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普通專升本 責(zé)任編輯:管理員 2022-10-25







Part I Reading Comprehension (60 points, 60mintuets)

SectionA Passage Reading (每小題2 分,共50分)

Format 1

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For cach of them there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding ltter on the Answer Sheet. (40 points)

Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

When 1 was young, my family was so poor that we even picked wild vegetables to eat. I started playing soccer at primary school, but I quit after several months because my grandmother was worried we wouldn't be able to afford treatment if 1 got injured. My PE teacher visited my family to persuade me to continue because he thought 1 was a good player. He even bought me a bike to ride to the training venue. Eventually, my mom agreed.

I became a professional player on the provincial women's team based in Guangzhou,Guangdong province. Although 1 flew all over the country for games, I was a new member, so I had few opportunities to get on the field. When I was 25, I chose to leave.

I used to sell clothes, watches and propety. I wanted to be a teacher, so I regretted not finishing college. However, I got my bachelor's in 2020 and am now a PE teacher at a primary school. I also have a 13-year-old daughter. Except for during my pregnancy, I always played soccer. A month after giving birth to my daughter, my mother and 1 took the baby to watch the others play. At the field, I couldn't help but put on some boots and join them. My mom told me not to run, so 1 said I'd just kick the ball for a while.

My husband supports me playing. the sport. He practices with me and helps me analyze tactics (戰(zhàn)術(shù)) after games. Last year, when I was completing in the National Games, he told netizen that one of the players was his wife while watching a live stream (直播) of the game on social media.

The games last year saw the best result of my soccer career. Now, I want to teach my students about the sport's spirit of unity and not giving up.

1. Who persuaded her to continue her soccer training?

A. Her PE teacher.

B. Her grandmother.

C. Her mom.

D. Her husband.

2. Why did I choose to leave the provincial women's team?

A. Because I felt tired.

B. Because I wanted to have a baby.

C. Because I wanted to go to college. D. Because I didn't have enough chances to play games.

3. What does the underlined word "pregnancy" in Paragraph 3?

A. Working hours.

B. School years.

C. Having an unbom child.

D. Holiday.

4. We can infer from the passage that her husband's atude toward her soccer career is_

A. Respectful

B. disapproving

C. Disliking

D. Supportive

5. What does she want to teach her students now?

A. History of soccer.

B. Spirit of sccer.

C. Tactics of a soccer game.

D. Knowledge about socer.

Passage Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

American students had been leamning from home for more than a year during the pandemic(全球疫情) .When they retumned to in-person leaming, teachers began to see more bchavioral problems.

Sarah Potpinka is an art teacher. She said, "Coming back into the building a lot of kids fell out of the good habits they had built up in previous years." She saw more fights and arguments among students. Some refused to wear the required face coverings. Other students broke school rules by leaving in the middle of class to meet up with friends.

"Obviously throughout this pandemic, the students spent a lot of time at home and because of that they lack in those social skills," said Danielle Trejo. She is a school counsclor (FAM )in Austin,Texas.

Bad behavior among students is part of what experts are calling a mental health crisis among children. Childhood depression is also a serious problem. A group of mental health organizations says that one in three students reported feeling lonely or hopcless. Half of all mental ilness appears by the age of 14 but few students get the services they need.

Richard Douglas is a school psychologist at Putnam High School with over 30 years of experience. He feels school officials provide enough support to deal with the crisis at Putnam. For the school of around just 250 students, there is also a counselor, social worker, and two recently hired interventionists. Interventionists help identifiy learning and bchavioral problems among students.

But many school systems around the U.S. say they need more psychologists and counselors.The Hopeful Futures Campaign report says most American states do not provide enough resources for mental health support in schools.

Only Idabo and the District of Columbia go beyond the nationally recommended number of one psychologist for every 500 students. In some states, including West Virginia, Missouri, Texas and Gcorgia, there is only one school psychologist for over 4,000 students.

6. Teachers began to notice more behavioral problems.

A. when students began learning from home during the pandemic

B. When students tried to seek help from a psychologist

C. when students came back to learn face to face

D. when students felt lonely

7. Which of the following is considered good behavior for students according to the passage?

A. Having fights and arguments.

B. Wearing the required face coverings.

C. Helping those who suffer from loneliness.

D. Leaving in the middle of class to meet up with friends.

8. What is the role of intervention according to the passage?

A. To offer students financial support.

B. To keep students engaged in schoolwork.

C. To give medical help to students who have mental ilness.

D. To help find out students' learing and bchavioral problems.

9. How many psychologists are needed for 4000 students according to the nationally recommended number?





10. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to improve in-person learning.

