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自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-23





(1 point each, 15 points in all)Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet.

1. The workers say_______painting the downstairs rooms by Wednesday.

A.they"ve finished
B.they’re going to finish
C.they finish
D.they"ll have finished

2.Swimming is my favorite sport. There is_______better than swimming as a means of keeping fit.

A." nothing "
C." anything "

3.One of the few things you_______say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.

A."shall "
B."must "
C."can "

4.On two occasions she was accused of stealing money from the company, but in neither case_______any evidence to support the claim.

A.was there
B.were there
C.there were
D.there was

5.Many American drivers from car pools, with three or four people______to drive the place where they all work.

A.take turns
B.taking turns
C.took turns
D.taken turns

6.The children had a week"s holiday, ______because of a flu epidemic.

A."the school be closed "
B."the school has closed"
C."the school to be closed "
D.the school being closed

7.According to the theory of deterrence, the more severe the punishment, ______.

A.the less likely crime is
B.the less likely the crime
C.the crime less likely
D.the crime is less likely

8.The two dictionaries recently published______so well that they are out of stock.

A.were sold
D.are sold

9.He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn"t risk______the good opportunity.


10.This website is full of practical______on home decoration and repairs.


11.The company is trying every means to______the wholesale price of its products.

A.bring down
B.put down
C.pull down
D.set down

12.The government______the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.


13.The committee’s reduced vote was______of lack of support for its policies.


14.Although technically I am senior______Smith, we do more or less the same job.


15. The girl was so scared that she just wouldn’t_____her grip on her mother’s arm.



Fill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)

11.People build many different kinds of shelter throughout the worlD.The types of shelters they erect depend    16    on the climate and on what building materials are    17    . In hot areas, the weather is warm enough for people to live    18     much of the time. But they still need protection   19    sun, rain, and insects. Houses there have many screened windows, doors, and other openings that let in breezes but keep out insect pests. In the cool regions, houses are    20    to keep out the cold and keep in heat. Many buildings have thick walls to    21    heat loss. In such snowy countries as Norway and Sweden, people build houses with sloping roofs    22    snow will slide off easily. Building methods and materials    23    widely throughout the worlD.In regions with large forests, many people use wood to build homes.    24    is easy to build with, but most wooden buildings are less sturdy than those made of stone or concrete. In areas with little    25    , people construct many shelters of clay or muD.In Mexico and the southwestern United States, for example, people    26    clay and dirt or mud with water to make adobe (磚坯). In wet tropical areas,    27    causes wood shelters to rot within a few years. People in these areas build houses from other materials. For example, in some parts of Africa and on many Pacific islands, people weave the    28     of tall grass into houses. High-rise buildings made of steel and concrete are most common in such industrial countries as the United States and Canada. Prefabricated buildings    29    parts manufactured at a factory and then shipped to the construction    30    . There construction workers assemble the parts. Many prefabricated shelters use large amounts of plastic and other lightweight materials.16()













A.so that
B.in case
C.even though
D.as if














A.get together
B.consist of
C.hold up
D.combine with




Choose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentences or the italicized part. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)

21. Today an appearance on a television talk show is the ultimate proof of “making it” in America.

A.To many American people, it is an ambitious goal to appear on a talk show.
B.If you are invited as a guest on a talk show, you have proved yourself a success.
C.The television broadcast of a talk show offers people opportunities to succeed.
D.Your appearance on a television talk show is a solid evidence of your wealth.

22. Assignments are thus felt to be given added weight by the passage of time.

A.It is assumed the more difficult the tasks are, the more time they will take.
B.It is accepted the more assignments are given, the longer time will be spent.
C.It is believed the more time you spend on assignments, the more important they become.
D.It is supposed the faster time passes, the more pressure you will feel about the assignments.

23. Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed.

A.The poor do not view love in the same way as the rich.
B.The rich can be romantic; the jobless should be practical.
C.Without a job, one should be wise enough not to fall in love.
D.Wealth brings about romance, which cannot be understood by the poor.

24. It would give me prestige in his eyes, or at least make me less suspect, foreigner though I was.

A....because they respected foreigners.
B....with the only exception of foreigners.
C.... in the same way they treated foreigners.
D....even though they didn’t trust foreigners.

25. A donkey may permit himself to fall under his burden, but not a human being, the best of creation.

A.Unlike a donkey, a human, the highest animal form never lets himself fall because of hard work.
B.Unlike a human being full of creativity, a donkey could do nothing but become a burden to others.
C.It is impossible for a donkey to go under the control of a human being.
D.A clever human being would not allow a donkey to give up working.

