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自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2020-04-17

摘要:本文提供2010年4月自考英語(二)00015真題試卷及答案(完整版),分為兩部分,第一部分為2010年4月高等教育自學考試全國統(tǒng)一命題考試 英語(二)試題第二部分為答案及評分參考


英語(二) 試卷



Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)


1.Experts have found that normal sleep can be divided into five _______ stages.





2. The student ________described the beautiful mountains and rivers in his home town.


B. vividly


D. viciously

3.Even after decades of ________, the two brothers recognized each other immediately.





4.The spokesman occasionally ________ his speech with gestures.





5.We have greatly ________ the procedure according to the chairman’s suggestion.





6.There is something wrong with my mobile phone. I must have it ________.


B.to repair



7.What her grandfather said left a ________ impression on her mind.She still

remembers it.

A.final B. vague

C.deep D.main

8.By the end of next year the bridge ________.

A.is to complete B.has been completed

C.will be completing D.will have been completed

9.In order to follow fashions,the girl has to ________ great discomforts.

A.catch up with B.put up with

C.keep up with D.fall in with

10.We should ________ this in mind:Don’t judge a person by his appearance.

A.bear B.put

C.place D.print

II.Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item).



If you asked people what the most important invention has been, many would say the printing press.Others __11__ say the wheel.But even though it’s __ l2__ whether the appearance of the printing press affected the course of history more than the wheel,the printing press __ l3__ within the top two or three inventions in history.

__14__ the telephone,the television, the radio,and the computer, the written word was the only way to __15__ ideas to people too far away to talk with.Until the 6th or 7th century, all books had to be written __16__.Creating a book was difficult.and very few existed.Therefore.very few people read books.

In the 6th and 7th centuries,the Chinese invented a way to print pages by __17__ characters and pictures on wooden,ivory,or clay blocks.They would print a page from the block by putting __18__ on the block and pressing paper onto the ink.This __ l9__ is called letterpress printing.The invention of letterpress printing was a great advance in communication __20__ each block could be inked many times and many copies of each page could be made.Many books could now be made.Therefore,many people could read the same book.

11.A.might B.should C.had to D.ought to

12.A.variable B.debatable C.reliable D.agreeable

13.A.1ists B.covers C.ranks D.ranges

14.A.Now that B.Since then C.Long before D.No longer

15.A.invent B.motivate C.generalize D.communicate

16.A.by hand B.in mind C.on foot D.at heart

17.A.drawing B.carving C.writing D.painting

18.A.chalk B.oil C.ink D.crystal

19.A.definition B.action C.movement D.process

20.A.when B.because C.although D.if

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each item)



Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

The American population was the tallest in the world from about the American Revolution to World WarⅡ一that’s a long time.The U.S.had a very resource-rich environment, with game,fish and wildlife.In fact we have data on disadvantaged people in America, such as slaves.They were obviously among the most mistreated populations in the world,but given the resource abundance,and given the fact that the slave owners needed their work,they had to be fed relatively decently.So the slaves were taller than European peasants.It’s no wonder that Europeans were just flooding to America.

Americans today are no longer the tallest people in the world.After World War Ⅱ,many Western and Northern European countries began to adopt favorable social policies.There is universal health insurance in most of these societies—that, of course.makes a difference in health care.You call also consider income inequality in the U.S.,since people who are at the low end of the totem pole(圖騰柱)have considerable adversity making ends meet.I suspect the difference in height between Americans and Europeans is due to both diet and health care.

Americans today suffer from an additional problem: obesity.If children too well nourished,then they’re not able to grow optimally. There are hormones that control the start of the adolescent growth and the start adolescence.Nutrition is one of the factors,along with genetic and hormonal(which are associated with the start of puberty(青春期).And if puberty comes early,Then the youth will peak out sooner,and will not become as tall adulthood as someone who had better nutrition.Also,the overload carbohydrates and fats in a fast-food diet may hinder the consumption micronutrients essential to growth.

21.The word “game” in(1ine 3,para.1) refers to _____.

A.rich natural resources

B.animals hunted for food

C.sports events to be held

D.activities played by kids

22.Slaves in America were taller than European peasants because _______.

A.they were badly treated

B.they did not do farm work

C.they had sufficient food to eat

D.they enjoyed better health care

23.It is implied in the second paragraph that _______.

A.Europeans could make more money than Americans

B.average Americans used to be shorter than Europeans

C.welfare helps Europeans grow taller than Americans

D.people on the totem pole are leading a comfortable life

24.According to the third paragraph, overweight children in the U.S. _______.

A.will fail to grow into an ideal height

B.tend to eat more food to grow taller

C.will grow miler than average children

D.tend to have better nutrition for growth

25.Eating too much fast food may affect _______.

