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自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-23





(1 point each, 15 points in all)Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet.

1. I will leave_______to your judgment whether that’s the best solution to the problem.


2. She spent the last day of her vacation________ a final look around the harbor.


3. The printer doesn’t work. Don’t you think it’s about time we ________it?

A.will get rid of
B.get rid of
C.have got rid of
D.got rid of

4. I can’t find my keys in my purse. I_______them in my office.

A.must leave
B.will leave
C.must have left
D.would have left

5. They lost their way in the forest, and_______made matters worse was night began to fall.


6. Some people in the group complained that their tour________better organized.

A.could be
B.may have been
C.might be
D.could have been

7. She is very close to her roommate_______she has shared a lot of secrets.

A.with whom
C.with who

8. I can_______you that any money you contribute will be put to the best possible use.


9. Each of the lakes in this area has its own_______charm.


10. The salesman approached the house________because of the barking dog.


11. It is our_______that stability and unity must be maintained if the reforms under way are to be successful.


12. Sometimes adventurers had to face major survival concerns, such as predicting the weather________.


13. Students should ________the temptation of computer games and focus on study.


14. An appointment________made prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.


15. Many women can ________with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respect and fulfill her ambitions.



Fill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)

11.Want to keep your mind healthy throughout your life?     16       an instrument. A new study found that musicians     17     brains that function better than their peers well into old age.Researchers     18    the mental abilities of senior citizens and discovered that musicians performed better at a number of skills. In    19    , they excelled at visual memory tasks.   20    musicians had similar verbal capabilities to non-musicians, their ability to memorize new words was better, too. Perhaps most importantly, the musicians’ IQ   21       were higher overall than those who spent their lives listening to music        22         performing it.The experience of musicians also played a role in how     23         their minds were. The younger they began to play their instruments, the better their minds performed at the mental tasks.     24       , the total number of years they played instruments throughout their life       25        how strong their brains remained years later. A preliminary study of 70 older participants, with different musical experience over their lifetimes, provides a connection      26       musical activity and mental balance in old age. The results revealed      27     participants with at least 10 years of musical experience had better performance in nonverbal memory, naming, and executive processes in advanced age      28         non-musicians.The study also found that musicians who      29       in their spare time had even higher-functioning brain capabilities. This finding supports        30        recent study that reported people who walk regularly maintain healthier brains. With that in mind, perhaps joining a marching band will make you the smartest person at the retirement home in the future.16()

A.Pick up
B.Pick out
C.Bring up
D.Bring out


A.must have
B.should have
C.might have
D.need have










A.other than
B.better than
C.rather than
D.less than






A.came up with
B.caught up with
C.corresponded with
D.cooperated with






A.relative to
B.relevant to
C.unrelated to
D.irrelevant to




C.the other
D.one another


Choose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentences or the italicized part. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)

21. He [George Washington] might have been first in the hearts of his countrymen, but today [on a TV talk show] he’d be dragging his bottom in the ratings.

A....he’d turn out to be an excellent guest.
B....he would be unable to attract many viewers.
C.... he’d turn out to be a very poor talk show guest.
D....he would be unable to affect the viewers" feelings.

22. One difficult but essential thing to remember is to refuse to let other people’s bad manners goad you into retaliating in kind.

A....to ignore other people’s bad manners.
B....not to treat them in the same bad way.
C....to tell them to change their bad behavior.
D....not to respond to other people’s bad comments.

23. When you stay in a new environment for a while, you move to stage two—the crisis stage—in which the shine wears off and day-to-day realities sink in.

A.... the freshness cools off and the true colors show up.
B....the light is switched off and the harsh realities come along.
C....the first favorable impressions give way to the tedious routine.
D....the initial enjoyment fades away and nothing is special and exciting.

24. In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it livable.

A....love is so perfect that it can make the world better.
B....nothing is more important than love to make life better.
C....the world is in need of love because people lead an imperfect life.
D....although the world is imperfect, love makes it good enough to live in.

25. As the boat rose and fell on the long swells, I could feel sleep creeping over me like paralysis.

A....the sleepiness, a symptom of paralysis, overwhelmed me.
B....gradually, I was paralyzed in my sleep by the tiredness.
C....gradually, I felt so sleepy that I could not move.
D....paralyzed people like me fell asleep quickly.

26. This [not living in memories] is not always easy; one"s own past is a gradually increasing weight.

A....as they get older, people find it harder to remember their past.
B....as they grow older, people accumulate more experience.
C....to old people, their past is becoming more important.
D....to old people, their past is becoming a heavy burden.

27. We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return—be this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest.