B. How to proteet oneself during pandemic.

C. How to deal with mental health crisis in schools.

D. How to identify students' mental health problems.

Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the fllowing passage:

Buying an clctric car (電動車) instcad of a gasoline-powered car (燃油車) is a good way to fight climate change, but what if you already have a gasoline-powered car that's working actually fine? Should you sell it and go elecric? Whart's the best way to reduce your carbon emission (排放)if when it comes to gtting where you need to go?

Kenneth Gillingham, a professor of economic at Yale, says that there are multiple factors to consider when it comes to your transportation choices. Producing new cars and transporting them contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, so its important to consider that when you're thinking about this issue-even though research has shown producing an electrie vehicle is less harmful to the environment than producing a gas-powered vehicle. If you have a car that's really fuel fficient, he.its probably finc to just keep it for a whilc.

On the other hand, it is good to help increase demand for electric vehicles. "In this stage of electric vehicle development, it is really beneficial to have demand for electric vehicles to show the automakers there is a market here and they really can shift 90 percent of their research and development dollars toward electric vehicles and people will buy them." Gilffigham says.

Beyond the issue of what kind of car you own or might soon buy, it's also important to consider how you're using your car and if you need a car at all. Driving less reduces air pollution, especially when replaced by walking or biking. And using public transport also helps reduce how much you're contributing to climate change.

But there is a big debate over if using ride services is better or worse for the environment than driving your own car somewhere. All researchers seem to agree that it is worse because drivers spend over 40 percent of their time driving without a passenger while they're in between trips.

11. Which of the fllowing is a good way to help fight climate change?( )

A. Trying to drive an electric car wherever we go.

B. Buying an ectrie car rather than a gasoline-powered car.

C. Selling our gasoline-powered cars even though they are not working very well

D. Keeping our gasoline-powered cars even though they are not working very well.

12. What is an important consideration about transportation choices according to Paragraph 2?

A. Taking public transport is the best choice.

B. Producing and transporting cars can cause gas emissions.

C. Producing a gas-powered vehicle is less harmful than an electric car.

D. Walking or riding a bike contributes less carbon emission than driving a car.

13. Which of the following is the best way to reduce carbon emission when you go ou?

A. To walk or ride a bike.

B. To drive an electrie car.

C. To use public transport

D. To drive a gasoline-powered car.

14.Which of the following is NOT included in the ises for consideration in order to protect the environment? ( )

A. The price of your car

C. The way to use your car

B. The kind of car you own

D. The kind of car you want to buy.

15. What is the topic of this passage?( )

A. The importance of increasing demand for electric cars.

B. A comparison between elecric and gas-powered cars.

C. Both advantages and dis advantages of an electric car.

D. The relationship between transportation choices and gas emission.

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

When you prepare a speech, you should remember that there is no way to satisfy the needs of all the listeners. Audiences, large or small, are complex and have different requirements when receiving and digesting information, which needs to be considered at the planning stage of your presentation.

Adapting your specch based on your audiences size should be one of the first things for you to do. Large audiences often have litle or no audience participation (參與),so you need to ensure that your speech is long enough to fill the time required. It's also much harder to get the atention of a larger group of people so your tone and body language is more important than ever and maintaining cye contact with as many individuals around the room is necessary to keep them interested. For smaller audiences, they more relaxed and often have more opportunities to take part in a conversation. This means you'll need to have time for opportunities or comments throughout the spech.

The second difficulty to experience in making a speech in that you naturally have lots of different types of people in the room that learn and take in information in many different ways.

Generally speaking, there are 4 different ways in which people leam: watching, listening, reading,and writing. By including elements of cach learning style, your speech will engage more of your audience.

Another way in which you'll need to adapt your speech is whether you are talking to other experts in the same field, or to beginners or an audience with limited knowledge about the topic.

The most efective way to do this is to create the version(版本) of your speech that have quite different content. Otherwise, both experts and beginners may lose interest.

No matter how much you prepare and adapt your content, you may find yourself in a situation where you are losing audience engagement during your speech. It's necessary that you

read and act on such signals.

16. What should you consider when you plan your presentation?

A.The size of the audience.

B.The way of making a speech.

C.The body language you will use.

D.The audiences' different requirements about information.

17. Which of the following should you NOT do when giving a speech to a large audience?

A. Prepare a speech long enough.

B. Pay atention to your tone and body language.

C. Ask the audience as many questions as possible.

D. Try to maintain cye contact with as many pcople as possible.

18. What should you do to enable a small audience to participate in a speech?

A.Use your body language.

B.Make the speech more formal.

C.Maintain cye contact with them.

D. Give them time to ask questions or make comments.

19. What should you do when you find the listeners are no longer interested in the speech?

A.End the speech.

B.Adapt the speech.

C.Continue the spech.

D.Ignore audiences response.

20. What's the main idea of the passage?

AA good speaker should adapt to different audiences.

