違法信息舉報(bào) 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2022-02-10





1、The effects of rapid travel ____ the body are actually far more disturbing than we realize.

A. about

B. with

C. on

D. around


2、The body can be set for evening ____ the sun is rising.

A. which

B. where

C. how

D. while


3、_____ we understand what jet lag is, we can go some way to overcoming it.

A. Rather than

B. As though

C. Ever since

D. Now that


4、Self-esteem is ____ people think about themselves.

A. that

B. why

C. what

D. one


5、It is not until energies are back to normal ____ the real problem is recognized.

A. that

B. so

C. unless

D. but


6、Through touch and tone of voice parents tell their infants whether ____ they are valued, special, and involved.

A. not

B. and not

C. or not

D. or to


7、This is the basis ____ self-esteem is built.

A. which

B. where

C. in which

D. on which


8、The second party is important ___ it can monopolize the movement to overthrow the party in power.

A. as far as

B. as long as

C. as soon as

D. as well as


9、A minor-party can draw votes away from the major-party nominees but ____ almost no chance of defeating them.

A. holds

B. charges

C. rests

D. stands


10、In the original test, all the animals in a test group are given a substance ____ half of them die.

A. unless

B. until

C. lest

D. provided


11、 It is the dog who can teach us lessons of loyalty and devotion ____ no cat ever knew.

A. that

B. to which

C. so that

D. even if


12、Being alone leads ____ more unhappiness.

A. for

B. in

C. to

D. from


13、People ____ a great deal in how much sleep they normally require .

A. vary

B. delay

C. gain

D. handle


14、Each of us should ____ a few minutes daily, taking short 10-or-15-minute vacations.

A. put up

B. put forward

C. put aside

D. put off


15、I have searched my mind in ___ for a polite way to tell that reader to go to hell.

A. gain

B. pain

C. main

D. vain


16、In this huge ocean of air there is more energy than in all the coal, oil, and gas ___ have on the earth.

A. we

B. all

C. that

D. which


17、The rapid growth in enrollment over the last 40 years has come _____.

A. to an end

B. to the end

C. into the end

D. into an end


18、Most single parents find it very difficult to take care of a family _____.

A. along

B. alone

C. lonely

D. longly


19、Satellites are capable ___ not only television broadcasts, but telephone calls and printed materials such as books and magazines.

A. transmitting

B. to transmit

C. of transmitting

D. for transmitting


20、Being polite and showing respect can give us ______.

A. a bridge

B. a favor

C. an excuse

D. an edge



21、In a handbook called Driving, there is a chapter which defines a good driver. __1__ from experience and skill, he should have a __2___ of responsibility, the right attitude towards driving, concentration, __3__, patience and confidence. In _4___ he should have had expert instruction and he should have some basic mechanical knowledge. Not many drivers have all these skills or even the right attitude, and this is __5__ so many accidents occur.

A British example of this wrong attitude is the phenomenon __6_ as motorway madness. Very often a thick fog or mist descends on motorways. __7___ of driving more slowly and keeping a __8___ distance form other vehicles, drivers ignore the rules of safety and drive too close to the vehicle in front. The __9___ result is often that twenty or thirty or more cars and lorries _10___ into the back of one another, with the inevitable casualties.

1. A. Judging                       B. Seen                        C. Apart                       D. Free

2. A. sense                           B. scene                       C. character                  D. nature

3. A. specification                 B. hesitation                  C. persuasion                D. anticipation

4. A. practice                       B. addition                    C. case                         D. public

5. A. what                           B. why                         C. how                         D. therefore


22、In a handbook called Driving, there is a chapter which defines a good driver. __1__ from experience and skill, he should have a __2___ of responsibility, the right attitude towards driving, concentration, __3__, patience and confidence. In _4___ he should have had expert instruction and he should have some basic mechanical knowledge. Not many drivers have all these skills or even the right attitude, and this is __5__ so many accidents occur.

A British example of this wrong attitude is the phenomenon __6_ as motorway madness. Very often a thick fog or mist descends on motorways. __7___ of driving more slowly and keeping a __8___ distance form other vehicles, drivers ignore the rules of safety and drive too close to the vehicle in front. The __9___ result is often that twenty or thirty or more cars and lorries _10___ into the back of one another, with the inevitable casualties.