A.We feel uneasy when we realize our time is being wasted...
B.We feel worried because time is passing and is gone forever...
C.We do things slowly when we realize that they are less rewarding...
D.We keep wasting time without realizing that lost time never returns...

28. Once, at my prep, school, I had a story in the magazine and Mother was beside herself.

A....my mother was very supportive when I was writing a story for the school magazine.
B....to sec my story in the magazine was such a surprise to my mother that she couldn’t believe it.
C....my mother was deeply moved by the story in the magazine that she couldn’t find words to express herself.
D....the magazine carried a story I had written and this made my mother so happy that she couldn’t control herself.

29. Every year we’re selling more than a 1,000 million worth of cars abroad. If we spend a few million greasing the palms of some of the buyers, who’s hurt?

A.It is dangerous to offer bribes of a few million to some of our buyers.
B.It is harmless to bribe some of our buyers with a few million.
C.It is helpful to give a discount of a few million to our buyers.
D.It is useless to waste a few million as bribes to our buyers.

210. When I objected that I didn’t feel any aptitude for salesmanship, she asked how I’d like to lend her my leather belt so she could wrack some sense into me.

A....if I would like to get a good beating from her to become sensible.
B....if I would like to be made clear-minded with her encouragement.
C....if I would like to understand her and give her full support.
D....if I would like to share with her those realistic ideas.


Read the two passages and choose the most likely answer to each of the questions. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (2 points each, 20 points in all)

31.Passage 1Every day as I drove through town, I saw a one-legged man going through ashcans for cigarette butts and trash cans outside of fast food restaurants looking for food. It was only a month before Christmas, starting to get cold, and I could not quit thinking about him. It was a year when we didn’t have enough money to really have much in the way of presents, but I figured what was too little for us would be a lot for someone who had nothing.So I bought a toothbrush, toothpaste, a pack of cigarettes, cans of tuna, just little things that didn’t cost much and then I added a blanket and sweatshirts. I made a box up like a present and went in search of this man. I saw him hobble away from the dumpster next to McDonalds. I pulled over, grabbed the box and went up to him. I said, “I would like to give you a Christmas present. There are some food items in here and some things you might be able to use.”He sidestepped around me and said, “No, thank you, I just had lunch. I don’t need anything.”Then he hobbled on down the sidewalk, leaving me standing there in tears. I took the box down to a little shop that gave things out to the poor and homeless and told them what had happened and asked that they give the box to someone who could use it. The person there told me not lo be upset as I was still crying. I told her I was not crying for myself but for him because what I had done was to lake away his dignity as if he were a person in need. I was so ashamed. What a great lesson for me to learn, though.A few years later I was able to volunteer for a day in St. Anthony’s Dining Room in San Francisco where 1,500 to 2,000 homeless are fed every day. These folks give up their sleeping spot, carry everything they own and stand in line for up to 6 hours to receive the only food they will get to sustain themselves for a 24 hour period. We took one tray of food at a time, and treated them as if they were in a restaurant ordering a meal they were paying for. And when we took our break, we would sit down with one of them and talk and share our food with someone if we had too much.Since that time, I have had the opportunity, or to be exact, the blessing of being able to sit down and visit with people who at the time just happen to be displaced. I have heard that, statistically, the majority of us could not make it if we had to go two months without an income and homelessness were to happen to us. Speaking for me, yes, that would be true and my immediate reaction would be like the first gentleman I mentioned. I might have nothing else but I would want to maintain my dignity as long as possible. Accepting help is sometimes harder than giving it.How did the writer feel about the one-legged man when she saw him?

A.She felt very sympathetic towards him.
B.She was confused by the man’s behavior.
C.She was curious about the man’s disability.
D.She felt lucky to have enough money herself.

32. Why did the one-legged man refuse the writer’s present?

A.He didn’t need anything.
B.He enjoyed his way of life.
C.He wanted to maintain his dignity.
D.He suspected the writer’s intention.

33. Why did the writer cry?

A.She felt sad about the man’s ungratefulness.
B.She regretted having hurt the man’s self-esteem.
C.She was moved by the comfort from the person in the shop.
D.She was upset because the person in the shop didn’t understand her.