B. A good speaker can satisfy the needs of all the audiences.

C.A good speaker can always get the altention of audiences.

D. A good speaker should prepare the same information for all kinds of audiences.

Format II

Directions: In the following passage, some sentences have been removed. For questions 21-25,choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into cach of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit into any of the gaps. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding ltter on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)

In our daily life, it is very important to build trust in interpersonal relations. Here are some suggestions about how to do that.

21._____ .Maintaining eye contact when somcone is talking will help build trust because it shows genuine interest, but that's hard to do if you keep glancing at your phone.

22._____You might only be crossing your arms and legs, say, because you're cold, but that position can also be understood as an unconscious way to defend yourself, so it is not good for building trust. Make sure your body looks open - you'll look more open to hearing others' thoughts.

23.______ Sitting behind a desk creates another barrier that could make the person you're talking to put his or her own walls up. During class, a teacher can encourage his or her students to voice their opinions by stting at a table with them.

Just smile and nod. Nodding and smiling while someone is talking shows you're listening,which indicates you're interested in what the person is saying. Just don't be too cheesy (刻意的)Using smile and nod too often will make you seem less genuine.

24._____ Stting in a higher chair than other people indicates you have control over thenm--which is great if you want to seem more powerful, but not so good if you're trying to build trust. In a similar way, stting in the middle of the conference table instead of at the end helps other people to express better ideas.

25._____ .Sonetimes taking notes is ncessary when you're talking with other people,but make sure it doesn't get in the way of your eye contact. If you're constantly witing down what the person says, that person could start feel uncomfortable.

A. Taking notes constantly.

B. Don't sit behind a desk.

C. Limit your note taking.

D. Put your phonc down

E. Uncross your arms and legs.

F. Come down to their level.

G. Don't sit side by side.

Section B Banked Cloze (每小題1分,共10分)

Direetions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to sclect one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Please march the corresponding ltter for each item in the Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. (10 points)

With Mother's day 2022 coming, up shortly,many have already tumed their focus and thoughts toward the moms,aunts, grandmothers and others who have 26_____ a big difference in their lives - and helped them become the people they are today.

Princhas Taylor in Florida shared the 27_____ his own mother has had on his life. He said that his mom, Linda, "taught me that if you want something, you need to fight 28_____ Never give up."

"She always went out of her way to have fun with with us. She encouraged my brother and me in the things we were 29_____ in. We didn't have much money growing 30_____ ,but my mom would regularly 31 her own comforts and even needs to make sure we would have new clothes for school, birthday parties or a chance to go at least a few weeks to summer camp. She had a 32_____ fear of cockroaches (蟑螂) . If there was one in the home, she would 33_____ and empty an entire container of Raid trying to spray it while it ran through the house." He told us.

"Looking 34_____ now, with an adult's perspective," he added, "I can sce the eforts were nothing short or heroic." He also said, "Mother's Day is an excellent opportunity to reawaken our 35_____ to our mothers, which we should have year-mind."

A. back

B. interested

C. made

D. great

E. curious

F. formed

G. scream

H. down

I. up

J. gratitude

K. for

L. impact

M. from

N. ffet

O. Sacrifice

Part I Integrated Testing (30 points, 30mintuets)

Seetion A Cloze (每小題1分,共20分)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. You should choose the ONE that fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding ltter on the Answer Sheet. (20 point)

Scott Rozelle was bom on a farm located in Los Angeles, Califormia in 1955_ 36 a fifth-generation Califomian. His father was an agricultural economist who_ 37 a commercial agricultural business magazine that_ 38 introduced agriculture to him. At the time,_ 39 high schools in the country could_40 Chinese classes to students; however, since the U.S.govermment made_ 41 to increase Chinese language education even before its diplomatic relations with China were set up again, Rozelle was able to_ 42 Chinese at his own junior high school in1966, at the_ 43 of 12. In 1974, Rozelle was completing his undergraduate studics at Cornell University 44 eventually stayed in Taiwan for three years through a student_ 45program, although he originally planned to stay there for_ 46 _three months.

As China-United States relations were becoming_ 47 in 1979, Rozelle received a B.S. degree from the Hass School of Business_ 48 the University of Califormia, Berkeley. While he was working toward his Masters at Comell in1982, Rozelle.49 .to do researches regarding "the system of contract labor in rural areas" in Shandong, China through applying_ 50 the fiund by the United States National Science Foundation._ 51 , the plan was not sccessful. Rozelle_ 52 up leaving school temporarily to work__ 53 two years later he was_54 to China by Cornell as an instructor of Western economics upon recciving an.55 from Nanjing Agricultural University.

