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自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2022-02-10




Ⅰ. Choose the best answer for each blank (10 points, 1 point for each item) 從下列各句四個選項中選出一個最佳答案。(每小題1分,共10分)

1. The major classical approaches to management were systematic management, scientific management, administrative management, ______ , and bureaucracy.

A. social relations B. human relations

C. public relations D. mass relations

2. As managers rise through an organization, they must exercise their conceptual and decision skills with increasing ______.

A. time B. speed

C. frequency D. rate

3. Some problems that managers face demand immediate action, while others take months or even years to ______.

A. unfold B. ignore

C. disappear D. discover

4. ______ is the basic purpose of the organization and its scope of operation.

A. Task B. Commitment

C. Statement D. Mission

5. Leadership seems to be something that can be learned by anyone, taught to everyone, ______ to no one.

A. refused B. opposed

C. denied D. refuted

6. Good citizens of the organization are committed, satisfied ______ who perform above and beyond the call of duty by doing extra tasks that can help the company.

A. employees B. clerks

C. employers D. subordinates

7. All the previous management approaches focused on ways to increase the ______ and efficiency of labor.

A. product B. productivity

C. producing D. productive

8. Street stands are also ______ services whether they offer a wide variety of dishes to large numbers of people or only snacks for tourists.

A. expensive B. luxurious

C. convenience D. family type

9. Most properties now have computerized reservation systems that keep track of the ______ between rooms available and reservation requests.

A. difference B. stability

C. correspondence D. balance

10. There is a ______ difference between giving professional advice to a client and simply making a booking at the client's request.

A. consider B. considered

C. considerate D. considerable

Ⅱ. Cloze test (10 points, 1 point for each item) 下列短文中有十個空白,每個空白有四個選項,根據(jù)上下文要求選出最佳答案。(每小題1分,共10分)

The leader's job is to create a  11 . Until a few years ago, vision was not a word one heard managers utter. But today, having a vision for the future and  12  that vision to others are known to be essential  13  of great leadership. Some even maintain that if there is no vision, there is  14  business.

Business people are not alone in this belief. Leadership scholars also have brought vision to a  15  of prominence in management thinking. A vision is a  16  image of a possible and desirable future of the organization. Great leaders see in their vision what others have not thought of. They imagine an  17  future for their organizations that goes beyond the ordinary and  18  what others may have thought possible. They strive to realize significant achievements that others have not. In short, leaders must be  19  looking and clarify the directions in  20  they want their organizations to move.

( )11. A. situation B. site C. future D. vision

(?。?2. A. communicate B. communicating C. communicated D. communication

(?。?3. A. components B. factors C. reasons D. occasions

(?。?4. A. not B. no C. none D. any

(?。?5. A. post B. condition C. position D. behavior

( )16. A. mental B. heart C. thought D. mind

(?。?7. A. impractical B. ideal C. idea D. unbelievable

(?。?8. A. within B. along C. above D. beyond

( )19. A. forward B. upward C. downward D. backward

(?。?0. A. why B. that C. which D. what

Ⅲ. Reading comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each item) 閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文,在每個問題后所給的四個選項中選出一個最佳答案。(每小題2分,共30分)

Passage One

Fortune recently identified the 10 companies it considers to be the best managed. Among the top 10, some of these firms and the attitudes of their leaders are as follows.

Wal-Mart CEO David Glass has a thorough knowledge of the business and a clear focus on its opportunities and hazards. He spends at least two full days every week visiting stores, asking clerks and customers for ideas and complaints. He modestly claims, “I'm nothing more than a representative of the collective efforts of our company's 350,000 associates”.

PepsiCo CEO Wayne Calloway spends about half his time on personnel matters. “I'm quite familiar with 650 people plus maybe another 200 to 300…I figure that the team that has the best athletes will eventually win the Super Bowl if the coach doesn't mess up too much.”

General Electric CEO John Welch, Jr., is pushing for employee support and rapid transfer of ideas among divisions. He is so passionate about managing that he fidgets on the edge of his seat when he talks about. “I don't ever read speeches. If I can't wring it from my gut…I don't know it. ”

21. Which of the following isn't true? ______

A. Fortune is the name of a newspaper.

B. Fortune recently picked out 10 companies that are best managed.

C. The attitudes of some of these companies' leaders are introduced in this passage.

D. Matters of management have a lot to do with the attitudes of leaders.

22. Which of the following cannot describe David Glass? ______

A. He is familiar with the business.

B. He cares about the development of the business.

C. He usually spends weekends with his clerks.

D. He values the suggestions from clerks and customers.

23. What does the word “associates” in the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph mean? ______

A. Players. B. Friends.

C. Employees. D. Associations.

24. What does Wayne Calloway believe? ______

A. Employees must obey their manager without question.

B. A manager must accept all his employees' ideas.

C. A manager must make every decision together with his employees.

D. The relationship between employees and their manager is similar to the relationship between athletes and their coach.

25. What is the common interest for all the three CEOs? ______

A. Employee support.

B. Friendship between clerks and customers.

C. Managers' timely response to problems.

D. Familiarity of employees with their work.

Passage Two

Communication is one of the most fundamental components of the manager's job. In a recent survey of 1,5000 senior executives from 20 countries, 89 percent saw communication as a key to CEO effectiveness in the year 2000. Managers spend most of their time communicating with others. Research confirms what any manager knows intuitively: communication competency is a fundamental aspect of job performance and managerial effectiveness.

