
教師資格 責(zé)任編輯:胡敏娟 2020-09-27


以下是希賽網(wǎng)教師資格頻道為廣大考生整理的2018上半年教師資格證高中英語真題及答案,只有通過多做真題才能更好的把握考試出題的規(guī)律,才能找到做題的感覺,到了真正上考場的時候才不會慌 ??纯催@些真題大家會不會做呢!


1、……the soud of "ch" (2分)

正確答案:B. vioceless,dental and fricative

2、……/m/, /n/, and (2分)

正確答案:C. place of articulation

3、……she is (2分)

正確答案:A. A transcribing

4、……neither the unpleasant (2分)

正確答案:C. has made 此題暫無

5、……Mr. Joe has worked very hard (2分)

正確答案:B. to 此題暫無

6、……the message came to the villagers (2分)

正確答案:C. that

7、……we must improve the farming (2分)

正確答案:B. in order that

8、……do you mind if I smoke here (2分)

正確答案:C. No, not at all

9、……what is the main rhetoric cevice used in (2分)

正確答案:D. Transferred epithet

10、……A:let us go to movie (2分)

正確答案:A. Illocutionary act

11、……which of the following activity is NOT (2分)

正確答案:D. pattern practice

12、……if a teacher shows students (2分)

正確答案:B. demonstration

13、……when a teacher asks to (2分)

正確答案:B. analyze the structure of the passage

14、……which of the following practices can encourage (2分)

正確答案:C. finding detailed information

15、……which of the following is a dispaly (2分)

正確答案:D. What happened to the girl at the end of the story

16、……which of the following would a teacher encourage (2分)

正確答案:B. to summarize a story

17、……which of the following exercises would a teacher most (2分)

正確答案:A. paraphrasing sentence

18、……the advantages of pair and group (2分)

正確答案:D. opportunities to guarantee accuracy

19、……which of the following should a teacher avoid (2分)

正確答案:B. Teaching words in context and giving examples.

20、……which of the following practices is most likely to (2分)

正確答案:A. Doing a project

21、……what has made students spread along an achievement (2分)

正確答案:C. The early prerequisites student mastered.

22、……what is the author's attitude (2分)

正確答案:C. Negative.

23、……which of the following is closed in (2分)

正確答案:D. Dropped sharply.

24、……which of the following ……of the schools (2分)

正確答案:D. Students’perception and the reality of their performance on assessments.

25、……which of the following will be ……according to the (2分)

正確答案:A. Students’learning effort.

26、……what does Kathleen Wermke's (2分)

正確答案:B. Baby’s cries could be their early language acquisition.

27、……"ambient" in paragraph 2 (2分)

正確答案:A. surrounding

28、……why do German and French babies (2分)

正確答案:D. Because they can somehow control their sound production

29、……when does language (2分)

正確答案:B. It begins before the birth of a baby

30、……what can be inferred from (2分)

正確答案:C.Studying babies’ cries helps us understand their speech perception


31、 ……mind mapping 含義(2分)用途(6分),三點注意事項(6分),用法(4分)

正確答案:(1)思維導(dǎo)圖是運用圖文并重的技巧,把各級主題關(guān)系用相互隸屬與相關(guān)的層級圖表現(xiàn)出來。(2)思維導(dǎo)圖的兩個用途:① 幫助師生掌握正確有效的學(xué)習(xí)方法策略,更快更有效的進行課本知識的傳授,促進教學(xué)的效率和質(zhì)量的提高; ②建立系統(tǒng)完整的知識框架體系,對學(xué)習(xí)的課程進行有效的資源整合,使整個教學(xué)過程和流程設(shè)計更加的系統(tǒng)、科學(xué)有效。(3)教師在課堂教學(xué)中運用思維導(dǎo)圖的三點注意事項:第一,轉(zhuǎn)變教學(xué)觀念。促進學(xué)生“全面而有個性的發(fā)展”是高中課程的根本理念。在教學(xué)中我們要尊重高中學(xué)生的人生歷程發(fā)展需要,尊重高中學(xué)生的人格與尊嚴(yán),尊重高中學(xué)生的個體差異和個性發(fā)展。思維導(dǎo)圖教學(xué),與傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)相比,其優(yōu)越性體現(xiàn)在教師的教育觀、教學(xué)觀與學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)觀的改變方面。第二,知識結(jié)構(gòu)的變化。在思維導(dǎo)圖教學(xué)中,要引導(dǎo)學(xué)生提出問題、分析問題與解決問題,教師自身要有一個完善的知識結(jié)構(gòu),這樣在面對新的問題時才能有的放矢,而不是用原有的知識體系和不同學(xué)科的范式來解釋新的問題。第三、教學(xué)模式的轉(zhuǎn)換。辯證地看待學(xué)與教的關(guān)系。學(xué)生、教師和教學(xué)內(nèi)容是教學(xué)系統(tǒng)中的三個基本要素;學(xué)與教則是互為制約、互為促進的系統(tǒng)功能實現(xiàn)過程。學(xué)與教的關(guān)系,首先是互相獨立的關(guān)系,其次才是彼此依存的關(guān)系。(4)案例:.在閱讀篇幅長、生詞多、文章結(jié)構(gòu)和層次復(fù)雜或不太清晰的文章時,先由教師呈現(xiàn)思維導(dǎo)圖,大概地介紹全文大意,幫助學(xué)生整體理解文章;然后,根據(jù)中心主題和主干提出問題,學(xué)生帶著問題分部分、分層次閱讀,突出重點,關(guān)注細節(jié),加深理解;閱讀后,可讓學(xué)生在小組內(nèi)進行分享和交流,此時教師在多媒體課件中利用思維導(dǎo)圖呈現(xiàn)答案的關(guān)鍵詞,幫助學(xué)生梳理知識點;最后,教師引導(dǎo)學(xué)生根據(jù)思維導(dǎo)圖的提示復(fù)述課文內(nèi)容??紤]到課堂時間有限,以及課文的長度和難度,教師可以鼓勵學(xué)生選擇自己感興趣的部分進行復(fù)述或描述。


