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自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-23





Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. (8%)

1.literacy 無(wú)文化;文盲

2.custom 合乎風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣的

3.during 持續(xù)

4.compass 包含

5.fluent 流利

6.bewilder 迷惑不解

7.breed 由雜交生產(chǎn)

8.different 區(qū)分


Directions: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form. (12%)

11.obsess with     a sense of      stem from      at random        proportional to       bump into      in the event of      deficient in       bear out      suffice for             within one’s reach        be associated with Why are people so ______ money?

12.Are you doing enough to instill ______ social responsibility in young people?

13.Two friends ______ each other on the street yesterday.

14.His income will not ______ a family of five.

15.Many English words ______ Latin.

16.______ an actual emergency you will be told what to do.

17.A diet that is ______ vitamins is harmful to children.

18.Other people ______ that what she says is true.

19.I don’t have any notes ______ , so I can’t answer your questions.

110.The degree of punishment is meant to be ______ the seriousness of the crime.

111.Rainstorms occurred ______ today.

112.His bad behavior ______ his difficult childhood.


Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below. (10%)

21.cartoons   invention   which   room   bring     showed     ago     guessed     sharing     watching    When television was first introduced into American society thirty years (21), writers and social scientists thought that this new(22)would better American life.    “Television is going to (23)American families closer together,” predicted psychologist Joel Gold in 1949. Pictures(24)advertised television in the 1950s invariably(25) a happy family gathered together in the living room, (26)the TV viewing experience. Who could have(27)that a quarter of a century later Mother would be in the kitchen(28) a daytime drama, Dad would be in the living(29)watching a ball game, and the children would be watching(30)in their bedroom?


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. (10%)

31.a shower ofprerequisiteaffordbe identical withcustomary1、水管破裂了,水噴涌而出。2、我不知道他靠自己的薪水如何能買得起一輛新車。3、按照慣例應(yīng)該感謝邀請(qǐng)你參加晚會(huì)的人。4、這些指紋與他的完全相同。5、健康是幸福生活的先決條件。


Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. (15%)

41.An astronomer can examine a galaxy and from its brightness make a guess as to how many stars and how much dusty gas it contains. Yet when we track the movements of galaxies in a self-contained cluster, they move as if each galaxy were far heavier than it appears. It’s like watching go-carts move as unstoppably as trucks. What is this mass that looms invisibly among the bright lights of the galaxies? No one knows.


Directions: Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket. (20%)


(A)    Malicious software that has infected millions of computers across the globe failed to wreak havoc on Wednesday as some feared, but researchers warned the powerful Conficker worm could still strike. Also known as Downadup or Kido, Conficker turns infected PCs into slaves that respond to commands sent from a remote server that effectively controls an army of computers. The fears of an attack, however, may have been a windfall for anti-virus software makers, who warned consumers about the worm, industry analysts say. Symantec Corp, McAfee Inc and Trend Micro Inc spend millions of dollars a year on promotional campaigns that warn about threats to personal computers. “A scare like this could make consumers think twice before deciding to let their subscriptions lapse,” said FBR Capital Markets analyst Daniel Ives. The industry had been under pressure because the recession caused some customers to hold off buying new software and others to delay renewing subscriptions. The security industry formed a task force to fight the worm, bringing widespread attention that experts said probably scared off the criminals who command the army of slave computers, known as a botnet. Researchers warned the botnet’s commanders are probably waiting until they are under less scrutiny before they mobilize the network of infected computers. “I never thought it would happen April 1,” said Roger Thompson, chief research officer at AVG, an anti-virus firm. “It might be tomorrow. It might be next week. It might be next month.” Viruses that turn PCs into slaves exploit weaknesses in Microsoft’s Windows operating system. The Conficker worm is especially tricky because it can evade corporate firewalls by passing from an infected machine onto a USB memory stick, then onto another PC. The Conficker botnet is one of many such networks controlled by syndicates that authorities believe are based in eastern Europe, southeast Asia, China and Latin America. While the Conficker botnet is still inactive, analysts say millions of machines in other networks are regularly ordered to perform tasks for their masters. The botnet’s owners often sell the slaves or rent them out, offering services such as credit-card and banking information theft. They can be customized to perform other tasks, such as knocking down websites and bringing down corporate networks. “The worst thing is that no one really knows what these things can do. These things can be programed to do anything,” said Mel Morris, CEO of anti-virus company Prevx. Analysts say Conficker garnered unprecedented attention in recent days because it is unusually large—most have no more than a few million slaves—and because it was coded to mutate on April Fool’s Day. While estimates vary greatly, researchers say tens of millions of machines are compromised without the knowledge of their owners. Alfred Hunger, a senior researcher with Symantec, thinks Conficker has the stamina to survive several years. He believes the motives of the army’s commanders are the same asthose of the other botnets in cyberspace. What is the passage primarily about?

A.The threat of the mysterious virus.
B.Anti-virus software.
C.The destructive power of Conficker.
D.How to relieve the threat of the mysterious virus.

