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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2021-03-19




Directions: In this part, there are 3 dialogues with 3 or 4 blanks, each followed by 4 choices markA, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialoguecomplete.With Dialogue One, all the choices will have to be used.With Dialogue Two and DialoThree, one choice will be left unused. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single b,through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

1、 根據(jù)下面對(duì)話,回答1-10題。

Dialogue One

Speaker A: Here are our tickets and passports. We're flying to Amsterdam today.

Speaker B: Welcome to Youth. Let’s see...yes, your passports are still valid and your tickets are in order.1___________

Speaker A: Just these two.

Speaker B: Please put them on the scales. Any carryon baggage?

Speaker A: Yes, two pieces. Oh, and this camera.

Speaker B: It’s better to put these identification tags on them.2___________

Speaker A: Nonsmoking, please. And could we have one window seat, please?

Speaker B: Let me see. Oh,3 ___________ All right. You’re all set. I’ve stapled your two baggage claim stubs to your return tickets.

Speaker A: These two?

Speaker B: Yes. And here are your boarding passes. You have seats 20A and 20B. Your flight is on time, and it’s leaving from Gate 12. Don’t forget to pay the airport tax before you board.4___________

Speaker A: Thanks a lot.


A.Do you want smoking or nonsmoking seats?

B.Have a pleasant flight.

C.How many pieces do you want to check in?

D.here are two left.

2、 第2題__________

A.Do you want smoking or nonsmoking seats?

B.Have a pleasant flight.

C.How many pieces do you want to check in?

D.here are two left.

3、 第3題__________

A.Do you want smoking or nonsmoking seats?

B.Have a pleasant flight.

C.How many pieces do you want to check in?

D.here are two left.

4、 第4題__________

A.Do you want smoking or nonsmoking seats?

B.Have a pleasant flight.

C.How many pieces do you want to check in?

D.here are two left.

5、 Dialogue Two

Speaker A: Do you know Beijing opera?

Speaker B: Of course.5___________

Speaker A: Can you introduce Beijing opera to me? I want to know something about it.

Speaker B: Well, the plot of a Beijing opera is not so complicated. And there are four main types of Character: the lead, the female lead, the painted face and the clown.

Speaker A: 6___________What’s that?

Speaker B: Yes, the characters are differentiated by their faces. Faces are painted in different patterns with different colors to reveal their insistent characters.

Speaker A: Oh, that may be very interesting.

Speaker B: Sure, the makeup in Beijing opera is almost an art in itself. Speaker A: It’s wonderful. I want to go and see.

Speaker B: 7___________

Speaker A: What a good idea!


A.I heard the face of Beijing opera is very famous.

B.Why not go with me just tonight?

C.I was born in Beijing.

D.I am interested in Beijing opera.

6、 第6題__________

A.I heard the face of Beijing opera is very famous.

B.Why not go with me just tonight?

C.I was born in Beijing.

D.I am interested in Beijing opera.

7、 第7題__________

A.I heard the face of Beijing opera is very famous.

B.Why not go with me just tonight?

C.I was born in Beijing.

D.I am interested in Beijing opera.

8、 Dialogue Three

Speaker A: Hello, I want to buy some clothes for my girlfriend for her birthday present.

Speaker B: No problem, sir.8___________

Speaker A: Not really. But she’s around 165 centimeters and weights about 56 kilograms. Could you recommend some?

Speaker B: Sure. These tops just came in last week. Look, how about this black lace top? It’s one of the latest items for this season.

Speaker A: Urn, it’s nice. But 9___________

Speaker B: She can pair it with vintage jeans. It’ll look very classic.

Speaker A: Uh, huh. Look beautiful. Well,10___________

Speaker B: This style will be next spring’s hit. And it’s chiffon. With this kind of material, you can dress up with a skirt or down with lowcut jeans.

Speaker A: Really? All right, then I’ll take both ofthem.


A.how about this white blouse?

B.Do you know what size she wears?

C.what kind of clothes go with it?

D.what color does she like?

9、 第9題__________

A.how about this white blouse?

B.Do you know what size she wears?

C.what kind of clothes go with it?

D.what color does she like?

10、 第10題__________

A.how about this white blouse?