34. In Paragraph 5,“people who at the time just happen to be displaced”refers to

A.people who are placed in the wrong position
B.people who are forced to quit their jobs
C.friendless people
D.homeless people

35. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.A Christmas Present
B.A Lesson in Dignity
C.Giving and Accepting
D.The Rich and the Poor

36.Passage 2J.K. Rowling probably isn’t going to write any more Harry Potter books. That Doesn’t mean there won’t be any more. It just means they won’t be written by J.K. Rowling. Instead they’ll be written by people like Racheline Maltese.Maltese is38. She’s an actress and a professional writer—journalism, cultural criticism, fiction, and poetry. She describes herself as queer. She’s a fan of Harry Potter. Sometimes she writes stories about Harry and the other characters from the Potter stories and posts them online for free. “For me, it’s sort of like an acting exercise,” Maltese says. “You have known characters. You apply a set of given circumstances to them. Then you wait and see what happens.”Maltese is a writer of fan fiction: stories and novels that make use of the characters and settings from other people’s professional creative work. Fan fiction writers don’t do it for money. That’s not what it’s about. The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction. They’re fans, but they’re not silent, couch-bound consumers of the media. The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language. Right now fan fiction is still the cultural equivalent of dark matter: it’s largely invisible to the mainstream, but at the same time, it’s unbelievably massive. Fan fiction comes before the Internet, but the Web has made it greatly easier to talk and be heard, and it holds hundreds of millions of words of fan fiction. There’s fan fiction based on books, movies, TV shows, video games, plays, musicals, rock bands and board games. There’s fan fiction based on the Bible. In most cases, the quantity of fan fiction generated by a given work is much larger than the work itself; in some cases, the quality is higher than that of the original too. FanFiction.net, the largest archive on the Web (though only one of many), hosts over 2 million pieces of fan fiction, ranging in length from short-short stories to full-length novels. The Harry Potter section alone contained, at press time, 526,085 entries.Nobody makes money from fan fiction, but whether anybody loses money on fan fiction is a separate question. The people who create the works that fan fiction borrows from are sharply divided on it Rowling and Stephenie Meyer have given Harry Potter and Twilight fan fiction their blessing; if anything, fan fiction has acted as a marketing agent for their work. Other writers consider it a violation of their copyrights, and more, of their emotional claim to their own creations. They feel as if their characters had been kidnapped by strangers.You can see both sides of the issue. Do characters belong to the person who created them? Or to the fans who love them so passionately that they spend their nights and weekends laboring to extend those characters’ lives, for free? There’s a division here, a geological fault line, that looks small on the surface but runs deep into our culture, and the tectonic plates are only moving farther apart. Is art about making up new things or about transforming the raw material tha’'s out there? Cutting, pasting, sampling, remixing and mashing up have become mainstream modes of cultural expression, and fan fiction is part of that. It challenges just about everything we thought we knew about art and creativity.Harry Potter stories will probably be continually written by_______.

A.J.K. Rowling
B.novel critics
C.fans of Harry Potter
D.other professional writers

37. What is the purpose for some people to write fan fiction?

A.To make money.
B.To improve marketing.
C.To share their love for stories.
D.To practice professional writing.

38. Which of the following correctly describes fan fiction?

A.It is based on the Internet.
B.It has become a literary genre.
C.It is not a legal way to create things.
D.It has not been recognized by the mainstream.

39. Why do some writers object to fan fiction?

A.It challenges their status.
B.It hurts them emotionally.
C.It causes them to lose money.
D.It interferes with their creation.

310. How can we describe the writer’s attitude to fan fiction?



Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. Write your word on the answer sheet.(1 point each, 10 points in all)

41. It snowed last night. Now the roads are________and slippery. (ice)

42. The villagers set off firecrackers for the_______of the big harvest. (celebrate)

43. So many people exhaust their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to_______their health. (gain)

44. Someone who is _______always tries to do what they want, even though other people may advise them not to. (strong, will)

45. If for any reason you are_______ with this software, return it within thirty days for a full refund. (satisfied)

46. When I saw her looking at me reassuringly, I felt much _______. (relief)

47. He is measuring the________of his dining room. (long)

48. _______courses enable students to extend their studies in other areas so as to widen their knowledge. (option)

49. To many landscape designers, a garden can be described as a beautiful, ________outdoor environment furnished with plants. (order)

410. Unlike her quiet mother, she is very_______. (talk)


ranslate the following sentences into English and write your sentences on the answer sheet. (3 points each, 15 points in all)

51. 我因?yàn)闀?shū)中精美的插圖而更加喜歡這本書(shū)。

52. 現(xiàn)在房?jī)r(jià)上漲得很快,許多年輕人己經(jīng)買(mǎi)不起房子了。

53. 由于交通經(jīng)常堵塞,他決定到遠(yuǎn)離市中心的地方居住。

54. 他不顧家人的反對(duì),決定親自去處理這次事故.

55. 他母親己無(wú)法忍受他的壞脾氣了。


Write a composition on the answer sheet in about 150 words, basing yourself on one of the texts you have learned. (15 points)

61.TOPIC: List some of the good virtues that the washwoman possessed and describe how unusual she was.Use the outline given below.? her sense of duty and her strong will to fulfill her tasks? her affection and her tolerance for her son? her self-esteem and her independence








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