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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-11-23




I. Diretions: Read each of the fllowing statements carefully. Decide which one of the .four choices best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding ltter A, B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (2%X 10=20%)

1. The famous quotation“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" well ilustrates the, nature of language.

A. systematic

B. arbitrary

C. vocal

D. human-specific

2. Acoustic phoneticians try to describe the properties of the stream of sounds which a speaker issues.

A. physical

B. psychological

C. biological

D. phonological

3. The smallest meaningful unit of language is called.

A. morpheme

B. phoneme

C. phone

D. alophone

4.Words and phrases are organized according to the categories they belong to.

A. phonetic

B. phonological

C. syntactic

D. semantic

5. Of the following four pairs of words, ,are synonyms.

A.firniture and table

B. sea and see .

C. male and. female

D. escape and flee

6. Speech act theory was originated with the British philosopher in the late 50's of the 20th century.

A. John Austin

B. John Searle

C. John Firth

D. Paul Grice 

7. The word“smog”entered the English via a word formation rule called.

A. compounding

B. blending

C. derivation

D. coinage

3. From a linguistic point of view, Black English is NOT a(n) dialect of American English.

A. ethnic

B. social

C. nonstandard

D. regional

9. Of the following influential figures, believed that language and thought were identical.

A. Plato

B. Aristotle

C. Sapir

D. Whorf

10. It was hypothesized that L2 errors were predominantly the result of negative transfer, or mother tongue interference. This hypothesis is based on inSLA.

A. Contrastive Analysis

B. Error Analysis

C. interlanguage

D. fssilization

II. Directions: Fill in the blank on the ANSWER SHEET in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1% X 10=10%)

1. The distinction between langue and p______was made by the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure.

12. The location of s______in an English word distinguishes meaning. A shift of it may change the part of speech of a word from a noun to a verb although its spelling remains unchanged.

13. Bound morphemes include two types: L______and affixes.

14. According to the X-bar theory, the word“girl" in the noun phrase“the ltte girl in red" is the h______

15. The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called h______

16. There are four maxims under the C______Principle.

17. The word“holiday" was originally used to mean a day of religious significance, but today it means any day off work. This is an example of semantic b______

18. L______ is a . personal dialect produced within the overall system of a particular language when an individual speaks.

19. The acquisition of the f______language coincides with the period of brain lateralization. listening tests involve simultaneously presenting, through earphones, two different auditory signals, one to the right ear and the other to the left ear.

I. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false on the ANSWER SHEET. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correct version. (2% X 10=20%)

21. Language is arbitrary by nature, but it is not entirely arbitrary.

22. Instead of inlegal, the negative form of legal, we all know, is illegal, as the [o] sound is assimilated to [].

23. AIll inflectional morphemes in Moderm English occur at the end of a word.

24. The application of syntactic movement rules transforms a sentence from the level of S-structure to that of D-structure.

25. The meaning of a sentence is the sum total of the meanings of all its components.

26. Semantics takes the context of use into consideration in the study of meaning.

27. Semantic narrowing refers to the process in which the meaning of a word becomes more general or inclusive than its historically earlier meaning.

28. Canada is a typical example of official diaglossia, where both French and English are recognized official languages.

29. Broca's area is crucial for matching of a spoken form with a perceived object, for the naming of objects, and for the comprehension of witten language.

30. The optimum age for second language acquisition is early teenage.

IV. Directions: Explain the following terms and give examples for ilustration where appropriate. (3% X 10=30%)

31. cultural transmission

32. articulatory phonetics

33. derivation

34. adjacency condition

35. selectional restrictions

36. context

37. byponymy

38. pidgin

39. psycholinguistics

40. language acquisition

V. Directions: Answer the following questions. (10%X2=20%)

41. How does the location of stress distinguish a compound noun from a phrase consisting of the same elements? You can explain with examples.

42. What are the processes in semantic change?








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