52.Anti-virus software makers ______ out of the fears of Conficker.

A.could do nothing
B.could make a fortune
C.could cease to research on the virus
D.could further their researches on the virus

53.If NOT for the scare, what would the consumers of anti-virus software probably do?

A.Try to survive the recession.
B.Delay buying new software or renewing subscriptions.
C.Renew subscriptions.
D.Buy new software.

54.The botnet can perform the following tasks EXCEPT ______.

A.website destruction
B.corporate network breakdown
C.credit-card theft
D.banking information theft

55.Why has so much attention been paid to Conficker in recent days?

A.Because it can survive several years.
B.Because it is unusually large.
C.Because it will remain the same on April Fool’s Day.
D.Because it will compromise with tens of millions of machines.


(B)    The small study of about 140 overweight or obese women showed that those on diets “appropriate” for their genetic makeup lost more weight than those on less appropriate diets, researchers told an American Heart Association meeting. “The potential of using genetic information to achieve this magnitude of weight loss without pharmaceutical intervention would be important in helping to solve the pervasive problem of excessive weight in our society,” Christopher Gardner at Stanford University in California, who worked on the study, said in a statement. Massachusetts-based Interleukin’s $149 test looks for mutations in three genes, known as FABP2, PPARG and ADRB2. The company says 39 percent of white Americans have the low-fat genotype, 45 percent have the type that responds best to a diet low in processed carbohydrates and an unlucky 16 percent have gene mutations that mean they have to watch both fat and processed carbohydrates. The researchers randomly assigned around 140 women to one of four diets — the low-carb Atkins diet, the ultra low-fat Ornish diet, the very low-fat LEARN diet or the more balanced Zone diet. Interleukin went back and tested about 100 of the women for their DNA by using a cheek swab and then looked to see if the women on the “right” diets lost more weight. Over a year, people on diets appropriate to their genetic makeup, as determined by the test, lost 5.3 percent of body weight. People on mismatched diets lost 2.3 percent, the Stanford researchers told the meeting. Cholesterol levels improved in line with weight loss, they said. The company said the test looks for genes that affect metabolism. “One of the gene variations affects absorption of fats from the intestine,” Ken Koorman, chief scientific officer at Interleukin, said in a telephone interview. He said people with that particular mutation absorb more fat from their food and thus should avoid fat if they want to lose weight. Another of the variations affects insulin response — the body’s production of insulin to metabolize sugar, he said. Simple carbohydrates such as sugar and processed flour stimulate people with that particular gene type to store more of the energy as fat. Ten percent to 16 percent of people have both mutations, and must watch both carbs and fat, Kornman said. “What we don’t know is if they are on the right diet for their genotype whether it affects satiety or feeling full,” he said. He said the company planned broader studies to ask these questions. Interleukin markets the test under the brand name Inherent Health. It also can test who might best lose weight in response to exercise. Weight loss has much to do with ______.

A.diets appropriate for one’s genetic construction
B.genetic information
C.medical intervention

57.According to the passage, Interleukin is most probably______.

A.a pharmaceutical company
B.a diagnostics firm
C.a research institute
D.a biochemical term

58.What can be best said about white Americans in relation to the genotype?

A.Most of them have the low-fat genotype.
B.Nearly half of them have the low-carb genotype.
C.A small number of them have both the low-fat and low-carb genotypes.
D.A large number of them have gene variations.

59.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.People on well matched diets lose more weight than those on inappropriate diets.
B.Cholesterol is reduced with the loss of weight.
C.People with certain gene mutation can absorb more fat from food.
D.People in general should avoid fat if they want to lose weight.

510.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.The fight diet for the genotype has something to do with its quantity.
B.The black Americans don’t need to be on a diet.
C.Insulin controls the amount of sugar in the blood.
D.Carbohydrates help store more of the energy as fat.


Directions: Read the following passage, and then fill in the table with the information based on the passage. (10%×2%)

61.     Even the finest super-soldier suit can end up as expensive deadweight if the batteries run out of juice. Lockheed Martin wants to avoid that fate for its robotic exoskeleton by turning to fuel cells that can power the suit for days, The Register reports.    Lockheed’s Human Universal Load Carrier (HUIC) is a mechanized frame that allows soldiers to march or even run easily with loads of 200 pounds, as well as squat or kneel without trouble. But the current li-ion batteries supporting the suit typically run down after just a few hours of walking, not to mention running.    That could all change with fuel cells that could sustain 72-hour missions on a single charge, and provide power sockets to spare for military accessories that require their own batteries. Lockheed announced its choice of the Protonex Technology Corporation to develop such fuel cells on Wednesday.    We here at PopSci love our Iron Man suits, and so we’re happy to see longer-lasting versions in the works. After all, it’d be a shame for our robotic warfighters to run down when the Energizer Bunny keeps going on its dinky batteries.


Directions: Write a passage (150-200 words) in English on the following title. Develop the idea according to the Chinese outline given below. (15%)

71.Should smoking be prohibited by law in public places?








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