaller

37. A. seconds B. minutes C. hours D. years

38. A. move B. moves C. moved D. to move

39. A.on B. in C.at D. to

40. A. then B. soon C. after D. before

41. A. give B. gave C. gives D. giving

42. A. waking B. playing C. sleeping D. relaxing

43. A. way B. step C. goal D. process

44. A.in B. of C. on D. at

45. A. work B. sleep C. eating D. reading

46. A. by B. in C. for D. with

47. A. if B. as C. but D. although

48. A. that B. who C. when D. which

49. A. cloud B. darkness C. sunshine D. brightness

50. A. have B. pass C. take D. spend

51. A. new B. slow C. busy D. lazy

52. A. that B. what C. which D. whether

53. A. get B. come C. lead D. result

54. A. but B. for C. since D. because 55. A. bed B. room C. cycle D. method

非選擇題部分注意事項(xiàng): 用黑色字跡的簽宇筆或鋼筆將答案寫(xiě)在答題紙上,不能答在試題卷上.

Section B Short Answer Questions (每小題 2 分,共 10 分)

Directions: In this part there is a short passage followed by five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements with no more than 10 words. Please write your answers on The Answer Sheet. (10 points)

A simple message has helped carry Emily Sue Snyder, 32, 'out of her darkest hours, including hopelessness, domestic violence and a suicide attempt. Now, she is sharing the encouraging expression with anyone who can receive it: "You are enough.

Snyder, a hairstylist (發(fā)型師) and mother of two young sons living in Tulsa, Oklatorma, makes it her daily mission to remind others of their value.

“You' re always enough; it doesn't matter if you' re at your lowest point," Snyder told USA TODAY.“You're sill enough to be worthy."

Nearly a decade after trying to take her own life, she began leaving small handwritten motivational (勵(lì)志的) notes in gas stations, grocery stores' - "almost anywhere I went,' she said.

Conversations about mental health struggles during the pandemic inspired her to, spread the positive messages, such as hey, you re doing a great job!" or you are loved."

People would share the cards online as they found them. This warmed Snyder's heart, she said.

Her efforts to spread kindness- and the size of her cards - grew in March of 2021, when Snyder put on a red coat during rush hour in the middle of Sapulpa, Oklahoma. She stood on a corner alone for two hours holding a large bright. -green poster that read "you are enough." The outpouring of love from passersby flooded her, she said.

"The thing that really got me was the teenagers and kids that rolled down their car windows to tell me they love me," Snyder recalled. "It made me realize everybody needs something positive and a little bit of hope in their lives."

She calls her mission "Stay Another Day: Suicide Prevention and Awareness."

Last month, she was "shocked' that a group' of 25 joined her recent sign-holding event.

"People are really eager to be part of the movement to let people know they' re loved," she said.

56. What is the expression that has helped Snyder out of her darkest hours?

57. The most important thing for Snyder to do every day is to ____.

58. Where did Snyder leave her encouraging notes?

59. What did the outpouring of love from the passersby make Snyder realize?

60. Why did a group of 25 people join her recent sign-holding event?

Part II Translation (30points, 30minutes) (每小題 3 分,共 30 分)

Section A Chinese-English Translation

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese expressions given in the brackets. Please write your translation on The Answer Sheet. (15 points)

61.Let's_____(盡力而為) for the success of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

62. When Tom heard the funny story, he____.(禁不住大笑起來(lái)).

63. The guide asked us whether_____(我們參觀(guān)過(guò) the museum.

64. The more successful he became,______(他感到越幸福)

65. It's never____(為時(shí)過(guò)早) to start planning for your future.

Section B English-Chinese Translation

Directions: Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the following passage. Please write your translation on The Answer Sheet, (15 points)

The quality of sleep you achieve can directly influence your health and everyday happiness; it is therefore highly important to do everything possible to ensure a good night's sleep. 66. For many people such factors as sound, light and heat can all affect sleep, and for those living in a city these factors may become more serious. In order to get the good night's sleep required, in the central area of a busy noisy city, here are some simple tips to follow.

Being surrounded by the liveliness' of a city can mean an increase in noise, whether it is from traffic or 'the people in the room next door. In order to ensure you remain in a deep sleep throughout the night 67. it is important to ensure your bedroom is as quiet as possible. Where soundproofing ( PFH ?) may seem extreme, there are small changes which can help to reduce sound levels.

68. Bookshelves can be excellent for absorbing noise through the walls, but for smaller apartments this may not be the ideal solution. Fans, televisions or radios are another great measure to reduce harm from sound in a room.

For reducing noise levels from the street, hanging heavier curtains will help to lessen the sound, while having small impact on the overall beauty of the room. If such changes are not possible or space is restricted, then 69. buying a pair of ear plugs could be the simplest way to reduce noise for a good sleep, at night.

The natural light and dark cycle directly influences sleep, letting the human body know 70. when it is time to wake up and when it should be sleeping. City central locations tend .to have a huge increase in man-made light, which in turn can impact the quality of sleep and prevent falling into a deep sleep.

Part IV Writing (30 points, 30minutes) (每小題 30 分,共 30 分)

Directions: For this par, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Eating in the Classroom. You should write about 120 words. following the outline given below. Please write your composition on The Answer Sheet. (30 points)

















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