A.the digestion of fats

B.the intake of carbohydrates

C.the consumption of hormones

D.the absorption of micronutrients

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 arc based on the following passage.

Yoshio and Hiromi Tanaka Tanaka are a young Japanese couple living in the USA while studies electrical engineering.They clearly love each other very deeply, but,says Yoshio,“We didn’t marry for love in the Western sense.We got married in the time-honored Japanese way.Our parents arranged our marriage through a matchmaker.In Japan we believe that marriage is something that affects the whole family, not just the young couple concerned.So we think it is very important to match people according to their social background,education and so on.Matchmakers are usually middle-aged women who keep lists of suitable young people with information about their families,education and interests.When our parents thought it was time for us to get married they went to a local matchmaker and asked her for some suggestions.We discussed the details and looked at the photos she sent,and then or parents asked her to arrange a‘marriage interview ’for the two of us.”

A Japanese marriage interview is held in a public place,such as a hotel or restaurant, and is attended by the boy and the girl,their parents and the matchmaker.Information about the couple and their families is exchanged over a cup of tea and a meal.Then the boy and the girl are left alone for a short time to

know each other.When they return home they have to tell the matchmaker whether they want to meet again or not.If both of them want a second meeting,the matchmaker arranges it,and after that they can decide whether to carry on the courtship themselves.Here Hiromi said with a gentle smile, “Not so long ago,the girl could never refuse to go out again with a boy who liked her, but now she can.I thought Yoshio was really nice.So I didn’t refuse.”

Yoshio continued: “When our parents realized we were serious about each other, they started to make arrangements for our wedding.My family paid the‘Yuino’ money to Hiromi’s.This money is to help pay for the wedding ceremony and for setting up house afterwards.We also gave her family a beautiful ornament to put in the best room of their house,So everyone knew that Hiromi was going to marry.Six months after our first meeting we were married.A traditional Japanese wedding is a wonderful ceremony, and our traditional custom of arranged marriage has given me a wonderful wife.

26.The Japanese think marriage is important because _______.

A.it is expensive to hire a matchmaker

B.it is time-consuming to match people

C.it concerns the couple and their families as well

D.it is hard to get the approval often couple’s parents

27.After a marriage interview, the second meeting will be decided by _______.

A.the matchmaker B.the boy’s parents

C.the girl’s parents D.the young couple

28.It is implied in the second paragraph that _______.

A.a good hotel can bring about a good marriage

B.men used to be dominant in choosing a partner

C.women played a leading role in choosing a partner

D.a marriage interview settles all marriage arrangements

29.Yoshio thinks that the traditional Japanese marriage is _______.

A.costly B.outdated C.complex D.satisfying

30.This passage is mainly about _______.

A.the process of an arranged Japanese marriage.

B.a wedding ceremony in a Japanese fashion.

C.conventional marriage and modem marriage.

D.the role of matchmakers in arranging marriages.

Passage Three

Questions 3l to 35 are based on the following passage.

College-bound American high school students usually have some combination of parents,teachers,guidance counselors,or peers to support them in the tough process of applying to and beginning college.Unfortunately,adults who want to go to college--particularly adults who have been out of school for a long time--generally have no such support system. “Adults have a much’ harder time starting out in college because,unlike regular students,they have adult obligations--raising children and working full time—-that often conflict with the demands of school Deepa Rao, a World Education expert. “Also, adults who have been out of school for a long time may not be academically prepared for college-1evel work.Some have little exposure to technologies like e-mail and internet research,which are an increasing part of college communication and courses.They may be unaware of available resources,such as financial aid,tutoring centers or mentoring programs:and may be unfamiliar with terms such as ‘bursar’,and ‘prerequisite.’And if you don’t know where to begin or what to do once you do get there,it’s easy to get overwhelmed and simply give up.”

The challenges that working adults face when going to college inspired Deepa to develop a web page and website as part of World Education’s National College Transition Network(NCTN),an online forum for technical assistance,news,and helpful resources for educators,policy makers,and others interested in adult learning.The new website is a counterpart(對應物)to the NCTN,set up to guide adults who are considering co1lege through the process of applying to and succeeding in school.

The website is arranged like a college campus,with ‘buildings’ representing the sort of departments and classrooms housed on a college campus.Each building contains ‘classes’ that describe the admissions process,where to look for grants and scholarships,and lists resources,where an out-of-practice student can review reading, writing and math. There are also lists of advice and resources to help students with their college life.Another helpful aspect of this interactive,multimedia site is its audio capacity: all texts can be read to the visitor.This particular feature is especially helpful for people with visual problems or learning disabilities.

