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自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-23





Directions: Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket. (20%)


(A)    As the Ebola outbreak simmers on in West Africa, researchers have shown the utility of a rapid test for the virus that could help contain another epidemic. The ReEBOV test, which needs only a fingerprick of blood and gives results in about 15 minutes, was granted Emergency Use Authorization by WHO in February, based on laboratory assessments.    Throughout the recent Ebola outbreak, clinicians have relied on PCR-based tests to diagnose cases of the viral disease. The tests require a full vial of blood to be drawn from a patient’s arm and transported to the nearest laboratory facility—which can take hours or days. In the lab, over the course of several hours, a PCR machine amplifies the genetic material in the blood until there is a sufficient amount to detect. In all, the process can take a few days—during which time a patient suspected of carrying Ebola must be quarantined or housed in holding units where they are at risk of infection.    The newer ReEBOV test, currently manufactured by Colorado-based Corgenix, is like the fingerprick tests used by diabetics to test their blood sugar. Within a few minutes after a drop of blood is placed on a paper strip, a line appears signaling a positive or negative result. Unlike PCR-based tests, which look for the presence of the virus’s genetic material, the ReEBOV test detects antigens: proteins made by the body in response to an Ebola infection.     Over a 2-week span in February, researchers used both the ReEBOV test and a classic PCR-based test on 106 patients who showed up at two clinics in Sierra Leone with suspected Ebola symptoms. In addition, the scientists compared the tests’ performances on 284 previously collected blood samples. The ReEBOV antigen test detected every case of Ebola that was diagnosed using the slower PCR-based test, giving it what the researchers believed was a sensitivity of 100%. The test also had a handful of false positives, however, making its specificity 92%.    “We were surprised by the performance,” says Nira Pollock, an infectious disease doctor at Boston Children’s Hospital and an author of the new study. “It was more sensitive than I expected for a rapid antigen diagnostic test.”     But Pollock admits the numbers may be misleading. After the collection of the initial data, the scientists used a second PCR-based test lo look at some of the samples. The PCR test they’d been using as a “gold standard,” it turned out. wasn’t itself 100% sensitive, not only highlighting the discrepancy between different PCR-based tests but also casting doubts on their new results. In retrospect, “we think we probably overestimated the sensitivity and underestimated the specificity,” Pollock says. More data are needed to illuminate these numbers, she adds.     A fast, cheap, transportable Ebola test can’t come too soon, researchers say. “This test can be done in very austere environments, even off the back of a truck; it doesn’t require electricity or a sophisticated lab or an experienced technician.”points out Robert Garry, a virologist at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, who helped develop the technology the test is based on but was not involved in the new trial. What is the passage mainly concerned with?

A.The ReEBOV test made in West Africa
B.The PCR-based test
C.The fingerprick test
D.How to diagnose the Ebola

2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of PCR-based tests?

A.They must be done in the laboratory.
B.They take more time than the ReEBOV test does.
C.They use the blood drawn from a patient’s arm.
D.They can discover proteins made by the body as a physical reaction to an Ebola infection.

3.The word “quarantined” in line 6, paragraph 2, can be replaced by_______.

C.kept separate from others
D.kept to themselves

4.According to the passage, all of the following are true about the ReEBOV test EXCEPT______.

A.it could help to control a widespread outbreak of Ebola
B.it looks for the presence of the virus’s genetic material
C.it is a rapid antigent diagnostic test
D.it should be used as soon as possible

5.It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A.the ReEBOV test is not completely accurate
B.the ReEBOV test has been given permission to be used at all times
C.an Ebola patient must be put in quarantine for a few days before treatment
D.both the ReEBOV test and the PCR-based test collect the same data


(B)   The email that arrived in Richard Young’s inbox in October 2013 was polite but firm. The writer was part of a group of researchers who “are conducting a study to investigate the reproducibility of recent research findings in cancer biology.” A paper that Young had published in Cell in 2012 on how a protein called c-Myc spurs tumor growth was among 50 high-impact papers chosen for scrutiny by the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology. The group might need help with materials and advice on experimental design, the message said. Young wrote back that a European lab had already published a replication of his study. No matter, the project’s representative replied, they still wanted to repeat it. But they needed more information about the protocol. After weeks of emails back and forth and scrambling by graduate students and postdocs to spell out procedures in intricate detail, the group clarified that they did not want to replicate the 30 or so experiments in the Cell paper, but just four described in a single key figure.     This past January, the cancer reproducibility project published its protocol for replicating the experiments, and the waiting began for Young to see whether his work will hold up in their hands. He says that if the project does match his results, it will be unsurprising—the paper’s findings have already been reproduced. If it doesn’t, a lack of expertise in the replicating lab may be responsible. Either way, the project seems a waste of time, Young says. “I am a huge fan of reproducibility. But this mechanism is not the way to test it.”     That is a typical reaction from investigators whose work is being scrutinized by the cancer reproducibility project, an ambitious, open-science effort to test whether key findings in Science, Nature, Cell, and other top journals can be reproduced by independent labs. Almost every scientist targeted by the project who spoke with Science agrees that studies in cancer biology, as in many other fields, too often turn out to be irreproducible, for reasons such as problematic reagents and the fickleness of biological systems. But few feel comfortable with this particular effort, which plans to announce its findings in coming months. Their reactions range from annoyance to anxiety to outrage. Cancer geneticist Todd Golub of the Broad Institute in Cambridge has a paper on the group’s list. But he is “concerned about a single group using scientists without deep expertise to reproduce decades of complicated, nuanced experiments.”      Golub and others worry that if the cancer reproducibility project announces that many of the 50 studies failed its test, individual reputations will be damaged and public support for biomedical research undermined. “I really hope that these people are aware of how much responsibility they have,'' says cancer biologist Lars Zender of the University of Tübingen in Germany. Timothy Errington, the reproducibility effort’s manager at the nonprofit Center for Open Science in Charlottesville. Virginia, knows the scrutiny has unsettled the community. But, he says, the project is working hard to make sure that the labs have all the details they need to match the original studies. The effort will ultimately benefit the field, he says, by gauging the extent of the reproducibility problem in cancer biology. What is the passage primarily about?

