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普通專升本 責(zé)任編輯:管理員 2021-12-15



Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

How many hundreds of heroes go unheralded(未宣布的)from the days of Underground Railraod? While we celebrate such important figures as Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, numerous others were needed to make the operation of the "railroad" a success. Runway slaves had to be given shelter from weather and from search parties. The tale of this awesome phenomenon is one of cooperation, coordination, and brotherly love.

The Underground Railraod operated as a secret organization dedicated to assisting runaway slaves from South. The Railroad should not be thought o& however, as one cohesive body. It was in fact an ever-evolving organization devoted to one cause: protection of one's fellow men and women. It actually began during the colonial period. However, it reached its height in the decades preceding the American Civil War. Acts such as the "Fugitive Slave Act of 1850” increased railroad activity and popularity. The ultimate goal of the Underground Raiiraod was to accomplish the safe arrival of runway slaves to Canada where the long arm of the law could not reach them. Laws such as the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 and 1850 allowed slave owners to recapture escaped slaves and bring them back to bondage in the south.

Some historians believe this courageous organization was begun by Quakers(規(guī)格會(huì)教徒)in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Over time, the backbone of this organization became the numerous free blacks of the North. They were essential to the successful operation of the Underground Raiiraod. In most cases, fleeing slaves travelled by any means necessary and often on their own in an effort to reach freedom in the North. After arriving in the North the people of Underground Raiiraod would provide assistance and supplies in an effort to get them to the guaranteed freedom of Canada.

2. Which of the following statements about Underground Raiiraod is true?.

AJt is a railroad built underground like subway.

A. It is a railroad operated by the US government.

B. It operated as a secret organization to help runaway slaves.

DJt served as a secret route only known to slave owners in the south.

3. From paragraph 2 , we know that the runaway slaves ?

A. could not afford to buy their train ticket

B. could be captured by slave owners

C. could not get any shelter from bad weather

D. might reach Canada with the help of search parties

4. The Underground Raiiraod began ?

A. during the American civil war

B. after the Declaration of Independence

C. during the colonial period

D. between 1793 and 1850

5. Who are essential to the successful operation of the Underground Raiiraod ?

A. Slaves in the South

B. Quakers in Canada

C. White people of the South

D. Free blacks of the North

6. The tongue of the passage can be described as ?

A. objective

B. delightful

C. pessimistic

D. humorous

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

We are in the midst of a heated public debate over the benefits of online education.

Yet while journalists and educators weigh in on the pros and cons of online courses, Tve seen no mention of how online classes can lead to an increase in academic dishonesty. This past semester, I caught quite a few of my students at Cal States Northridge engaging in academic dishonesty.

I think that the incidents of cheating have increased fbr two interconnecting reasons. The first is the trend of packing as many students as possible into course sections as a means of saving money. The second is the structure of the online courses themselves. It is evident that these two intertwining(纏繞)trends can serve to produce academic cheating and plagiarism(剽竊).

In the wake of the Great Recession and the following budget crisis, the dean of one of the colleges I teach in increased class size by as many as 50 students in an attempt to save money. One of the non-online courses I teach was intended fbr 32 to 35 pupils. But when I taught the course last semester, it was composed of 82 students.

Online courses serve to exacerbate(加劇)the trend towards large class sizes. The primary motive fbr the increase in online courses is that they do not require physical classroom space. This allows campus administrator to cut cost by increasing the number of students enrolled in a particular course section even if they do not have classrooms.

What's more, when students take classes online, the professor does not have face-to-face contact with the vast majority of the students enrolled in the course. As a result, one can never be sure that the students are doing their own work fbr there is little to stop them from paying another student to take their exam fbr them.

It is evident that both increased class sizes without any accompanying teaching assistance, and the structure of online courses by themselves, makes it easier fbr students to cheat. This not only cheapens the college degree but also makes the whole purpose of a college education meaningless.

7. The writer of the passage is most probably a .

A. student B. journalist C.campus administrator D. professor

8. In the writer's opinion, one reason fbr the increase in academic dishonesty is that ?

A. students wants to save money

B. class sizes are too large

C. classrooms are very small

D. dishonest students are not punished

9. The primary motive for the increase in online courses is that .

A. they are new and modem

B. they can improve the education quality

C. they do not need physical classroom space

D. they are convenient fbr both students and teachers

10. One form of the academic dishonesty mentioned in the passage is that :

A. students copy term paper without being noticed

B. students don't do any homework

C. students don't attend classes regularly

D. students can ask someone else to take exams

20. The author's attitude towards online education is ?

A. negative

B. friendly

C. neutral

D. supportive















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