Communication is the transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbols. The sender initiates the process by conveying information to the receiver: the person for whom the message is intended. The sender has a meaning he or she wishes to communicate and encodes the meaning into symbols (e.g. the words chosen for the message). Then the sender transmits, or sends, the message through some channel, such as a verbal or written medium. Then the receiver decodes the message (e.g. reads it ) and attempts to interpret the sender's meaning. The receiver may provide feedback to the sender by encoding a message in response to the sender's message. The communication process often is hampered by noise, or interference, in the system that blocks perfect understanding. Noise could be anything that interferes with your attention to the conversation: ringing telephone, thoughts about other products you've considered, or simple fatigue or stress.

26. Managers ______ that communication competency is a key to job performance and managerial effectiveness.

A. don't know. B. try to understand

C. know intuitively D. don't believe

27. The word “party” in the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph means ______.

A. an occasion where people meet together

B. a group of people having the same political aims.

C. a person or a group of people taking part in an activity.

D. a social gathering for pleasure.

28. The word “send” cannot be replaced by ______.

A. receive B. convey

C. transmit D. deliver

29. To choose words for a message is to ______.

A. interpret the meaning of a message

B. encode the meaning into a message

C. decode a message

D. read a message

30. ______ isn't the main component of a communication process.

A. Sender and receiver B. Noise

C. Message

D. Channel

Passage Three

The visitor experience at attractions begins with anticipation. It may be stimulated by effective promotion, especially printed materials, and by personal recommendation. It begins in earnest at the entrance to the site. Every aspect of the experience visitors undergo is potentially under management control. In some historic buildings and sites the degree of management control is limited by planning and policy restrictions, but the essential components of the product may be summarized as follows:

● Quality of the advertising material and promotional literature, which establishes a promise and influences initial expectations of a visit.

● Effectiveness of signage that guides first-time visitors to a site or building

● First impression of a site and its perceived interest to prospective visitors, related to a pre-visit expectation. Efficiency of car or coach parking arrangements, and access to the entrance.

● Physical appearance and motivating appeal of the entrance to an attraction.

● Handling of visitors at the entrance or in a reception area including ticketing, information provided, and initial orientation at the point of sale or admission.

● Visitor circulation patterns on the site or building, managed through the logical layout of the resources elements, paths, signposting, and in other ways.

● Display, presentation, and interpretation of the main elements of the resources, including audio-visual materials and any events or activities provided.

● Location and layout of any subsidiary attractions on the site.

● Location and layout of facilities such as toilets, cafes, and shops.

It is helpful to assess these product elements, both separately and within the overall experience, as part of a bundle or package of components. The package may be varied by management decisions. Since one of the prime objects of attraction management is to generate motivation, customer satisfaction, and value for money, marketing inputs into product formulation will be crucial to success.

31. This passage is mainly about ______.

A. effective promotion

B. restrictions on planning historic buildings

C. the essential components of the product of an attraction

D. personal recommendation of an attraction

32. The word “signage” in the 2nd item of the summary means ______.

A. visitors' signatures B. a group of signs

C. visitors' expectations D. visitors' experiences

33. Toilets, cafes and shops are ______.

A. visitor circulation patterns B. assisting facilities

C. subsidiary attractions D. the main elements of resources

34. All these elements summarized in this passage are regarded as ______.

A. part of a package of components B. the whole package of components

C. more than a package of components D. the full range of the visitor experience

35. ______ isn't the prime object of attraction management. A. Customer interest B. Customer satisfaction

C. Marketing research D. Increase in profit

Ⅳ. Word spelling (20 points, 1 point for each item) 請將完整的單詞寫出。作為提示,每個單詞的意義、詞類及首字母均已給出(每小題1分,共20 分)

1. something handed down from an ancestor (n. ) l______

2. something that motivates effort (n. ) i______

3. to open or spread out (v. ) u______

4. a portable case for holding material, especially when representative of a person's work (n. ) p______

5. to persist in a purpose in the face of obstacles (v. ) p______

6. to give energy to (v. ) e______

7. doubtfulness as regards interpretation (n. ) a______

8. remaining in a place for only a brief time (adj. ) t______

9. to have an area in common with (v. ) o______

10. one that acts as an agent between persons or things (n. ) i______

11. deprivation of ownership especially for public use (n. ) e______

12. a heavy, coarse, closely woven fabric of cotton for tents (n. ) c______

13. insufficiency of amount (n. ) s______

14. to illustrate by example (v. ) e______

15. to give a false or misleading account of something (v. ) d______

16. having the quality to pervade (adj. ) p______

17. to strive to accomplish something (v. ) p______

18. to take on and wrestle with a problem (v. ) t______

19. to extend to disparate fields (v. ) d______

20. to prescribe with authority (v. ) d______

Ⅴ. Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points for each item) 將下列各句譯成英語(每小題3 分,共15分)

1. 政府繼續(xù)關注社會各個方面。

2. 主題將成為旅游點定位的基礎。

3. 我們正生活在一個所有經(jīng)濟功能高度全球化的世界中。

4. 旅行代理人是旅游業(yè)最重要的成員之一。

5. 房間租賃是旅館的主要業(yè)務。

Ⅵ. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points, 3 points for each item) 將下列各句譯成漢語。(每小題3 分,共15分)

1. Organizational behavior draws from a variety of disciplines.

2. A manager usually cannot do the job alone or without adequate resources.

3. Risk exists when the probability of success is less than 100 percent.

4. Each major department should operate in a manner consistent with the business strategies of the organization.

5. Central to effective leadership is power-the ability to influence other people.