6. A. called                          B. regarded                   C. shown                            D. known

7. A. Because of                   B. In the face                C. Instead                     D. By means

8. A. short                           B. wrong                      C. good                    D. bad

9. A. end                             B. last                          C. right                        D. wrong

10. A. run                            B. break                       C. get                           D. hit


23、To advance in knowledge one must forever learn more, study more, reason more. Reading helps accomplish this; in college about 85 percent of all study involves reading ? especially in a computer age. If, as it certainly does, process comes through study, then reading is the chief mans to academic process.

Since reading is so vitally significant, all of us need to take a close look at our reading habits. The ability to read and the ability to choose good reading material characterize people just as much as do their appearance and speech. Our reading habits are as much a part of us as our ability to hold our own in a discussion or our ability to judge the difference between people. The way we read is closely connected with the way we think.

What are efficient readers? They are people who can race through an ordinary novel very rapidly. Their eyes move quickly over the lines of print, and their accuracy of comprehension is high. They grasp what they read, and they retain for a long period what they have read. They know that it is important to read different materials differently. They first skim a book that they intend to read thoroughly. They always read for a purpose, whether that purpose be sheer pleasure, information, or a combination of the twp. They take notes, mental or otherwise, on technical information or on different material. And of utmost importance, they concentrate intensively in life; they experience a real satisfaction in doing a thing well. The more they read the better readers they become, because in practicing correct habits, they become more skillful readers.

1. In the first paragraph, which of the following is the topic sentence?

A.      One must forever learn more, study more, reason more.

B.      About 85 percent of all study involves reading

C.      Reading is especially important in a computer age.

D.     Reading is the chief means to academic progress.

2. Which of the following statements would the author most probably agree with?

A.      One of the characteristics of people is that people can choose to read good reading material.

B.      People are often characterized by whether or not they can read and choose what to read.

C.      People differ from each other in their way to speak as well as to read.

D.     Humans differ from any other animals in that they can read and choose to read.

3. The verb phrase“ to hold one’s own”(paragraph 2) is closed in meaning to ______.

A. to keep silent     B. not to give way

C. to control one’s feeling     D. to overcome one’s weakness

4. You are not supposed to be an efficient reader if you ______.

A.      read an ordinary novel in a way similar to that you read a book on science.

B.      read not for pleasure but for information

C. Take notes while reading

D. balance your read speed of reading and accuracy of comprehension

5. Which of the following English proverbs can best express the idea of the last sentence?

A.      Honesty is the best policy.

B.      Where there is a will, there is a way.

C.      Practice makes perfect.

D.     God helps those who help themselves.


24、William Lee, aged 11, obviously had the ability to do well at school, but he simply hated school and failed in many of his subjects.His parents hired all sorts of expensive tutors for him. William had been seen by many educational specialists --- all to no avail.“We know about this behavior modification you psychologists talk about, but it hasn’t worked for our William,” Mrs. Lee declared. I asked the mother to describe the  “behavior modification” plan she used with William.“Well, my husband and I thought we’d give William a big reward for getting higher marks at school. We promised William a brand new bicycle if his report card showed high marks. ”“How often does William get his report card?”“Every few months. At the beginning of each term William does seem to try hard with his studies. Then he just seems to lose interest, and we can’t understand why.”“How do you keep him stimulated and motivated on a day-to-day basis?” I asked.Mrs. Lee gazed at me, bewildered. “I just told you, Dr. Bursteln, we definitely promised William a new bicycle if he brings home a good report card. My husband and I are perfectly willing to buy him something expensive, if it means helping him at school. What else should we do?”Mrs. Lee’s reply clearly pinpointed where the trouble lay. She obviously had no true understanding of behavior modification, at least when it came to helping her child with school. Like so many misguided parents she mistakenly thought that the “big reward” for better school work would motivate her son to strive for achievement.William, understandably, did cooperate with the plan --- but for only a few days. Instead of improving, his marks at school became worse. “It’s a very rare child who can wait a long time to get a ‘big reward’ for doing better with his school work,” I said. “Your youngster needs to be rewarded on a day-to-day basis for any improvement he shows with school work. Children who are made to wait too long to be rewarded for hard work usually fail and become totally fed-up with anything to do with school.”

