違法信息舉報(bào) 客服熱線(xiàn):400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-11-19




I.重寫(xiě)句子(15 points, 1.5 points each)

Rewrite the following sentences according to the requirement in each bracket.

Example: The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways. (periodic sentence) In many ways. the history of English words is the history of our cilization.

1. The company aims to set high standards of quality and design besides making profts. (periodic sentence)

2. To communicate clearly in writing will contribute to your success in career. To communicate logically and effectively in writing will also contribute to your success in career. (parallel structure)

3. Jimmy spent his early life in Sri Lanka. He moved to England. (complex sentence)

4. Professor Smith wrote a recommendation letter for Julia. He mailed it to the company. (simple sentence)

5. My mother recently sent me a photo of herself. I had never seen it before. (complex sentence)

6. We have to be very careful not to make any mistakes at the final stage of the experiment. Everything we have done will be in vain. (compound sentence)

7. Blend the ingredients. You have a smooth cream. (complex sentence)

8. These birds fly to very specific places in South America. They come back to the same trees in North American yards the following spring. (simple sentence)

9. Andy didn't want to rely on his parents financially. He took a part-time job to support himself. (compound sentence)

10. Laura forgot her father's birthday. She made up for it by sending him a gift. She was hinted by her mother. (compound -complex sentence)

II.修改句子(15 points, 3 points each)

Correct the errors in the following sentences.

Example: After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television. I resolved never to buy that brand again.

After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television, I resolved never to buy that brand again.

11. The car dealer sold the expensive car to the town banker with leather seats.

12. While lying under an apple tree, a bee stung his right leg.

13. Christina failed to arrive at the airport on time. Because she was caught in the morning rush hour.

14. Most actors will tell you that it is easier to perform than being themselves.

15. In the city center is the People's Square, there you can hear wonderful music in the evening.

II.辨認(rèn)主題句(15 points, 5 points each)

16. Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet.

A. Statistics show that the negative effect of warmer nights on older people is twice that on younger people.

B. Rising nightime temperatures driven by climate change may harm human sleep, with the elderly most affected.

C. A one-degree Celsius (攝氏度) increase in nightime temperature may lead to three nights of iterrupted sleep. .

D. The negative effect of warmer nights is most acute in summer, almost three times as high as that during any other season.

17. Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.

When a camera flash is used in a low-light environment, human eyes may appear red in the finished photograph. What is known as“red-eye" is the result of light from the flash reflecting off the pupils (瞳孔) of the eyes. The phenomenon of red-eye can be avoided by using the red-eye reduction feature found on many single-lens reflex cameras. This feature triggers a lamp which shines a small light directly into human eyes. When this happens, the diameter of the pupils is reduced, thus tightening the opening in the iris (虹膜). Since a smaller pupil means a smaller host for the rflction, the chances of red-eye occurring are greatly reduced.

18. Read the following paragraph and choose the best topic sentence from the four options that follow. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet.

From the moment Professor Sy Kee entered the class, we knew he would be dynamic and interesting. He walked in briskly; greeted the class in a clear, magnetic voice; and made us all feel comfortable. Professor Sally Forth is also an example of a good teacher. Her lectures are always carefully prepared, yet she affords every student an opportunity to join in class discussion. Even when a few students try to dominate the discussion, she politely, yet firmly, invites comments from even the most reluctant. But perhaps the most outstanding example of a good teacher is Dr. Frank N. Stein, who is always ready to meet with any of his students, and even goes as far as giving us his home phone number in case we have any problems with the assignments. These teachers, and others like them, are readily recognizable as good teachers.

A. Good teachers can be recognized rather readily by their students.

B. All students should be offered an opportunity to join in class discussion.

C. Students want their teachers to be dynamic, interesting, and outstanding.

D. Good teachers should be able to motivate their students in and out of class.

IV.重新組合段落(5 points, 1 point each)

19. Rearrange the following sentences so that they read logically. Put the corresponding letters in a proper sequence in the boxes provided on the answer sheet. The positions of some sentences have been given.

A. As a working person, I am obviously unable to visit my bank branch during the day time.

B. I am afraid I have not yet seen any evidence of either of these two features you have said in your advertisement.

C. I am writing to complain about your poor telephone banking system.

D. On each occasion, I have been informed that the computer system has crashed and been unable to get through.

E. I have tried at least four times this week to use the system to access my personal bank account details.

F. In adition to that, I do not have access to the internet so I cannot use your online service.

G. So I would be very much grateful for a guarantee from you that the problems I have described above will be sorted out as soon as possible.

H.You advertise your telephone banking service as convenient and easy to use.


V.劃掉與段落內(nèi)容無(wú)關(guān)的句子(10 points, 5 points each)

20. Read the following paragraph and cross out TWO irrelevant sentences.

Rain forests, such as those in South America and Africa, contain more plant and animal species than does any other area in the world. For example, more bird species have been identified in a wildlife preserve in Peru than in the entire United States. The bird species will eventually die off if their habitat is not protected. At least 700 different tree species have been found in one forest in Borneo. That same number exists in the whole of North America.

Amazingly, only 6-7% of the total land surface on Earth is covered by rain forests. One river in Brazil contains more species of fish than all the rivers and lakes in the United States together. If nothing is done to prevent these rain forests from being cleared, untold numbers of plant and animal species will certainly be endangered. And to protect these rain forests, the governments should take urgent and effective measures.

VI.寫(xiě)信(40 points)

21. Write a letter of apology according to the following situation: You have been in hospital for a week because you were accidentally injured. You missed the deadline of the reading report on Ernest Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises. Write to Professor Wang to make a formal apology, explain your reasons for missing the deadline, and ask for a late submission of your assignment. Please sign your name as Li Fei. (150-200 words)








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