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普通專升本 責任編輯:管理員 2022-09-06



Section B Short Answer Questions (10 marks: 2 marks for each item)

Directions: In this part there is a short passage followed by five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements with no more than 10 words. Please write your answers on Answer Sheet.

Paper writing seems like a major obstacle to many students. A paper can hang over your head like a dark cloud that appears to get bigger the longer you postpone starting.But writing papers can be one of the most absorbing ways to learn about a subject in depth.Many students,once they've mastered the techniques,find they'd rather write papers as a form of learning than take exams.

The techniques of writing a good paper are easy to follow. You should remember two important aspects that lead to success. First, start work early on the paper. Second, if you have a choice, choose a subject that you are interested in, or that you can develop an interest in.

Much of your work in college involves absorbing knowledge, when it comes to writing papers, you have the opportunity to put down on paper what you've learned about a subject, and perhaps your opinions and conclusions on the subject.

Writing is an important form of communication. To communicate well you must have something you really want to say. So if you have a choice of topics, choose one that interests you. If you're not sure about your choice, do a little research to see what's involved in several topics before you make a final decision. Remember the caution about allowing yourself enough time? Here's where it comes into play. Take enough time to choose a topic carefully.

Are you worried that your ideas are not important enough to express in a paper? Each individual has his or her own ideas to express. If you're willing to develop and support your opinion, it will be worth reading. How you interpret an idea is just as important as how anyone else interprets it, and perhaps your own ideas can cast new light on some part of a broad topic.

56. The author mentions ua dark cloud "in Paragraph 1 in order to show that .

57. When asked about the better form of learning, many students who have learned how to write a paper would like to instead of taking tests.

58. Paper writing will help you absorb knowledge because you can write down .

59. What kind of topic should you choose if you have too many topics?

60. According to the passage, when will your idea be worth reading?

Part III Translation ( 30 marks, 30 minutes)

Section A From Chinese to English (15 marks: 3 marks for each item )

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet.

61. Had I studied educational psychology, (我昨天就知道怎樣吸 引學生注意力了)

62. The spring promotion proved successful (因為本年度銷量増 加了 10%)

63. Because he is not aware of (養(yǎng)成良好習慣的重耍性),John didn't listen to his parents at all.

64. Everyday the dog sat at the gate, (等著主人回家).

65. (既然我們是在管理這個項目),we have to check every detail of your reply.

Section B From English to Chinese (15 marks: 3 marks for each item )

Directions: Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the following passage. Write your translation on Answer Sheet.

66. In industrialized countries, people are highly dependent on petroleum fiieL Economists, conservationists, and political leaders constantly warn us about this dependence.They encourage us to drive less, turn down our heat, and turn off lights. Yet, it is hard to change our ways. 67. We take our modem convenience so much fbr granted. It would be difficult to imagine ourselves returning to an earlier way of life.

68. Without gas and electricity, in particular, a person's daily routine would be considerably different. Each winter morning, it would be necessary to build a fire in the fireplace or wood stove, which would warm the house. In the summer, it would be necessary to build the bedding in from the porch or wherever pepole sleep to keep cool. Water for shaving or for washing dishes would have to be heated. All of this would take a lot of time.

69. A person would travel to school nc work by bicycle, by horse or on the fbot. It would be convenient fbr those who live near the school or workplace. On dark days, lamps that bum animal oil would provide light. Lunches would be brought from home.

Preparing supper would take up a lot of time in the late afternoon or early evening. Dairy products and meat would have to be bought daily. School work would be done by the light of an oil lamp. Bathwater would have to be heated and bedtime would come early. On the whole, life would be simpler, because people would try to do less. It would be impossible to go to five different places in one day. Life would be harder too. 70. People would suffer more fix)m heat and cold. Food preparation would take more work.

66. In industrialized coimtrius, people are highly dependent on petroleum fiieL

67. We take our modem convenience so much fbr granted.

68. Without gas and electricity, in Darticular, a Derson's daily routine would be considerably different.

69. A person would travel to school or work by bicycle, by horse or on the fbot.

70. People would suffer more fh)m heat and cold.

Part IV Writing ( 30 marks, 30 minutes )

71. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title A Hero in My Eyes. You should write about 120 words following the Chinese outline given below. Please Write your translation on Answer Sheet.

1. 介紹一位你心目中的英雄人物;

2. 介紹TA成為你心目中英雄人物的理由。















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