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自考 責任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-23





(1 point each, 15 points in all)Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet.

1. If people were a little more tolerant, our world________ a better place to live in.

A.would be
B.will be
C.would have been
D.had been

2. I think Dike is dating Jane. They_______each other a lot recently.

B.had been seeing
D.have been seeing

3. The subway is still under construction. It will take________to complete.

A.two other years
B.other two years
C.another two years
D.two another years

4. We keep the meat in the fridge, ________it doesn’t go bad.

B.so that

5. Throughout the football match, the boy________his eyes on his favorite player.

A.to fix
B.to be fixed

6. He rushed into the room, his face________with sweat.

B.was dripping
D.being dripped

7. No firm evidence had come to light________the men arrested were actually responsible for the accident.


8. After twenty years abroad, William came back_______his hometown changed beyond recognition.

A.to find
B.was to find
C.was finding

9. Peter’s mum told him to stay in the room waiting for her and he did_______.


10. After the earthquake there were very few buildings left_________in the village.


11. We were aware that he was under great________, so we forgave his bad temper.


12. As a member of the club, you must________to its rules.


13. It takes time for new arrivals at the military academy to get used to strict________.


14. ________care in hospital is given to the seriously ill.


15. Why bring the issue to the meeting? It is the sort of thing one should talk about________.

A.in person
B.in public
C.in general
D.in private


Fill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)

11.In the distant past, the beginnings of the world and of society were explained in mythology. Mythology is the rich    16     of tales from different cultures about how the world was    17    and why certain things happen. Today the word “myth” is often used to describe something that is made up. Myths tell of gods or other supreme beings, heroes and events that are—or were    18    —believed to be true. Thousands of years ago, humankind did not have the sciences to help them    19     life. They did not know why the sun rises each morning, why the moon changes    20     or why the seasons change. Ancient peoples witnessed sickness, death and natural disasters but they did not know    21     caused them. To explain the world around them, groups of people    22     their own accounts about nature and life. These stories were usually not recorded. Instead, they were part of a(n)    23     tradition, meaning they developed slowly and were    24    , from one generation to another through telling stories. Upon hearing the 25 , people accepted them as the truth.    26    , myths became beliefs. It is for this reason     27    mythology is closely associated with religion. Mythmaking,    28     superstition, is not the sole property of people who lived thousands of years ago. It has traditionally looked to the past to try to make sense    29     the present. Some modem myths look to the future. Storytellers make use of the    30    inventions of the last few centuries to give vivid depictions of what Earth may be like hundreds of years from now. They imagine life on worlds billions of light-years away in space or far in the future.16()





A.once upon a time
B.at all times
C.once in a while
D.at one time








A.dealt with
B.caught up with
C.came up with
D.argued with




A.brought down
B.handed down
C.pushed on
D.carried on




A.In this way
B.At this point
C.On this occasion
D.By this time






A.up for
B.out of
C.away from
D.along with




Choose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentences or the italicized part. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)

21. It’s much braver to ask questions even when there’s a prospect of ridicule than to suppress your questions and become deadened to the world around you.

A.You need more courage to ask stupid questions...
B.You show more boldness to laugh at silly questions...
C.It is more adventurous to laugh at people who ask question...
D.It is more courageous to ask questions at the risk of being laughed at...

22. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, often without our conscious awareness.

A.These cultural signs help us remain calm and keep things going...
B.We use these methods to maintain peace and efficiency...
C.We need cultural signs to make a living peacefully...
D.Peaceful mind helps us to do things efficiently...

23. Overindulgence of a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to Their children’s unreasonable demands.

A....when parents fail to meet their children’s requests.
B....when parents are unwilling to satisfy their children’s needs.
C....when parents cannot resist their children’s excessive requests.
D....when parents would do nothing unreasonable for their children.

24. We can’t call ourselves Christians and then deny safety to our friends when the showdown comes.

A.We couldn’t neglect the safety of our Christian friends at a critical moment.
B.As Christians we shouldn’t refuse to help others in times of danger and crisis.
C.Though we are not faithful Christians, we should still protect our friends.
D.Christianity never allows us to hurt our friends in a conflict.

25. She wrote about it not only in formal academic reports but also in a book that informed and thrilled laymen around world.

A....that inspired people in the world and aroused their interest.
B....that intended to teach and amuse children around the world.
C....that aimed to warm and threaten all dishonest men in the world.
D....that instructed and excited even nonprofessional around the world.

26. “It’s not so much what my husband says,” a tearful wife confides, “as the way he says it...”

A.The wife doesn’t mind what her husband says to her.
B.The wife doesn’t mind the way her husband speaks to her.
C.The wife is hurt by both her husband’s words and his manner.
D.The wife is far more hurt by her husband’s manner than by his words.

27. ...and its whole staff was out in the cold without so much as a month’s salary to tide them over.