B.Do you know what size she wears?

C.what kind of clothes go with it?

D.what color does she like?

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfin-ished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one andmark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.

11、 閱讀材料,回答11-30題。

"Equal pay for equal work" is a phrase used by the American women who feel that they are unfairly treated by society. They say it is not right for women to be paid less than men for the same work. Some people say men have more duties than women. A married man is thought to earn money to support his family and to make the important decision, so it is right for them to be paid more. Some are even against married women working at all. When wives go out to work, they say, the home and children are given no attention to. If women are encouraged by equal pay to take full- time jobs, they will be unable to do the things they are best at doing i making a nice home and bringing up children.

Women who disagree "say they want to escape from the limited place which society wishes them to fill and to have freedom to choose between work and home life, or a mixture of the two.

Women have the right not only to equal pay but also to equal chances.

The women use the phrase "equal pay for equal work" to ask society to __________.

A.pay men less than women

B.give women harder work

C.pay men and women the same amount of money for the same work

D.pay people more who do harder work

12、 Some people believe that __________

A.women can' t do what men can

B.men have to work much harder than women

C.men can earn money more easily than women

D.men' s duties are different from women' s

13、 Some people holding even stronger opinions say that __________.

A.women should be kind to their husbands

B.women are too weak to take full-time jobs

C.home is the best pace for women

D.women should only take part-time jobs

14、 The women who disagree say that __________.

A.women need chances to go out of the home more often

B.women want more freedom in deciding what kind of life they want

C.women are no longer interested in taking care of their homes

D.if women are given equal pay, they can do everything instead of men

15、 According to this passage some women want to give up __________.

A.their present position in society

B.their marriage

C.their right to equal pay

D.their home life

16、 閱讀材料,回答16-35題。

"High tech" and "state of the art" are two expressions that describe the modem technology. High tech is just a shorter way of saying high technology. And high technology describes any invention, system of device that uses the newest ideas or discoveries of science and engineering. What is high tech? A computer is high tech. So is a communications satellite. A modem manufacturing (生產(chǎn)) system is surely high tech. High tech became a popular expression in the United States during the early 1955’s. Because of improvements in technology, people could buy many new kinds of products in American stores, such as home computers, microwave ovens, etc.

"State of the art" is something that is as modem as possible. It is a product that is based on the very latest methods and technology. Something that is "state of the art" is the newest possible design or product of a business or industry. A state of the art television set, for example, uses the most modem electronic design and parts. It is the best that one can buy.

"State of the art" is not a new expression. Engineers have used it for years, to describe the best and most modem way of doing something. Millions of Americans began to use the expression in the late 1970’s. The reason was the computer revolution. Every computer company claimed that its computers were "state of the art".

Computer technology changed so fast that a state of the art computer today might be old tomorrow. The expression "state of the art" became as common and popular as computers themselves. Now all kinds of products are said to be "state of the art".

What is the purpose of the passage?________

A.To tell how "high tech" and "state of the art" have developed.

B.To give examples of "high tech".

C.To tell what "high tech" and "state of the art " are.

D.To describe very modem technology.

17、 What can we infer from the passage?________

A.American stores could provide new kinds of products to people.

B.High tech describes a technology that is not traditional.

C."State of the art" is not as popular as "high tech".

D.A modem plough pulled by oxen is "state of the art".

18、 All the following examples are high tech except ________

A.a microwave oven

B.a home computer

C.a hand pump

D.a satellite

19、 Which of the following statements is not true? ________

A.Since the computer revolution, the expression "state of the art" has become popular.

B."State of the art" means something that is the best one can buy.

C.With the rapid development of computer, "state of the art" computer may easily become out of date.

D.All kinds of products are "state of the art" nowadays.

20、 The best title for the passage is________

A.Computer Technology

B.High Tech and State of the Art

C.Most Advanced Technology

D.Two New Expressions


The top of the world is a wonderland. In winter, the temperature often fails to -30~F and the sun never rises. The ocean is surrounded by frozen ground. There are few people or trees, but to polar bears, the Arctic(北極) is home.

