違法信息舉報(bào) 客服熱線(xiàn):400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-22





(本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets.

1.All the_____were shocked at the sudden death of the old man on the pavement.


2.When I was in England, I went to visit the university where I_____.

A.had studied
C.have studied
D.was studying

3.No decision has been made about what to do next. We_____it.

A.still consider
B.still considered
C.are still considered
D.are still considering

4.Mr. Johnson told us that he_____to work in the headquarters of the corporation later this month.

A.will be transferred
B.would be transferred
C.will transfer
D.was transferred

5.Staying in a foreign country, I sometimes find it difficult to make myself_____.

C.to understand

6.Every teacher in the school accepted the suggestion that the students_____their uniforms to school.

A.would wear
B.ought to wear
C.must wear

7.You don’t need_____for my permission every time you want to watch TV.

A.to ask
D.being asked

8.This was the last play_____that year.

A.to being performed
B.to performing
C.to be performed
D.having performed

9.He appeared well_____for the TV debate.

D.to prepare

10.Where did you get the_____ furniture?

A.expensive ancient mahogany
B.ancient expensive mahogany
C.expensive mahogany ancient
D.ancient mahogany expensive

11.This is_____the best school in the region.

A.far and away
B.farther away
C.further away
D.far away

12.I can’t afford as_____as this one.

A.an expensive car
B.expensive a car
C.more expensive a car
D.most expensive a car

13._____, I"d like to express my gratitude for your generous contributions.

A.To begin
B.To begin with
D.Beginning with

14.Michael has remarkable talent_____basketball.


15.He always did well at school_____having to do part-time jobs in his spare time.

A.regardless of
B.on account of
C.in spite of
D.in case of

16.He is a straight A student, _____his brother never was.


17.We talked a long while about our childhood days, _____we had a good dinner.

A.after which
B.after that
C.after then
D.after what

18.Bread and milk_____my breakfast for years.

C.has been
D.have been

19.This is the only one of the many houses here which____destroyed by the flood.


20.—You don’t like dishonesty, do you?—Of course not. Actually, nobody____.



(本大題共8小題,每小題2分,共16分)Fill in the blanks with one of the items given.

11.doesn’t,haven’t,don’t, he wants, they want, he wantedThe youth of today _____ know what_____ for their life.

12.a, the, some, all, each, suchI ordered_____ pizza and salad. The pizza was nice but_____ salad was disgusting.

13.will be, is, being, is, was, will beIt_____ rumoured that there_____ an earthquake in the next two weeks.

14.was,had been,were, shall have,must have, would have hadIf there_____ no train, you_____ to go by air.

15.both, either, neither, and, or, norNew Hampshire is the only state that does not have_____ a general sales tax_____ an income tax.

16.which, who, whom, what, where, whenThe treatment, _____ is being tried by researchers at four hospitals, has helped patients_____ have failed to respond to other remedies.

17.what, which, that, is, are, was_____ my wife said and thought_____ none of your concern.

18.the time, the place, the reason, who, what, when_____ will come_____ anyone can afford a car.


(本大題共20小題,每空1分,共20分)請(qǐng)?jiān)诿啃☆}的空格中填上正確答案。錯(cuò)填、不填均無(wú)分。 Fill in the blanks with an item as required.

21.They should have arrived there by now, _____ (have)?

22._____ (be perfectly frank) with you, I don’t think she’s the woman for the job.

23.You’ll get the results when the_____ (analyses) is complete.

24.You can get to Edinburgh by train or plane, but_____(way), it’s very expensive.

25.The cottage is just a_____ (stone) throw from the sea.

26.If you didn’t love him, you_____ (not be) so sad about the news.

27.I_____ (wait) for you at the station when you arrive.

28.I_____ (know) him for quite a long time before you offered to introduce him.

29.He is my best friend—my second self, as it_____(be).

210.I_____ (work) harder, or I would have passed the examination.

211.I like_____ (swim) of course,but I don’t like to swim today because I don’t feel well.

212._____ (take) everything into consideration, they ought to be given another chance.

213.War and Peace is_____ (long) book that I have ever read.

214.If the balloon is filled with a gas called hydrogen, it will become_____ (large) with more hydrogen compressed into it.

215.She_____ (lean) the river to see her reflection in the water.

216.I inherited those skills from my father and they have been_____ (put) the test.

217._____ (give) that the patients have some disabilities, we still try to enable them to be as independent as possible.

218.I still remember the time_____ (at) I first became a college student.

219.She learned that her lawyer and lifelong friend_____ (be) going to betray her.

220.She seemed to be keen on_____ (there be) a birthday party for her bed-ridden daughter.


(本大題共12小題,每小題1分,共12分)Correct one error in each of the following sentences.

31.Today, we are going to talk about American political system. First, I will give you a bird-eye survey of American politics.

32.There will be a police investigation.

33.Whatever is his defense, we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.

34.He could swim half way before he collapsed.

35.The Niagara Falls are perhaps the most famous waterfall in the world.

36.He has been staying at home all these few last days.

37.Let’s make to believe we have a million dollars.

38.—Do you know the latest information of the case?—It is said that the case requires investigated once again.

39.Wondering where to go, an advertisement caught her eye.

310.As soon as he arrived in town, he went seeing the doctor immediately.

311.Most of the high officials are here in the meeting room, except the secretary and treasurer are absent.

312.Not a single test he passed the whole semester.


(本大題共12小題,每小題2分,共24分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.

41.Adding a suitable tag to the following statement:They must have stayed at home last night.

42.Reinforcing the negation in the following sentence:There’s no excuse for such behavior.

43.Combining the two sentences by using coordination:The workers are cheerful. At least they appeared to be cheerful.

44.Combining the two sentences by using a relative clause:I remember the morning. He first came to school.

45.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct:He has not paid his debts. He has no intention of paying.

46.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct:He says he wants to marry Nancy. He shouldn’t be quarrelling with her all the time.

47.Using extraposition:I think a good idea would be to get up a petition.

48.Using fronting:The competition became keener and keener.

49.Using a modal auxiliary:It is not possible that he made that mistake.

410.Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate:The new design is much better than the old designs.

411.Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate:Shakespeare’s characters are really alive, so are some of Jane Austen’s characters.

412.Using subjunctive mood:I think it advisable for a secretary to be appointed at once.


(本大題共2小題,每小題4分,共8分)Answer the following questions.

51.Please list four frequently-used ways of word-formation with examples.

52.How are adjectives classified in terms of semantic manner? Give your answer with examples.








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