A....they were left with little money to get them through the difficult period.
B....everyone had to stay in the open since they couldn"t afford a place.
C.... they suffered in cold winter days without means to make a living.
D....everyone was helpless in such an uncontrollable situation.

28. I suspect that we are always faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island, with the sea always round the comer.

A.I wonder if we have realized the smallness of this island compared to the sea.
B.I think we may not be fully aware it is easy to get to the sea on this small island.
C.I believe we have ignored the size of the small island and its location in the sea.
D.I guess we are insensitive to the fact that this small island is at the corner of the sea.

29.No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend.

A.It is impossible to make close friends during a holiday trip.
B.It is not the right time for people to make friends in a holiday.
C.People don’t hope to form a close friendship during a brief holiday trip.
D.People often forget that a holiday trip is a good chance to make friends.

210. I never do anything whatever on the ground that it is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome.

A....as a matter of fact, most of the things I do are good for health.
B.…actually, I enjoy doing most of the things good for health.
C....certainly,most of the things I do are worthy of trying.
D....in fact, I like doing the healthiest things in the world.


Read the two passages and choose the most likely answer to each of the questions. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (2 points each, 20 points in all)

31.Passage 1“One way ticket? You are going to move into town?”the young man asked. He could not get his eyes off the pretty girl sitting in front of him in the train. “No,”the girl said. She knew the young man had a crush on her. Women just know these things. They had been sitting in the train for hours, face to face. At first they had just nodded to each other, and then the young man had introduced himself politely. Obviously, she was not the kind who wanted to talk to strangers. “You haven’t decided yet when you will return?” the youth did not want to leave the matter be. “I won’t,” she said. “My sister invited me to America and I am leaving tomorrow morning,”she continued. “Oh...”The young man had not expected this. Of course the times were rough and many people were traveling to seaports to take the ships to a hopefully better future across the ocean. “I have heard it is not always very safe to go,” he tried. “I shall meet others at the harbor,”the girl said with a voice that clearly said the conversation was over. “I shall be perfectly safe!'” At that the young man fell quiet. The girl closed her eyes and pretended to be napping. He had good time to watch her. Pretty, slightly round face, shiny brown hair. You could see from her clothes she was not wealthy, but everything was neat and clean. He realized he liked her very much, very, very much. The girl opened her eyes and found him looking at her. He coughed, embarrassed he had been caught. “I need to…go…”she said modestly. “Could you please keep an eye on my bags?” “Of course, Miss,” he said. When she came back she found him asleep. She shook her head and sat down. Her wooden box was under the seat and her smaller bag was... Nowhere to be seen! He opened his eyes at her panic exclamation. “My bag! Someone has stolen my bag!” The young man looked scared. He got to his feet and ran out of the compartment. The girl frantically looked around to see if she had just put her bag into a wrong place. But it was nowhere to be seen. “Is it this one?”the young man held a bag in his hands. “I found it in the comer of the next compartment.” “Yes,yes it is!” she grabbed it quickly and opened it, “My purse…yes,it is here…My papers…” She sat down, looking like she was going to faint “My passport! Someone has stolen my passport!” “Oh no,” the young man said. “I shall go and ask everyone if they saw anything.” He came back after half an hour. The girl looked at him hopefully. He shook his head. “Nothing. No one has seen anything, and none of the people look suspicious. Ordinary, decent folks, all of them.” “My passport…Now I cannot leave!” she burst into tears. “Who would only take my passport and leave my purse and all the money? This makes no sense!” He sat next to her and took her hand to console her. “Please, Miss. You can get another passport.” “But it takes forever! I cannot get to this ship! My sister is waiting for me to arrive with it!” “Write a letter explaining you will come later. Give the letter to someone who is going to that ship and can take it to your sister in America.” Slowly she calmed down. “I shall help you to get a new passport, because it was my fault it was stolen,”the young man said. “The first thing we shall do is to go to the police to report the theft. At least they can check if anyone is trying to use it.” He felt her passport in his inside breast pocket. He would need to get rid of it as soon as possible. She did not say anything but gave him a faint smile. He looked into her grey blue eyes and smiled so tenderly that she blushed. ... (I don't know when my great grandfather confessed to stealing my great Grandmother’s passport and had her forgiveness, but their long marriage speaks for itself. And maybe this sweet story is the reason I love trains.)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “had a crush on” in Paragraph 2?

A.Showed a strong curiosity about
B.Presented the deepest respect to.
C.Had a romantic feeling for.
D.Held the highest opinion of.

32. What was the first step the young man took to stop the girl from going abroad?

A.He stole the girl’s passport.
B.He asked her some questions.
C.He put her small bag in another compartment.
D.He warned her of the danger of going to America.

33. What was the girl’s reaction when she found her bag gone?

A.She was mad at the man.
B.She was extremely anxious.
C.She suspected the man.
D.She lost her consciousness.