26. It was Laura’s obvious pleasure that had brightened everything.

A.Laura’s happiness made the whole family cheerful.
B.Everything seemed gorgeous with Laura’s presence.
C.Laura was happy to see the whole house so brightly lit.
D.Everyone was fond of Laura because of her personality.

27. In this English scene [the cottage] there is no such direct opposition. Men and trees and flowers, we feel, have all settled down comfortably together.

A....the cottage is supposed to add charm to the nature.
B.... people build cottages directly opposite to each other.
C....the cottage seems to be in harmony with the surroundings.
D....people support the plan to build cottages in the countryside.

28. He was personally proud of being a part of that great corporation. My mother said he had every right to be.

A.My mother encouraged him to get a job in a famous company.
B.To my mother it was always a right thing to start a career confidently.
C.My mother agreed completely with him on the high prestige of the company.
D.To my mother nothing was more important than being accepted by a good company.

29. One"s [an old person] thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done.

A.Old people must look to the future and think about what else they can do.
B.Old people should concentrate on the present instead of living in the past.
C.Old people are required to adjust to what is going to happen in the future.
D.Old people need to make plans for their future life before it is too late.

210. The ocean threw its water over the island with a roar as of many voices.

A.The island was no longer quiet because of the deafening noises of the ocean waves.
B.The waves hitting the island created a sound which was so thunderous and violent.
C.People on the island remained calm because they were used to the violent ocean.
D.The sound of the ocean waves is like a beautiful song sung by many people.


Read the two passages and choose the most likely answer to each of the questions. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (2 points each, 20 points in all)

31.Passage 1Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he came home from the office. I’d watch as he put his personal items away: his watch, wallet, comb and car keys would always occupy the same spot on the table every time. It was as if he could see invisible lines drawn specifically for these things, not a centimeter more or less. Dad's comb was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum, which made the comb two years older than I was. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say: “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?” I was more than happy to do it. At age five this mundane task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the tap on, and then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I coulD.Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to DaD.He would smile at me and place the comb on top of his wallet. About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky. He didn’t come home as much as he used to—just a couple of times a week. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in beD.I started to get maD.Why didn't he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job? Why took the risk and placed the whole family in trouble? Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him. Today, I’m no longer a kiD.Now 28, I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has also started to get back on track. Things are better now. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me persisted. Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said: “Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb? It’s been a while since I last cleaned it.”then I looked at him a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink. It’s a new comb. This one’s brown. I hadn’t noticed that he’d changed it. He used to have the green one, then a pink one that he gave to me as a present but took back when his green one broke. I punched a few drops of soap onto an old toothbrush, and I brushed the comb. It hit me then: why, as a child, helping my dad clean his comb was such a joy. That routine meant that my dad was home early to spend the evening with Mum and me. It meant he would watch TV with us or play a few video games with me. It meant a happy and loving family. I passed the clean comb back to DaD.He looked at it and smileD.But this time, I noticed something different. My dad had ageD.He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, yet his smile was still as heartwarming as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good life for his family. Dad carefully placed his comb on top of his wallet. After so many years, he still organized his personal items in the same meticulous way. I guess some things never change. And for that, I'm glad.What can be inferred from Paragraph 1 about the father's behavioral pattern?

A.He stuck to his own way of child education.
B.He tended to follow the daily routine of his life.
C.He preferred to place his items in secure places.
D.He possessed a special power of seeing invisible things.

32. What led to the changes in the family atmosphere?

A.The father got into trouble with his employer.
B.The father began to spend less time with his family.
C.The father quarreled more frequently with the mother.
D.The father no longer asked the daughter to clean his comb.

33. Why do you think the father asked his daughter to clean his comb two days before her birthday?

A.She was the person who could do it best.
B.His comb hadn’t been cleaned for a long time.
C.He wanted to resume their harmonious relationship.
D.It would remind her that he hadn"t changed his old habit.

34. Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “meticulous” in the last paragraph?


35. What might be the author"s purpose of writing the story?

A.To praise her father"s unusual way of raising a family.
B.To show her regret about misunderstanding her father.
C.To express her appreciation for her father"s unchanging love.
D.To explain how to keep a healthy relationship with one’s father.