Polar bears have thick fur, big paws and other features that make them well prepared for life in their tough environment. In fact, they need the Arctic sea ice for survival. But climate change is causing larger and larger areas of summer sea ice to melt(融化). Experts say that if warming pat-terns continue, the Arctic could be free of summer sea ice by 2050. That may cause two-thirds of the word' s 20,000 polar bears to be gone by then too.

Polar bears can' t survive for long on land. Seals are their main source of food. The only place where polar bears can hunt seals is on the ice. Although these bears are strong swimmers, they are no match for lighming swift seals in the water. A polar bear has brilliantly clever strategies to overcome this disadvantage. In winter the bear waits motionless beside a seal' s breathing hole, which is a narrow tunnel through the ice. Often many hours pass before the seal comes up for air and the bear kills it with a powerful blow of its paw. In summer, the polar bears that live on land eat very little and wait for the sea ice to return.

With the sea ice forming later in the year and melting earlier, polar bears do not have enough opportunity to hunt and eat. Less sea ice makes it harder for the bears to catch the seals. The bears must swim longer distances between ice packs( 大片浮冰), and they can' t always make it.. The ice is also getting thinner. These conditions can cause polar-bear cubs to become separated :from their mothers, who provide them with food.

Steven Amstrup is the chief scientist of Polar Bear International. The group aims to save the bears and their home. "The more people who see polar bears and understand their difficult situations, the better the chance we' 11 alter our warming path in time to save them," he says.

Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Climate Change in the Arctic

B.How to Protect the Environment

C.The Arctic Is Home to Polar Bears

D.Polar Bears in Danger

22、 Where do polar bears usually hunt seals?

A.On land.

B.In open water.

C.In openings in the sea ice.

D.At the bottom of the sea.

23、 The word" cubs" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to_________





24、 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Starving polar bears are increasingly coming into villages, where they may be killed eitherfor food or safety.

B.Polar bears can spend their entire lives on land if the sea ice melts completely.

C.Two-thirds of the world' s polar bears may disappear by 2050 as global warming continues.

D.The growing distance between ice packs is not a problem for polar bears, because they areexcellent swimmers.

25、 What' s the mission of Polar Bears International?

A.Saving energy.

B.Conducting scientific research.

C.Seeking international cooperation.

D.Saving polar bears and their home.

26、 閱讀材料,回答26-45題。

Extensive new studies suggest that the world has made extraordinary progress in reducing poverty in recent decades. The research suggests that the pace of economic progress has been rapid and continued for decades, built on the foundations of relative political stability, rising trade, and economic liberalization (自由化) after two world wars. One new study, published recently by the Institute for International Economics in Washington, find that the proportion of the 6.1 billion people in the world who live on $1 a day or less shrank from 63 percent in 1950 to 35 percent in 1955and 12 percent in 1999. By some other measures, the progress has been more modest. Still, economists agree that poverty has plunged in key nations such as India and especially China, thanks to slowing population growth as well as economic freedom. "This is a huge success for the world as a whole," says Harvard University economist Richard Cooper. "We are doing something right. "

The news comes as the World Bank is about to open its annual meeting in Washington an event that has been troubled in recent years by protests that the Bank and its sister Institution, the International Monetary Fund(IMF 國際貨幣組織) have done too little for the world’s poor. The new economic research will not put an end to that dispute. Vast populations remain poor, and many still question the wisdom of World Bank policies. Nonetheless, the research findings are helpful to understand what policies should be followed by those institutions and hundreds of other development groups working very hard to hasten the pace of world economic progress. If dramatic gains are under way, the present policies calling for open tharkets, free business activities, and tight monetary control are working and correct.

But critics of IMF and World Bank policies maintain that such economic success stories as Japan, China, South Korea and Singapore are rooted in more than just "free" markets. These nation shave managed to grow rapidly, and thereby reduce poverty, by limiting imports when their domestic industries were young, pushing exports to rich nations, and putting controls on purely international financial flows. The have been open to foreign owned factories but have often insisted that those investors share the knowledge and skill on modern technologies.

The word "plunged" in the first paragraph means__________.




D.dropped into water

27、 From the passage, we learn that__________.

A.World Bank has done nothing to help the poor in the world

B.IMF only helps the rich in the world

C.World Bank controls all the banks in the world

D.There are some. demonstrations against World Bank in recent years

28、 According to this passage, in __________, the world had the largest number of poor people.





