違法信息舉報(bào) 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-09-28








1. Few of us      willing to admit that we have prejudice.

A. were

B. was

C. are

D. is

2. The people      homes are near the shopping center are concerned about the project.

A. which

B. of which

C. who's

D. whose

3. The failure of the Suggestion Scheme is due      the high cost.

A. to

B. of

C. in

D. for

4. She wore clothes      

A. that was better than the other girls

B. that was better than that of the other gidls

C. that were better than that of the other girls

D. that were better than those of the other gidls

5. Will you go to John's party? It is said that there will be      interesting people.

A. much .

B. very much


D. lttle

6. It seemed to Mrs. Garber that the butter smelled somewhat      

A. badly


C. worse

D. wosely

7. He isn't      to have any oniginal ideas.

A. clever enough

B. enoughly clever

C. enough clever

D. clever enoughly

8. It takes several months       them how to use the computer.

A. To teaching

B. Taught

C. Teaching

D. Teach

9. The price they offer is not       yours.

A. so competitive than

B. as competitive than

C. so competitive as

D. competitive as .

10. Edward is more hard- working than      in his department.

A. any else one

B. any one else

C. anyone

D. anyone else

11.      they come to live in Africa is not known.

A. Why

B. Where

C. What

D. Which

12. Wood furniture does not depreciate in value       properly handled and protected.

A. unless

B. if

C. that 

D. and

13. This department requires more personnel,better facilities, and      

A. equipment be up-o-date

B. equipment should be up-to-date

C. up-to-date equipment

D. equipment up-to-date

14. The purpose of the research had a different meaning for them than      

A. ours

B. it did for us


D. us

15.      in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia.

A. Finding them

B. To find them

C. Finding

D. Found

16. Last night we had a very hard time       some of the problems.

A. discussed

B. discuss

C. discussing

D. to discuss

17. It is      best sellers.

A. one of them

B. one of their

C. of this

D. of that .

18. The newly-constructed highway is said to be      

A. about 500 miles long

B. about long 500 miles

C. about 500 miles' long

D. about 500 miles lengthy

19. Employees working busily       the job did not hear the alarm.

A. in

B. on

C. with

D. for

20. An assistant manager is inferior in position       a manager.

A. with

B. at

C. in

D. to



Example : Who's taking care the dog while you're away?

taking care →taking care of

21. Their atitude toward the new management approach was the same like before.

22. It suprised me to find that the rich man lived so simple.

23. The New York Times are a good newspaper.

24. Here is the results of the experiment.

25. It must have been they whom left the message.

26. Customers are very angry with the delay of the ordered goods.

27. She was not only gracious and also kind.

28. The new equipment making in Germany arrived yesterday.

29. The board of directors will make their first appearance this week.

30. The market infomations proved to be essential to the company.



31. we wish/ that / to remind you / no news from you/ we have had / the shipment of the goods/ about

32. that/ they say / you / the missing goods / about ten days / will receive/ in

33. a hotel/ we / can accommodate/ need / which / 30 people / for six days

34. the meeting/ cannot / how many people / estimate/ will come to / we / tomorrow

35. plans to/ build/ a new / the company / factory / 800 extra people / and employ

36. still find/ are sorry / we/ to know/ too high/ that you / our reduced price

37. my heartfelt apology / you will/ accept / for/ the mistake/ I hope / we made

38. is attached / a / time table/ for / about your flight / all the information

39. very popular / are/ for their / our products / and competitive prices / good quality

40. is becoming/ no doubt / that stock tading/ there is/ very popular / nowadays



Example: A. What a nice present you gave me. me!

B. You think you are right don't you? right,

41. The accountant, Mr. Price delivered a long presentation.

42. What would you say is the secret of your success.

43. Knowing that you would need the goods now we immediately shipped them to you.

44.“ We provide our employees with a two-week vacation every year" ,replied the manager.

45. They didn't realize that they had just made a history making decision.

46. Congratulations. You have won the gold medal in the swimming championship.

47. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were not satisfied with their sons school grade.

48. By the way do you have a shuttle service to the attractions in the city?

49. There are three requirements for the job, speaking knowledge of German, five years' working

experience, and a bachelor's degree in business.

50. The easiest quickest and cheapest method of communication is still written communication.



51. You are the assistant manager. You have been infomed that next Wednesday your company's computer system will be closed down for at least two hours so that improvements can be made.

Write a memo to all staff in your company:

●saying from what time on Wednesday the system will be closed down,

●reminding the staff to save the documents they are working on,

●tlling them that the system will be much faster and more reliable after the upgade.



52.你公司將慶祝開業(yè)二十周年及搬遷新址。請寫- -份邀請信,告知以下活動(dòng)安排(請補(bǔ)充具體時(shí)間和地點(diǎn)):

(1)上午舉行慶典,中午招待自助餐( buffet lunch)。











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