36.A with


C. as


37. A. owned

B. borrowed

C. explained

D. played

38 A. hopefully

B. initially

C. obviously

D. finally

39 A. a litle

B. a few

C. lttle

D. few

40 A. propose

B. create

C. train

D. provide

41 A. goods

B. habits

C. experiments

D. eforts

42 A. learn

B. explain

C. use

D. get .

43A. age

B year

C number

D time

44A. so

B until

C because

D but

45 A. change

B trade

C communication

D exchange

46 A. most

B only

C next

D all

47 A. usual

B worse

C normal

D standard

48A at



D over

49 A tempted

B developed

C atempted

D jumped

50A. for

Bon .

c up

D with

51 A. While

B Nevertheless

C Therefore

D Meanwhile

52A. ended

B got

C grew

D gave

53A. for

B in

C until

D at


B lent

C called

D sent

55 A. interview

B invitation

C example

D order




Section B Short Answer Questions (每小題2分,共10分)

Directions : In this par, there is a short passage followed by five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements with no more than 10 words. Please write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)

A man wondered if his wife had a hearing problem. One night he stood bchind her while she sat reading and asked, "Honey, can you hear me?" There was no response, so he moved closer."Honey, can you hear me?" There was still no response , so he moved right bchind her.

"Honey,can you hear me?" "For the third time - yes!"The inability to bear and understand spoken language is one of the most significant sensors issues that afect older adults. Hearing loss may result from perceptual (感知的) problems in the brain itself. Training programs, such as learming to spech read, can help older adults optimize (優(yōu)化) the hearing they do have.

The joke at the beginning shows an important truth about age-related hearing loss: the person with problem may be the last one to admit it. Many individuals who begin to struggle with hearing loss go through a period of denial; after all, it's casier to tell yourself that other people speak unclearly than it is to confront a significant listening problem. Left untreated, the social isolation created by age-rclated hearing loss can negatively affect an older adul's quality life.

It may come as a surprise to learn that baby boomers(生育高峰出生的人),the first generation exposed to loud music on a regular basis, may actually have better hearing than their parents' generation. This could be due to a decline in smoking rates, lower rates of employment in industrial jobs, and a greater use of hearing protection. However, their own children may not be as fortune, given the tendency of teenagers to listen to music via carphones at high volume.

56. Who had a hearing problem in the joke?

57. What can help older adults optimizc the hearing they have?

58. How do many older adults respond to hearing loss at first?

59. Baby boomers have__ hearing than their parents.

60. Why are baby boomers' children not so fortunate?

Part II Translation (30 points, 30 minutes) (每小題3分,共30分)

Section A Chinese-English Translation

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.

Please write your translation on the Answer Sheet. (15 points)

61.__________ (人們認為)that he has his eye on the 2024 presidential elction.

62. He is very familiar with this story, so he must_______________(讀過那本書).

63. Hangzhou,which_______________(以西湖聞名)ttracts people all over the world.

64. Were I you,_______________(我會告訴他事實)。

65. No sooner_______________(我回到家lthan it began to rain.

Section B English-Chinese Translation

Directions: Translate into English the underlined scentences in the fllowing passage. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. (15 points)

66. Ir's often said that reading and ollcting books are two different hobbies- and buying books can get expensive. Charity ( 慈善) shops are one solution, especially if you aren't looking

for new books.

The emergence of online charity shops makes it even easier to find books when you're looking for something specific. 67. If you're stuggling for space. why not return books to them

after reading?

Libraries are also a great resource. However, it can be difficult to fin time to visit and the pandemic has often shortened their opening hours. There's a simple solution. Many libraries now have online offerings, from c-books to audio books to magazines. All you need is your library card.

You can even request books and they'll be automatically downloaded to your phone when ready. 68. In this way, you can save space and limit youw spending. You can also support libraries and authors.

This does tie your reading ability to your phone's charge and could increase your screen timc.But it's also a great way to associate reading with something you already use, alongside providing free access to books. 69. The library system also encourages immediate reading rather than an endless "to be read" list - if you don't use it, you lose it.

70. Once you've got your books. the next step is reading them. JThat's not as easy as it sounds,as anyone with shelves of unread books can testiy (證實).

Building a new habit into your daily routine can be tough. James Clear's method of habit stacking (積累) is a good solution. Just as reading on a phone or tablet associates reading with a device you already use, habit stacking involves using activities you already do to build reading into daily routine.

66. I's often said that reading and colleting books are two different hobbies.

67. If youre stugging for space, why not retur books to them after reading?

68. In this way, you can save space and limit your spending

69. The lbrary system also encourages immediate reading

70. Once you've got your books, the next step is reading them.

Part IV Writing (30 points) (共 30分)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Best Way to Spread Chinese Culture. You should write about 120 words following the Chinese outline given below. Please Write your translation on The Answer Sheet.


















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