
教師資格 責任編輯:劉建婷 2018-01-17








Teaching Aims

Knowledge aim: Students will recognize the liaison in the target passage and memorize the liaison rules.

Ability aim:

1. Students can work out the liaison rules through listening, pair work and the guidance from the teacher.

2. Students can apply the liaison rules into practice and express themselves in a more idiomatic way through imitating, speaking and reading.

Emotional aim : After this lesson, students will be more confident in speaking English.

Teaching Key &Difficult Points

Key point: Students can master the liaison rules.

Difficult point: Students can apply the rules into practice.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up

1. Play the music video Father issued by Guitar Cover and have a free talk about “the impressive story between you and your father”.

2. Ask the students to think over the question: what have you done for your father.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Ask the students to read the passage on the textbook aloud after the tape and ask why you can’t catch the speed of the tape. Explain there are some liaisons in the passage.

2. Ask students to circle all of the liaison in the target material through listening to the tape.

3. Ask students to work in pairs to find out the rules of liaison by classifying whether a word is ended with a consonant and the following word is initiated with a vowel.

4. Lead the students to read the liaison after the teacher and tell students liaison happens when a word is ended with a consonant and the following word is initiated with a vowel.

Step 3: Practice

Ask the whole class to read after the tape several times and try to imitate, then some students will be invited to have a competition to read the passage to the class, and others justify who reads faster.

Step 4: Production

1.Present them another piece of passage and ask them to work in pairs to underline the liaison inside and try to read it fluently. Afterwards, the standard edition will be presented.

2.Funny dubbing: a part of the movie Despicable Me is presented for students to imitate, practice and compete for the best voice actor.

Step 5: Summary & Homework

1. Ask students to summarize and memorize the liaison rules.

2. After class, choose their favorite part from their favorite movie and do the voice acting job.

IV Blackboard design





Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim: students will know more about British coffee culture.

Ability aim: students can catch some detailed information about the passage.

Emotional aim: students will appreciate different culture.

Key and difficult point:

Students will get the general idea of this passage.

Students can express their ideas about the topic.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

Greet the students.

Have a free talk with them and ask them if they drink coffee.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Play them a short video to introduce British tea culture, and fill them in with the information that Britain has a long history for tea culture to give them some background information for the passage understanding.

Step 3: While-reading

1st reading: give them 2 minutes to read the passage quickly to get the general idea of this passage and invite some students to share their answers.

2nd reading: leave the question to them--what is the stereotype and truth about British people? And give them 5 minutes to read the passage carefully to find the answers. After 5 minutes, invite some students to share their ideas. And then divide them into groups of 4 to find the evidence from the text to support their ideas.

Step4: Post-reading

Activity 1: invite two students to retell the passage according the clues on the blackboard.

Activity 2: divide them into groups of 3 to talk about China food culture.

Step5: Summary and homework

Invite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework-search online for the development of coffee culture in China.

Blackboard design:





Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim: students will recognize the structure and grammar meaning of appositive clauses.

Ability aim: students will be able to apply appositive clauses in their daily use.

Emotional aim: students will cultivate the awareness of protecting the environment.

Key and difficult point:

Students will master the structure and grammar meaning of the appositive clause.

Students can tell the difference between appositive clauses and attributive clauses.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

Greet the students.

Have a short review about attributive clause from last class. Then ask students to compare the two sentences below and lead to the new lesson for the appositive clause.

The news that my father told me yesterday made me cry.

The news that my father won the game made me cry yesterday.

Step 2: Presentation

Ask students to read the above material first, then invite them to share their understanding about the two “that”clauses. Then try to find the structure with them together: the two that clauses(appositive clauses) here explain the noun “doubt” and show the meaning of it. Another example of this is that “The news that my father won the game made me cry yesterday.”Here, “that my father won the game” is actually the content of the news. The function of it is not to modify the noun but to show the content of it which is different from the attributive clause.

Step 3: Practice

1.Find the attributive clause in the material and rewrite it to an appositive clause:

“ it is human activity that has caused this global warming ”---”it is human activity that we drive too many cars that has caused this global warming”

2.List some sentences on the screen and ask students to tell which are attributive clauses and which are appositive clauses.

Step4: Production

Divide them in groups of 4 to have a discussion about what can we do to help the global warming and give them 5 minutes to discuss. Show them an example as:

I hold the idea that promoting the public transportation system will encourage more people travel less by private cars.

The news that the government is putting money on clean energy is also helpful.

Step5: Summary and homework

Invite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework-search online for 5 common nouns which often appear in the appositive clause.

Blackboard design:

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4、VIP題庫(歷年真題、模擬試題、自由組卷練習、強化知識點練習、課后練 習)

5、教案教材 (快遞包郵)







4、VIP題庫(歷年真題、模擬試題、自由組卷練習、強化知識點練習、課后練 習)

5、教案教材 (快遞包郵)






4、VIP題庫(歷年真題、模擬試題、自由組卷練習、強化知識點練習、課后練 習)



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