29、 According to the author, the economy of East Asian countries grew very fast because of the following measures EXCEPT__________.

A.encouraging export

B.opening up to foreign investments

C.limiting international financial flows

D.controlling import

30、 The best title for this passage might be__________.

A.China’s Contribution to the Reduction of Poverty in the World

B.World Bank’s Extraordinary Progress in Recent Decades

C.India’s Leading Role in Reducing Global Poverty

D.Global Progress in Reducing Poverty

Directions: In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corre-sponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.

31、You can’t hear what I’m saying_______you stop talking.

A.only if



D.except that

32、 You must________the facts and should not mn away from the truth.





33、 You may________this; I don’t want it back.





34、 I feel sure that __________ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind.

A.in case of

B.in terms of

C.in the opinion of

D.in the course of

35、 Fruit is rich __________ vitamins.





36、 Experienced teachers make_______mistakes than beginners.



C.not many

D.very few

37、 I can’t speak Japanese, but I do wish I ________





38、 If you associate with such people, I' m afraid you ________serious trouble.

A.are heading for

B.are making

C.are avoiding

D.are creating

39、Darkness doesn' t trouble cats, for they can see________

A.in dark

B.in the dark

C.in a darkness

D.in darkness

40、 Not only ________be interesting to us, but also its language will help us in composition.

A.the novel will

B.will the novel

C.is the novel

D.the novel is

41、 The illness from which Mary is suffering has now been __________as hepatitis( 肝火).





42、 Many a delegate was in favor of his proposal that a special committee __________ to investigate the incident.

A.were set up

B.was set up

C.be set up

D.set up

43、 The company is small but promising. ______, I’ll take the job.

A.In some cases

B.In that case

C.In case

D.In any case

44、 Sorry, I don’t know his a friend of_______

A.your brother

B.your brothers

C.your brother’s friend

D.your brother’s

45、 This new instrument is far superior________the old one we bought three years ago.





46、 I' d________you didn' t touch that, if you don' t mind.





47、 He________that be could create live fish out of chemicals.





48、 I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I________there.


B.would be

C.had been

D.will be

49、 All life on the earthon_______the sun.





50、 Only residents here enjoy the __________ of using this parking lot.





Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre。


When we want to____51 ____other people what we think, we can do it not only with the help of words, but also in many other ways. For example, we sometimes move our heads____ 52 ____when we want to say "yes", and we move our heads from side to side when we want to say "no" .

People who can neither hear nor speak talk to each other with the help of their fingers. People who do not understand each other’s language have to do the same. The following story shows____53 ____they sometimes do it.

An English man who could not speak Italian was____ 54,____travelling in Italy. One day he entered a restaurant and sat 55 a table. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, put his fingers into it,____ 56____them out again and moved his lip. In this way he meant to say, "____57____ me something to eat. " The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The Englishman shook his head and the waiter understood that he didn’t want tea, so he took it away and brought him____ 58____ coffee. The Englishman was angry. He was just going to leave the restaurant____59____ another traveller came in. When this man saw the waiter, he put his hands on his stomach. That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat____60____his table.






52、 __________

A.now and then

B.over and over

C.up and down

D.here and there

53、 __________















56、 __________





57、 __________





58、 __________





59、 __________





60、 __________





Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWERSHEET.

61、Children and young people are at the heart of society. A good education enables them, as global citizens, to respond to the challenges of a complex world, and contribute to building peaceful and sustainable communities. The teachers of today and tomorrow need the skills, knowledge and support that will enable them to meet the diverse learning needs of every girl and boy. We must remember that teachers are an investment for the future. The international community and governments must stand united to support teachers and quality education worldwide, and especially in those countries where the highest number of out of school children exists.

62、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "Reading Selectively or Extensively". You should write in no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:












  • 00152《組織行為學(xué)》【知識(shí)集錦】

  • 00158《資產(chǎn)評(píng)估》【知識(shí)集錦】

  • 00148《國際企業(yè)管理》【知識(shí)集錦】

  • 00160《審計(jì)學(xué)》【知識(shí)集錦】
