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自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-23





Multiple Choice Questions (20 points, 1 points for each) Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statements or questions, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statements or answers the question. Blacken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

1._______is the function and product of the human brain.


2.Which of the following does NOT belong to nonverbal communication systems?

B.Facial expressions
C.Distance held between interlocutors
D.Public speeches

3.______consists of associations a word gets from those words that are often used together with it.

A.Thematic meaning
B.Collocative meaning
C.Affective meaning
D.Connotative meaning

4.The word “woman”can refer to such features as “prone to tears”, “emotional”, “inconstant”, etc, which are the _______of the word.

A.conceptual meaning
B.connotative meaning
C.social meaning
D.reflected meaning

5.The English speakers prefer _______, as is shown by the sentence “The young man sitting between Mary and John is the editor of our campus newspaper”.

A.branching sentence patterns
B.linear sentence patterns
C.holistic thinking pattern
D.indirect thinking pattern

6.When writing the address, the English speaker starts with _______.

A.the biggest unit and ends with the room number
B.the name of the city and ends with the country
C.the smallest unit and moves to the bigger ones and finally to the biggest unit, the country
D.the name of country and then writes in a random order

7.The terms“冰”, “柳”“云”,“岳”etc. used in Chinese names indicate that Chinese personal names are strongly influenced by Chinese______culture.


8._______are used more frequently in English than in Chinese.

A.Expressions of gratitude
D.Words of modesty

9.The proverb “I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts”is related to______.

D.Greco-Roman civilization

10.A handsome young man, passionate, dashing, who has a way with woman may be referred to as _______.

A.a Cinderella
B.a Don Juan
C.a Sherlock Holmes

11.From the sentence “He is the father of modern biology”, we can see that English speaking people compare ideas to _______.


12.Which of the following statements can tell us that the red is also associated with certain emotions in English?

A.My father said that the day I was born was a red letter day.
B.They needn’t expect to be given the red carpet treatment. After all, it is just a regular visit.
C.It is just that I see red when I think anyone is trying to muscle in on may property.
D.Unfortunately, he runs the company in the red.

13.“Go”, “pass way”,“去了 ” and “走了”are the euphemisms for“die” in English and “死” in Chinese respectively. From the above expressions we can see that both in English and Chinese, death is viewed as “_______”.

D.a physical process

14.Which of the following is proper in English culture?

A.“Happy birthday. You are a year older today!"
B.Calling a woman in her fifties “Grandma".
C.Asking your colleague how much he paid for his car.
D.“For registration purposes, I need some information. Would you mind telling me your age?"

15.When hearers, topics and environments change, the speakers’ speaking styles vary. There are five different styles: frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate. Which of the following statements is an example of formal style?

A.Visitors should go up the stairs at once.
B.Would you mind going upstairs right away, please?
C.Time you all went upstairs, now.
D.Up you go, chaps!

16.What is the logical relation of the sentences “I was not informed. Otherwise I should have taken some action”?


17.In American English there are many loan words related to the life styles. For example, “_______”from Dutch refers to food.

C.Santa Clause

18.All the following planets got their name from Greco-Roman mythology EXCEPT “_______”


19.As human territory sense is concerned, “mother’s kitchen” can be classified into _______territory.


20.When it comes to personal distance zone, spouse, intimate family members, and very close friends are the only ones that we voluntarily allow to get into______zone for any length of time.



Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternative can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)

11.Which of the following statements are true about language?

A.Speech is the primary medium of language, while writing is secondary.
B.The primary function of language is communication.
C.Language is used to understand and describe the world.
D.All human knowledge and experience could be passed on to the younger generations without language.

12.The United States of America is a federal republic, which characterizes such words or phrases as_______.

B.Democratic Party
C.Labour Party
D.Supreme Court

13.It has been said that the Western people are inclined to think inductively, while the Chinese people tend to think deductively. Deductive thinkers reason ______.

A.from the general to the particular
B.from the whole to the individual parts
C.from the big to the small
D.from the abstract to the specific

14.In English, ______is a name related to knowledge, authority or fame.


15.Which of the following idioms are related to mannerisms?

A.To split one’s sides with laughter
B.To make a cat laugh
C.Not for all the tea in China
D.To love at first sight

16.In which of the following sentences, the same tenors may be associated with the same vehicle in both English and Chinese to express similar meanings?

A.What a dull speech! He’s merely parroting what many others have said.
B.One look at his face and we realized that a thunderstorm was about to break.
C.I’ll have to stop all these between-meal snacks. I’m getting as fat as a pig.
D.But this is an odd thing, though he’s impulsive, he’s as stubborn as a mule.

17.The ancient Chinese people tried to sound modest and humble when they communicated with those _______.

A.who were younger
B.who were older
C.who were higher in socio-economic position
D.who were less privileged in a specific area

18.In the normal text sentences are connected _______.


19.Which of the following statements about English in legal documents are true?

A.Its intended meaning is expressed clearly and exactly.
B.Its readability is a serious concern.
C.Latin and French legal terms abound in English legal documents.
D.Sentences in legal documents are long and involved.

110.Which of the following statements about illustrators are true?

A.Illustrators are usually intentional.
B.Illustrators can not stand alone and have meaning.
C.Children are active users of illustrators.
D.Adult English speakers do not use illustrators.


Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)

21.Culture in its broad sense is also called “l(fā)arge C culture” or “________ culture”.

22.The relationship between a word and an object in the real world or a concept in our mind to which the word refers is the_______meaning of the word.

23.In English the_______words usually come the first in wh- questions or wh-alternative questions.

24.“_______”is the contracted form of “God be with you” and therefore carries a Religious connotation.

25.Mr./Miss_______may refer to an ideal or entirely suitable person for one to marry.

26.“A white Christmas” refers to snow at Christmas time. This expression is in contrast with “a ______Christmas”that refers to a Christmas without snow.

27.There are_______honourifics in Oriental languages than in European languages.

28.A: Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea? B: Sorry, I have an early meeting tomorrow morning. The sentences in the above dialogue exhibit coherence because the sentences are linked by_______alone.

29.The British English word for“電梯” is “l(fā)ift”, while the American English word for it is _______.

210.________are physical acts that can fully take the place of spoken words.


Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)

31.How is language related to thought?

32.How are the compound“greenhouse”and its Chinese equivalent “溫室” different so far as reflected meaning is concerned?

33.What does the main feature of the headline in English newspapers?

34.How does our posture reflect our gender?


Discuss the following topics. (20%)

51.Compare the following pairs of sentences and illustrate how English and Chinese are different in sentence patterns.A (1) Those who want to please sign their names here.(2) 要去的人請在這里簽名。B (1) She has translated into English a novel written by Lu Xun.(2) 她把一本魯迅寫的小說譯成了英語。

52.“The girl looks like her mother.”“The girl looks like an angel.”“O, my love is like a red, red rose. That’s newly sprung in June.”Use the above sentences to explain what two requirements similes and metaphors must meet.






