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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-11-19




I. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)

The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.

The Rewards of Home Cooking

Few things are as difficult to categorize as cooking. What else can be called a skill, an art, a science, and even a survival tool at the same time? It's a human adaptation, a clever trick that evolution gradually baked into our brains to conjure up more calories out of raw food to power the large brains. It's so fundamental that everyone knows how to do it to some extent. As a life skill, home cooking helps save energy, improve health, and raise self-esteem all at once.

Cooking at home contributes to energy conservation. "Unquestionably, it consumes energy and resources sparingly to cook at home," a recent study claims. The research says it takes seven kilocalories of energy to grow food, but processing it takes another ten. To put it simply, that means it needs much more energy to process food than to grow it. Also, processed food is often frozen and cooked with unnecessary energy consumption. After purchasing a frozen dinner, we are using about twice as many resources to feed ourselves as it takes our neighbor to cook at home.

Apart from the health bonuses, cooking at home boosts self- esteem as well. Cooking is both a biological necessity and a behavioral script hardwired into our brains in the evolution. A report regarding the impact of cooking interventions on mental health found a number of positive outcomes. According to the report, cooking learners developed better self-esteem as a result of their improved concentration, coordination, and confidence- -3Cs, if you will. It was also reported that one of the most satisfying aspects in cooking was being able to prepare dishes to be enjoyed by others. Other related studies showed the similar result: cooking raised self-esteem.

Cooking food at home is rewarding in many ways. With the most economical use of energy, it serves as a reticent safeguard of the environment. In addition, home cooking improves overall well-being and heath-related life quality, primarily due to the ensuing nutritional benefits. Good nutrition is the prerequisite to mental health. With the 3Cs enhanced in cooking and contentment found in sharing, self-esteem is raised likewise. While it is nice to go to an elegant restaurant occasionally, nothing beats homemade food.

II. Write an outine. (20 points)

Read the following passage carefully and compose a“Topic Outline" for it.

Why You Need to Try "Forest Bathing"?

On hearing the term, you might assume forest bathing”means splashing in a spring among woods. That sounds enjoyable, but it's not correct: Forest bathing basically consists of hanging out in the woods and reaping its health benefits. The term was coined in Japan in the early 1980s, highlighting a nationwide close-to-nature pastime. The practice soon prevailed in the U.S. as well; now resorts and nature parks across the country offer forest bathing walks that focus on soaking in the sights and sounds of nature. Indeed, forest bathing gains popularity as nature nourishes both mind and body.

Forest bathing leaves people less stressed. Researchers at Duke University compared nearly 300 college students after they took walks in a city and after they walked in a forest. The students had lower concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol (皮質(zhì)醇), lower pulse rates and lower blood pressure after they took forest baths than on days when they'd walked in the city. Similarly, in a larger study at Kyoto University, participants scored lower on ratings for hostility and depression after spending time in the woods compared to when they roamed an urban setting.

Forest bathing, apart from its soothing effect on the mind, may also help ward off inesses. Additional research from Edinburgh Medical School found that immune-boosting human“natural killer" cells, which better protect us against viruses and cancers, showed higher activity levels after participants went forest bathing. The cells continued to function at a higher level for more than a week after the experience. Some experts believe forest bathing's health profits come from inhaling the chemicals plants emit. Others aren't so sure of the cause, saying perhaps increased felings of awe are why forest bathers enjoy improved health.

Other than health-boosting effects on both mind and body, forest bathing offers added bonuses. U.S.-based research showed nature walks cleared the head more than city strolls. One European study found that simply living in a trefilled neighborhood improved focus, promoted creativity, increased efficiency and productivity. In short, you feel more alive. You won't believe how easy forest bathing is. Japan has designated “forest therapy" walking paths in forests across the nation. However, designated walking paths are not mandatory. The U.S. has no such system, though you can become a certifled forest therapy guide and lead outdoor adventures.

Training isn't necessary: Simply find a spot with trees, and take a two-hour walk while enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of nature without rushing. Breathe deeply, sit occasionally, and touch the trees around you.

Before long, you'll find yourself with a greater love for nature and a healthier body. Chances are that in thirty years, as an expert predicts, forest bathing will be as much a cultural norm as yoga is in present-day society.

II. Compose an essay. (60 points)

According to some scholars, the ultimate goal of education is to make minds, not careers. What do you think is the true purpose of education? Write a 300-word expository essay to express your opinion.








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