6. Why did the author put quotation marks round educational specialists?

A.      Because he first used these words in his article.

B.      Because he didn’t believe they were qualified educational specialists.

C.      Because he quoted these two words from what Mrs. Lee had said.

D.     Because “educational specialist” was a newly coined term.

7. We may guess in the context that _______.

A.      all the measures taken seemed ineffective

B.      all the specialists were not available

C.      all the specialists failed to do anything for the boy

D.     all the specialists didn’t avail themselves of the opportunity to help the boy with school.

8. In the author’s opinion, the problem of the “behavior modification” plan was that ________.

A.      a brand new bicycle was too big reward for a boy aged only 11

B.      it was not arranged on a day-to-day basis

C.      the reward the parents promised was not what the boy really wanted

D.     the parents relied too much on material stimulation

9. The author was most probably ______.

A. one of Mrs. Lee’s best friends                B. a teacher of William Lee

C. an expert in education                            D. a psychologist

10. Which of the following English proverbs may serve to summarize the general idea of the story?

A. One good turn deserves another.             B. A burnt child dreads the fire.

C. More haste, less speed.                          D. Spare the rod and spoil the child.



25、Word spelling

1.移民  n  i_____________                                   2.隨意的 a  r________________

3.權(quán)威  n  a______________                                 4.宗教  n   r_________________

5.鼓舞  v  i______________                                 6.靈活的 a  f_________________

7.有說(shuō)服力的 a  c________________                    8.想象  v  i__________________

9.典型的  a  t_________________                         10.否認(rèn) v  d_________________

11.自愿的  a  v________________                        12.高效率地 ad  e_______________

13.承擔(dān)   v   u___________________                     14.公正地  ad  r_________________

15.窒息   v  s__________________                         16.令人心碎的  a  h______________

17.懇求   v  s_______________                              18.技術(shù)老師  n  t_____________

19.擁有   v  p______________                                20.理論的  a  t_______________

標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:1. immigration; 2. random; 3. authority; 4. religion; 5. inspire; 6. flexible; 7. convincing; 8. imagine; 9. typical; 10. deny; 11. voluntary; 12. efficiently; 13. undertake; 14. rightly; 15. smother; 16. heartbreaking; 17. solicit; 18. technologist; 19. possess; 20. theoretical

26、Word form

1. Two of the biggest earthquakes that were ever recorded ______ (take) place in China and Alaska.

2. I _____ (answer) your letter earlier, but there just wasn’t time.

3. Robots are beginning ____ (see) in other industries as well.

4. All the scientists agree that more data is necessary to prove that radon levels in water ____ (associate) with the possible birth of an earthquake.

5. George, together with his family, _____ (be) flying to New York today.

6. The most ____ (convince) evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems.

7. Man-eating may have started because people were eager _____ (become) as strong and brave as their enemies.

8. When _____(present) with a common case, sales managers tend to see sales problems, production managers see production problems, too.

9. The more time you waste, the ____ (easy) it is to continue wasting time.

10. You can almost tell this type of composer by his _____ (fruit) output.

標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:1. took; 2. would have answered; 3. to be seen; 4. are associated; 5. is; 6. convincing; 7. to become; 8. presented; 9. easier; 10. fruitful

27、Translation from Chinese to English. (15’)

1. 到下一個(gè)世紀(jì)還有腦力勞動(dòng)與體力勞動(dòng)的區(qū)別嗎?






1. Will there be any difference between the manual labor and the mental labor in the next century?

2. If we begin with certainties, we shall end in doubts.

3. Her behavior encouraged her students to do nice things for others.

4. Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it.

5. It’s very important that every citizen should obey the law consciously.

28、Most people start visit to the United States by staying in a hotel. Like most countries, hotel restaurants are nearly always more expensive than neighborhood restaurants. In addition, hotel food is often not especially good and hotel dining rooms are sometimes dull. You might find it more interesting to wander along the nearby streets to see if you can find a place to eat that is less expensive and more fun. The words “coffee shop” in a hotel or airport indicate that prices are less expensive than in a restaurant. Coffee shops offer a variety of light meals and are less formal than most restaurants. “Snack bars” are sometimes cheaper than coffee shops, but they may be busier, requiring you to stand and eat at a counter.

標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案: 一般人游覽美國(guó),總是先住旅館。美國(guó)跟大多數(shù)國(guó)家一樣,旅館里的餐廳幾乎總是比附近的餐館更貴。其次,旅館的食物往往也不是特別好,有些旅館的餐廳還很沉悶。你到附近的大街小巷溜達(dá),看看能否找到一個(gè)收費(fèi)便宜而又令人開心的地方吃飯,可能更有意思。旅館或機(jī)場(chǎng)寫有“咖啡店”字樣的地方,表示價(jià)格比較便宜。咖啡店供應(yīng)各種簡(jiǎn)單的食物,比大部分餐館不拘禮儀?!靶〕缘辍钡臇|西有時(shí)比咖啡店更便宜,但生意可能比較忙,你要站著或在柜臺(tái)上吃。

















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