34. What might happen after this train trip?

A.The girl gave up her plan of going to America.
B.The young man returned the passport to the girl.
C.The young man helped the police catch the thief.
D.The girl went to the harbor with her new passport.

35. Which of the following is a proper title for this story?

A.Where There Is Love There Is Life
B.Love Is a Serious Mental Disease
C.Love Makes Time Fly
D.All Is Fair in Love

36.Passage 2Online education is still a hot topic among employers for a number of reasons. Many employers welcome online educational qualifications because they recognize the fact that the individuals who are trained online have vital qualities that other competitors may not have and that they are also trained to the same level as anyone completing a campus course. However, there are still some traditional employers who will still question the fact that the individuals did not sit in a classroom for three or four years. For some reason, those employers do not perceive an online degree as of value. However, these employers are few now simply because the online degree graduates are filling jobs that may never have otherwise been filled. They are responding to the demand and helping the country to run much more smoothly than it has done in a long time. In fact, online college degrees and technical qualifications have revolutionized the way that the world of education and the world of industry work. Although attitudes are changing, nobody with an online degree should expect not to be challenged when it is presented in a resume or in a job interview because it is still likely to be a topic of discussion. Attending a campus institution makes the degree easily identifiable and easy to track in terms of what the candidate has indeed completed. Online degrees are not as easy to trace and can prove to be quite difficult to substantiate too. However, they both tend to have the same amount of work involved with the latter providing far more useful personal qualities in terms of working off one’s own initiative and time management skills. While that is not to discredit campus graduates, these are qualities that can be pointed out in an interview to help a candidate’s claim to a job! An employer is well within his or her right to check up on an educational background and may indeed be cautious of individuals with online qualifications from universities and colleges that are less well-known because of the number of faking agencies out there. An employer will be skeptical until everything actually checks out. It may even put them off hiring you. This is just because of the healthy suspicion that still lingers over the online degree, and with good reason. However, larger online universities are well-known enough by now to need no explanation. The one question a potential employer will always ask though is why the candidate chose to take an online degree instead of a campus course. This is a question that you always need to be prepared for and have a good answer ready. No matter how well you try to prepare for an interview, you can never count on which way an employer will go or what view of an online degree he or she will take, so you need to have answers prepared for every possibility. Trying to predict the reaction will often land you in more trouble than assuming the worst. Always assuming the worst is the best advice that you could take because you are then prepared for anything. If you are confident and put faith in your degree, providing evidence to substantiate the fact that it is real, it should no longer hold you back!Which of the following is true of employers’ attitude toward online degrees?

A.Many employers question the value of online degrees.
B.Many employers refuse to recognize online degrees.
C.Many employers care little about online degrees.
D.Many employers acknowledge online degrees.

37. What might be an advantage for online degree graduates according to the passage?

A.They are better qualified for traditional jobs.
B.They may possess better personal qualities.
C.It is more cost-effective to hire them to work.
D.Online education is something new in the modem world.

38. Why are some employers skeptical of online degree holders?

A.They are filling jobs too quickly.
B.Their qualifications are questionable.
C.Their qualifications are less competitive.
D.They have received less technical training.

39. Which of the following is frequently asked about in a job interview for online degree holders?

A.The reason for choosing online programs.
B.The reputation of the online university.
C.The certificate of an online degree.
D.The courses of online education.

310. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.Advantages of Online Degrees
B.Development of Online Education
C.Job Market and Your Online Degree
D.Workplace Interview and Your Qualifications


Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. Write your word on the answer sheet.(1 point each, 10 points in all)

41. When you feel bad, find a person to cry with and to let out your anger and other feelings of ________. (helpless)

42. In my opinion it is less________for a king to be overcome by force of arms than by bribery. (shame)

43. The will to win and the desire to succeed are the keys that will unlock the door to_______excellence. (person)

44. After a long period of rain the river may________its banks. (flow, over)

45. Please concentrate on the business at hand and don’t drag in_______issues.(relevant)

46. He believed in________so much that he would rather die than live without it.(free)

47. We all know that________is the first requirement for learning. (concentrate)

48. We apologize for any_______caused during the construction of the road.(convenience)

49. The evidence given by the witness in court was inconsistent with what he had _________told the police. (previous)

410. Clearly, if you are spending more than what you earn, you’ll have to________your belt. (tight)


ranslate the following sentences into English and write your sentences on the answer sheet. (3 points each, 15 points in all)

51. 在生活中他應對困難的特殊方式給我留下了深刻的印象。

52. 為了不使她感到難堪,我們沒有告訴她真相。

53. 還在讀大學的時候,他就打工,掙錢養(yǎng)活自己。

54. 由于噪音很大,廣場舞這種娛樂形式正受到越來越多人的批評。

55. 我無意傷害他,但是他覺得我在取笑他。


Write a composition on the answer sheet in about 150 words, basing yourself on one of the texts you have learned. (15 points)

61.TOPIC: What kind of mother was Mrs. Baker in the story “Selling the Post”?