36.Passage 2Is a genius a remarkable musician who moves our spirits, an artist who creates beautiful paintings, a student who scores off the charts on an IQ test? Consider the other varieties of geniuses—those with amazing musical, artistic, athletic and intellectual talents. Were the Mozarts and Monets of the world born with their genius? Or did their environment shape who they became? Genes appear to have a big role in our intelligence and talents. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine have identified a specific gene that may help manage our skill level for organizing things logically. Although this is just one part of the mystery between our genes and intelligence, the discovery certainly warrants some thought. This type of discovery may help explain why early studies in regard to intelligence seem to favor genetics over environment when it comes to IQ. Those studies showed that even though some adoptive children grew up in an environment completely separate from their biological parents, their IQs were more related to theirs than those of the adoptive parents. However, that's not the end of the story. As mentioned, the possible gene linked to organizing things logically is a piece of a much larger puzzle. That goes for intelligence and other talents, as well. Most of the time, when society claims someone as a genius, it’s for multiple traits—personality, cognitive capacity, motivation—working together. As it turns out, these traits and others like them have been linked to strong hereditary (遺傳的)underpinnings. Even though these beloved traits have a basis in genetics,that doesn’t mean they’re set in stone. According to cognitive psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman, a hereditary advantage for a trait that might lead us to great things isn’t a sure thing. Someone could be a gifted child if everything comes together early on, but genius might not emerge until later in life—and it can even weaken. This is where genetics and environment disagree. For those of us not hitting the genetic jackpot, how much hope can environmental influences provide? A lot, especially when it comes to superior performance. Anders Ericsson of Florida Stale University Department of Psychology has found that even though our society’s high performers, such as Olympic athletes and first-chair musicians, seem born to their roles, we can be assured that knowledge, training and practice are at play. Limited access to programs, resources and even proper nutrition can be discouraging challenges. For example, if a child shows a small amount of athletic promise—perhaps he or she can kick a ball farther than his or her pals—that child may start kicking the ball more, hanging out with other kids who can kick a ball and joining a soccer team. The adults in the child’s life might applaud success, leading to even more practice and achievement. On the other hand, the child who falls down the first time he or she kicks a ball might always be picked last for the team and be too discouraged to give it another try. Neither genetics nor environment appears to work alone. You can't necessarily predict genius from birth. Who knows when and at what point your genius might develop? After all, what if the reason that child fell the first time he or she went to kick the ball wasn't a lack of skill but slippery grass?What did early studies find about intelligence according to the passage?

A.Our intelligence was shaped more by genetics than by environment.
B.The IQ of adoptive children was more influenced by environment.
C.Our ability to organize things logically was determined by genes.
D.The level of intelligence was affected environmentally.

37. Which of the following is true of favorable hereditary traits?

A.They are bound to disappear gradually.
B.They are combined to produce a genius.
C.They are the sure indications of high intelligence.
D.They may not be permanent in making someone a genius.

38. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase “hitting the genetic jackpot" in Paragraph 5?

A.Having a promising ability.
B.Having the highest intelligence.
C.Having a remarkable personality.
D.Having the hereditary advantage.

39. What does the example of the child kicking a ball indicate?

A.A proper environment should play a more important role in making a genius.
B.Environmental influences provide opportunities for possible achievements.
C.Environmental advantages can never make up for genetic disadvantages.
D.A genetic advantage plays a decisive role in making a genius.

310. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A.The traits for a genius have been recognized.
B.The shaping factors of a genius arc no longer a mystery.
C.The link between genes and intelligence still remains a puzzle.
D.The roles that genetics and environment play have been identified.


Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. Write your word on the answer sheet.(1 point each, 10 points in all)

41. The students standing in the hall for hours were beginning to show signs of _______. (patience)

42. The church tower on the top of the cliff has been a_______for sailors, (land, mark)

43. The volleyball coach agreed that the success of the team was_______due to hard training. (large)

44. Natural_______ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation. (select)

45. I prefer classrooms with_______tables and chairs that would make it easier to arrange students into groups. (move)

46. The speaker smiled broadly so we wouldn"t see his_______. (nervous)

47. Passengers are reminded to take their_______belongings with them when they leave the plane, (person)

48. The manager is going to put forward a new_______for resolving the company"s financial crisis. (propose)

49. Within a few days she became seriously ill, suffering great pain and_______. (comfort)

410. Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than violent_______. (strong)


ranslate the following sentences into English and write your sentences on the answer sheet. (3 points each, 15 points in all)

51. 據(jù)說海水的溫度還不太適合游泳。

52. 她并不在意同學(xué)們對她的衣著評頭品足。

53. 許多人覺得網(wǎng)購省時(shí),但這份調(diào)査卻顯示網(wǎng)購其實(shí)很費(fèi)時(shí)。

54. 我很少與愛麗絲聯(lián)系的原因是她總想把自己的想法強(qiáng)加于人。

55. 他在比賽中的出色表現(xiàn)給評委們留下了深刻的印象。


Write a composition on the answer sheet in about 150 words, basing yourself on one of the texts you have learned. (15 points)

61.TOPIC: What kind of student do you think Phillips is in the text“How I Designed an A-Bomb in My Junior Year at Princeton”?Give facts from the text to support your judgment.








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