32、 ……(1)采取了什么方式(5分)(2)補救方法(5分)(3)優(yōu)點(10分)(4)還可以采用哪兩種方法(10分)



(2)該教師用的補救方法為提示法。該老師的初衷是讓學(xué)生運用“prevent sb from doing sth”,當(dāng)學(xué)生未能表達出該詞的此用法時,該教師用句子的開頭部分“The sudden rain…”來提示學(xué)生說出完整的句子以達到鞏固該動詞“prevent sb from doing sth”的用法。

(3)這種補救方法的優(yōu)點有:第一,達到啟發(fā)性效果。詞匯鞏固教學(xué)中,教師通過部分提示相關(guān)信息啟發(fā)學(xué)生回憶所學(xué)單詞的相關(guān)用法,讓學(xué)生主動建構(gòu)知識,使之印象更深,也有利于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的自主學(xué)習(xí)意識。第二,體現(xiàn)了針對性的教學(xué)原則。“prevent sb from doing sth”是“prevent“的重點用法,該教師帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生鞏固此用法,重點突出,針對性強,注重實效,做到了有的放矢。

(4)復(fù)習(xí)鞏固教學(xué)還可采用測試法和對比法。第一,測試法。教師可將帶有“prevent”的句子改裝成填空題或選擇題對學(xué)生進行測試,測試結(jié)束后教師可帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生朗讀完整的段落,鞏固“prevent sb from doing sth”的用法,此方法可加深學(xué)生對該詞的記憶和理解。第二,對比法,教師可讓學(xué)生進行頭腦風(fēng)暴,想出“防止”相關(guān)詞組及例句,如“avoid doing sth”、“prevent sb from doing sth”等,并對比區(qū)分不同動詞的用法,該方法能夠激發(fā)并活躍學(xué)生思維,增強學(xué)生對知識點的系統(tǒng)性學(xué)習(xí),達到鞏固知識的目的。


33、 ……teaching objectives……the three gorges dam


Teaching type: reading class

Teaching contents: This lesson is from senior high school, and it mainly talks about The Three Gorges Dam, including its features, advantage and disadvantage.

Teaching Objectives:

(1) Knowledge objectives Students can get more information about the advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam.

(2) Ability objectives: ① Students can improve their reading abilities through fast reading and detailed reading. ② Students can introduce the Three Gorges Dam in their own words.

(3) Emotional objectives: ① Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and fond of taking part in class activities. ②Students can cultivate the feelings of national pride. Teaching key and difficult points: Teaching Key point: Students can get to know information about the features, advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam. Teaching Difficult point: How to use reading strategies to help them understand the material.

Teaching Procedures: Step 1 warming up (3 minutes) Show a poem of Mao Zedong on ppt: Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges. Ask students which place it is. Then show some beautiful pictures of the Three Gorges Dam. Tell students today we will have a visit here. (Justification: poem and pictures can arouse the interest of students and make students curious about the class.) Step 2 pre-reading (4 minutes) The teacher can organize a discussion: why did our Chinese people build the Three Gorges Dam? Students can have a prediction, and the teacher can ask some of them to share their ideas. (Justification: through discussion and prediction, students will be prepared for the reading class, and it will be helpful to understand the material.) Step 3 while-reading (8 minutes) 1. Fast reading. Ask students to read it quickly and find out the main idea of the passage. They will have 3 minutes to finish it. 2. Detailed reading. Read the passage again and answer the questions below: a. what’s the function of the Three Gorges Dam? b. what’s the biggest advantage of the Three Gorges Dam projects? c. What has happened to the historical relics near the Three Gorges Dam? Give them 5 minutes to read it carefully and they can discuss these questions with partners. (Justification: through reading it for twice, students can have a thorough understanding of the passage, and get the reading strategies.) Step 4 post-reading (5 minutes) Role play: four students a group. Three students can act as engineers from the Three Gorges Dam designing company and one student is reporter. The reporter will ask some questions about the Three Gorges Dam. After 4 minutes, invite some groups to show their dialogues. (Justification: here students can talk about the Three Gorges in their own words and improve their oral English.)