The cycle of learning runs from cradle to grave,and World Education works to break down barriers to education for people of all ages,all over the world.

31.According to the passage,working adults find it difficult to start their college

education because______.

A.they are too busy and academically unprepared

B.they have been out of school for quite a long time

C.tutoring resources in college are unavailable to them

D.they do not have enough money for further education

32.The comparison between adult students and regular students shows that ______.

A.the latter are less prepared than the former

B.the latter have more problems:than the former

C.the former have more problems than the latter

D.the former are no less prepared than the latter

33.The purpose of the website is to ______.

A.help adult students edit web pages

B.provide adult students with guidance

C. solve financial problems of adult students

D.enable students to repair computers by themselves

34.The newly created website provides programs ______.

A.for regular college students only

B.for students interested in websites

C.for students including the disabled

D.for educators interested in adult learning

35.The last paragraph shows that learning ______.

A.involves difficulties

B.is a life long process

C.requires repeated efforts

D.starts at one’s birthplace

Ⅳ.Word Spelling (10 points,1 point for two items)



36.多種多樣的 a. d_ _ _ _ _ _

37.同樣地 ad. l_ _ _ _ _ _ _

38.手冊,指南 n. m_ _ _ _ _

39.消費者 n. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _

40.偏見 n.b_ _ _

41.商標 n. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

42.觀眾 n. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

43.城市的 a. u_ _ _ _

44.詞典 n.d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

45.材料 n. m_ _ _ _ _ _ _

46.科學的 a.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

47.值得 v. d_ _ _ _ _ _

48.延長,拉長 v. p_ _ _ _ _ _

49.缺陷,毛病 n. d_ _ _ _ _

50.圖書館館員 n.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

51.藥片 n. t_ _ _ _ _

52.命令,指揮 v. c_ _ _ _ _ _

53.明智的 a. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _

54.原則 n. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

55.次等的,劣等的 a. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _

V.Word Form(10 points,1 point for each item)


56.Mike didn’t like to be singled out for special ______ (treat)at school

because of his athletic talent.

57.Doctors soon realized that this drug was also ______ (effect)in relieving

the symptoms of diabetes the symptoms of diabetes.

58.She found she was sweating profusely and her breathing had ______ (quick).

59.The publishing business is no ______ (differ)from any other business in this


60.It was ______ (honest)of him to suggest that he actually had a degree from

Harvard—he was just there for one year.

61.A good ______ (write)of fiction always manages to have sympathy for all his characters.

62.She Was taken to hospital because she was suffering from a(n) ______ (regular)heartbeat.

63.In all ______ (serious),if Mike does resign,a lot of others will start leaving too.

64.The father has adopted a fairly ______ (tolerate)attitude toward his son’s behavior.

65.Soon after that, labor markets became very fight and money wages rose ______


Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points for each item)







Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)


In the old days,the lines between work and leisure time were markedly clearer.People left their offices at a predictable time,were often completely disconnected from their jobs as they traveled to and from work, and were off-duty once they were home.That’s no longer true. In today's highly competitive job market, employers demand increased productivity, expecting employees to put m longer hours and to keep in touch almost constantly via fax cell phones,e-mail,or other communications devices.As a result,employees feel the need to check what’s going at the office, even on days off.They feel pressured to work harder and longer, change their work tasks more frequently, and they worry more about job security.




Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(本大題共l0小題,每小題l分,共10分)

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D

6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B l0.A

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(本大題共l0小題,每小題l分,共l0分)

11.A l2.B l3.C l4.C l5.D

16.A l7.B l8.C l9.D 20.B

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(本大題共l5小題,每小題2分,共30分)

21.B 22.C 23.C 24.A 25.D

26.C 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.A

31.A 32.C 33.B 34.C 35.B

Ⅳ.Word Spelling(本大題共20小題,每兩小題1分,共1 0分)

36.diverse 37.likewise 38.manual 39.consumer

40.bias 41.trademark 42.audience 43.urban

44.dictionary 45.Material 46.scientific 47.deserve

48.prolong 49.defect 50.1ibrarian 51.tablet

52.command 53.sensible 54.principle 55.Inferior



Ⅴ.Word Form(本大題共l0小題,每小題l分,共10分)

56.treatment 57.effective 58.quickened 59.different

60.dishonest 61.writer 62.irregular 63.seriousness

64.tolerant 65.rapidly



Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English(本大題共5小題,每小題3分,共l5分)

66.I find/found it difficult to understand the black hole theory.

67.To complete the experiment on time, the scientist never went to bed before


68.There will be little possibility of Success in the young mall’s research./

It is almost impossible for the young man to success in his research.

69.Even the police did not know what had caused the traffic accident.

70.I would rather he bought the house next year.






Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(本題l5分)

















