違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2021-06-04





1. The Intermet allows companies to information al the speed of light to reach customers.

A. distribute

B. discourage

C. disappear

D. dislike

2. Let's look at ncws that can affccl intermnational markct.

A. careful

B. calm

C. casual

D. current

3. If you plan lo get personal informalion from your cuslomers, you should use_____ systems like  SSL ( Secure Socket Layer).

A. location

B. rale

C. journey

D. security

4. It is truc that the first item sold was their own product, which went for S 14 decspite being worthless.

A. curiously

B. cessentially

C. decply

D. actively

5. In most cases, you needn'l install a new sct of programs to these problems.

A. blow

B. sink

C. handle

D. return

6. SoLoMo's great value is it can bring the consumers and relailers a brand new, a more convenient and much fun shopping experience.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. when

7.To.from Russia, a Ukrainian fim necds Rusian roubles( 盧布).

A. load

B. export

C. import

D. recover

8.______ pcople what they want is the bcst way to build the kind of trust that can shoot your numbers up like that.

A. Cive

B. Given

C. Being given

D. Giving

9. No sooner

themsclvcs in their scats in the hall

the conference began.

A. they have settled ; before

B. had they settled; than

C. did they scttle; when

D. they had settled; than

10.is smarer online buyers and sellers thal we have to adapt oursclves to become.

A. This

B. Who


D. That


Passage 1

You have probably scen ads(廣告) in newspapers or on TV for mail-order shopping. Perhaps rou have been sent a catalogue ( 商品目錄) and have bought somcthing by mail. Why do pcople )uy things they have not scen with their own eyes? One of the reasons might be that some people elieve that things can be bought more cheaply by mail. Another advantage of mail- order shopping s that it is more comfortable to sit al home and look through a catalogue than to rush around the itores. With the catalogue from a large company, you have your own shop window for almost verything you might want to buy.

The mail- order business is very wide - spread. Some companies hire people to show products isted in the catalogue to possible customers. Perhaps you have had one of these people call you or ome by your homc.

Buying from a catalogue is so easy. It saves the shopper time and lrouble. Sometimes, it saves he shopper money. Bul people often buy more than they can really allord, since they can buy now ind pay later on. Some companies allow a customer to pay for a product over a long period of time. People can also pay a certain percent of the total price. This is called a down payment. Then the ustomer pays a certain amount of moncy cvery month until the product is complctely paid for  . 

People can buy almost everything by mail-order shopping- -fumiture, tools and even heavy nachincs.

1. Pcople prefer to buy things by mail-order because

A. they think the price is lower.

B. they enjoy the shopping 

C. they can gcl calalogucs they want

D. they can buy things from

12. What do we know aboul mail -order business from lhe text?

A. Mail-order shopping is very common nowadays.

B. Mail-order companics rcspecl their customers.

C. Shopping by mail causcs lrouble to old people.

D. Companies spend a lot of money sending calalogucs.

13. Whal might be a big problem for mail-order customers?

A.It's possible to get what they don't like.

B.It's easy to buy more than they can pay for.

C. They may fail to gel what they have paid for.

D. They will wait for a long time to get the product.

14. What does“down payment" in the last paragraph mean?'

A. The money a customer saves each month.

B. The money a customer pays for a product.

C. Part of the total cost a customer pays first.

D. Part of the total cosl a customer saves.

Passage 2

WeChat is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service developed by Tencent in China, first released in January 2011.

The app is available on Android, iPhone ,BlackBemy, Windows Phone, and Symbian platformns. anguages supported include traditional/ simplifed Chinese , English, Spanish , Portuguese, Malay,  lapanese, Korean, Italian, Thai, and Russian. WcChat is supported on Wi-Fi, 2C, 3G and 4C lata networks.

WeChat provides multimedia communication with text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, roadcast ( one-to-many ) messaging, photo/ video sharing, location sharing, and contact infomation :xchange. WeChat supports social networking via location-based social plug-ins(插件) (“ Shake", 'Look Around”, and“ Drift Bottle" )to chat with and connect with local and intemational W eChat Isers.

In July 2013, the number of WeChat oversea users have been over 70 million, and Tencent has aunched global ad promotion. WeChal is not the only mobile messaging service in China. The two nain competitors of WeChat in China are MiTalk ( Xiaomi) and Fcixin IM ( China Mobiley)

I5. Language supported for WeChat docs nol include

A. Japancse

B. Spanish

C. simplificd Chincse

D. German

l6. According to the passage, which is one of the major compctilors of WeChat in China?

A. Sina UC



D. MiTalk

l7. There are about oversca users of WcChat in July 2013.

A.14 ,000 ,000

B.7 ,000 ,000

C.70 ,000 ,000

D.17 ,000 ,000

Passage 3

It is widcly acknowledged today that ncw technologies, in particular access to the Intemet, tend :o modify communication betwcen the different players in the professional world. E-busincss, therefore, is a term uscd to describe busincsscs run on the Interncl, or utilizing Intermet technologics to improve the productivity or profitability of a busincss. In a more general sense, the term may be used to describe any form of clectronic business- -that is to say, any business which utilizcs a computer. This usage is somcwhat archaic,however, and in most contexts business refers exclusively to Internct businesses.

The most common implementation of e-busincss is as an additional, or in some cases primary, storefront. By selling products and serviccs online, an e-business is ablc to reach a much wider consumer base than any traditional brick -and-mortar store could ever hope for. This function of C- business is referred to as e-commerce, and the lerms are occasionally used interchangeably.

18. New technologies tend to modify communication between

A. the enterprise and the professionals

B. the enterprise and its employees

C. the enterprise and the Intemet

D. the computer user and the customer

19. In most circumstanccs c-business refcrs exclusively to

A. any business which utilizes a computer

B. selling products and services online

C. Internet businesses

D. e-procurement

20. E-business is referred to as e-commerce in that it

A. reaches a much wider consumer base by selling products and services online

B. acquires wholesale products for in-house production

C. handles traditional business aspects

D. uscs chal to supplement its traditional phone support



It' s just another weekend and il's_ 21 lhal [ was asked to come back home. I' m happy about this alhough I' m not sure whal happencd._ 22 , I spend weekends in school as my parents are always very busy. I would like to_ 23 weckend with them._ 24I arrived home this aftemoon, mom and dad were waiting for me and seemed excied. Didn'l 25 me to sit down, mom dragged me lo the study room and released me in front of the computer.

It's web page of Alibaba. com in front of me. Be aware of my_ 26 mom smiled and told me the slory. My parents’company_ 27 just registered with Alibaba. com for export purpose a week ago and had one order come few days ago. Mom said she was so happy_ 28 this result but was confused about the follow up job.

I remember mom had bcen cormplaining about the sales decline of the business. My parents operate a small toy factory for over five years. With the global 29 crisis,many Chinese companics experienced a decline of orders, just like my parents. The factory had to reduce staff to keep the_ 30_ costs low.

1. A. adequale

B. odd

C. alive

D. cheap

2. A. Awfully

B. Carelessly

C. Normally

D. Dificully

3. A. draw

B. share

C. encourage

D. feed

4. A. As soon as

B. Since then

C. In that

D. Apart from

5. A. affect

B. allow .

C. infect

D. grasp

6. A. joy

B. imaginalion

C. honesty

D. doubt

7. A. has

B. had

C. was 

D. is

8. A. to having

B. in having

C. to have

D. have

9. A. financial

B. nalural

C. aycrage

D. personal

10. A. requiring

B. promising

C. pricing

D. opcrating