A.Cancer biology
B.Cancer reproducibility
C.Research findings in cancer biology
D.Papers on reproducibility

7.The phrase “hold up” in line 2, paragraph 3, is closest in meaning to______.

C.come to a halt
D.prove effective

8.What can be said about the reproducibility project?

A.It planned to examine the 50 most influential papers in Cell.
B.It was very particular about the papers on cancer reproducibility.
C.It lacked skills required in the lab.
D.It faced a negative reaction.

9.The author gives synonyms for which of the following words?


10.According to the passage, the purpose of the reproducibility project is most likely_______.

A.to find fault with the scientists in cancer biology
B.to copy the experiments of other scientists in cancer biology
C.to know how serious the reproducibility problem is in cancer biology
D.to benefit the field of cancer biology


Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. (8%)

11.instinct 本能地

12.permanent 不變性

13.coincide 巧合

14.organic 無機(jī)的

15.sphere 半球

16.plant 移植

17.contaminate 污染(名詞)

18.harmony 和諧的


Directions: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form. (12%)

21. Only a small number of the mentally ill_______to beat themselves or others.

22.She said her daughter had never_______the bad influence of Western culture.

23.If you are_______them, you feel affection for them.

24.Scientists believe that they can______the bright future of the world.

25.She had very little_______with her brother.

26.Ability to think will______you from years of study.

27.The shop assistant said these were the clothes we could_______.

28.Several people applied for this casual job, and we just picked one______.

29.Professor, could you please______the positive and negative data?

210.China______India in the southwest.

211.Before deciding what to do, we must______all the difficulties.

212.She dances well, and_______, she sings beautifully.


Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below. (10%)

31.   Computer vision is the science and technology of machines that see. As a scientific discipline, computer vision is concerned (31)the theory and technology for building artificial systems that obtain information from images(32)multi-dimensional data. A significant part of (33) intelligence deals with planning or deliberation for system which can perform (34)actions such as moving a robot (35) some environment. This type of processing typically needs input data provided (36) a computer vision system, (37) as a vision sensor and (38)high-level information about the environment and the robot. Other parts which sometimes are described as(39) to artificial intelligence and which are used in relation to computer vision are pattern (40) and learning techniques.


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. (10%)

41.take... forgranted stand forend upbe bound up withpress on1、他們最終還是乘出租車去了那兒。2、我認(rèn)為修建新公路是理所當(dāng)然的。3、教師不應(yīng)把自己的觀點(diǎn)強(qiáng)加于學(xué)生。4、UNESCO代表聯(lián)合國教科文組織。5、世界的未來與科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展密切相關(guān)。


Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. (15%)

51.In the adult study, a series of factors were significantly associated with the perception of car fumes or dust/soot. Annoyance due to noise exposure and rated impairment of life quality showed the stronger association in the logistic models. But odor and noise sensitivity also had a significant impact on the ratings.


Directions: Read the following passage, and then fill in the table with the information based on the passage. (10%×2%)

61.   Fat can indeed act as a shock absorber in violent collision. A 2003 study of car-crash victims found that those with more fat were less likely to suffer abdominal injuries. But the fat-as-airbag principle only goes so far. When a driver is flung forward, the heavier his or her body, the greater the force required to stop it.   The pelvis is the primary load-bearing structure for scat-belt safety, Kent, an American scientist, says. But with big stomachs, seat belts slide up and off the lap. Since a restraint works best once it engages with a dead body, any time it spends pressing into soft tissue will delay that protective effect.    To observe this, Kent defrosted eight dead bodies and belted them into car seats for a 30mph crash. High-speed video showed that the obese bodies flew off their seats pelvis-and lower-chest first. Smaller subjects’ hips stayed in place as their heads and the main body thrown against the upper strap. That may help explain the pattern of injuries typically seen in obese crash victims—more damage to the legs, less to the head, and a greater likelihood of death.


Directions: Write a passage (150-200 words) in English on the following title. Develop the idea according to the Chinese outline given below. (15%)

71.My View on Smartphone








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