違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-22





(本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets.

1._______is too much for two little girls to carry.

A.A sofa’s weight
B.Sofas’ weight
C.The weight of sofas
D.The weight of a sofa

2.Of_______two colleagues, one lives in_______town and the other in _______ countryside.


3.One astronaut who joined the program in 1996_______only after he had been applying for 12 years.

A.has been accepted
B.had been accepted
C.was accepted
D.is accepted

4.I am an admirer of Lincoln and I think if he_______here now, he’d have a good sense of humor about it.

C.will be

5.The outdoor stadium will_______at least 60,000 people.

A.be seated
D.be sat

6.The manager demanded that Mary_______from her job as a secretary after the incident.

A.be dismissed
C.should dismiss
D.being dismissed

7._______constantly pick up your hands to guide him?

A.Must you to
B.Have you to
C.Do you have to
D.Do you must

8.He may get his teaching qualifications but I couldn’t imagine_______long term in the current school environment.

A.him work
B.him working
C.he working
D.him to work

9.Cowan was the last man_______, voluntarily covering the withdrawal of his remaining comrades.

A.to leave
D.to have left

10.In general, the_______the screen size, the_______you need to sit for optimal picture quality.

A.largest; farthest away
B.larger; farther away
C.smaller; far away
D.smallest; father away

11.Adjust the chair height so your elbows are about_______the work surface.

A.the same high as
B.nigh as
C.as higher as
D.the same height as

12.Twenty years after the storm, Homestead’s population is nearly_______than it was when Andrew ruined the town.

A.larger two third
B.larger two-thirds
C.two-third larger
D.two-thirds larger

13.Then, as bystanders run_______all directions, the man fell abruptly to the ground after apparently being shot.


14.At present she’s focused on next month_______will see her set on her biggest UK tour to date.


15.Gradually the road climbs among high mountains and through a dark forest_______huge trees shut out the light with their thick towering leaves.


16.He turns out to be such an extremely successful actor, _______none of his former classmates is.


17._______, she has dared to do what many others do not — publicly criticize the Taliban.

A.Though is she young
B.As she is young
C.Young as she is
D.Young though she is

18.Jewelry_______becoming increasingly popular, in one form or another, among teenage guys.


19.The wounded_______for treatment, but the rest are sent immediately to holding centers.

B.are taken
C.are taking
D.is taking

20.Three days_______usually not enough for a cat to become acquainted with a new cat or kitten.

B.should be


(本大題共8小題,每小題2分,共16分)Fill in the blanks with one of the items given.

11.insist, insisted, insists, do, did, doesAlthough he didn’t feel well, he_______that he_______the job on his own.

12.is, are, was, where, which, whoseSince a staple of immigrant communities in big cities_______long, restaurants _______diners chop, grill, boil or dip their food are hot in the American heartland.

13.thinks, thought, was thought, work, works, workingThis painting_______of as one of the best_______of the famous painter.

14.that, which, in which, so, too, suchI cannot believe that the restaurant, _______I have eaten_______wonderful meals, is going to close down.

15.is becoming, became, has become, aged, ages, ageOver the last fifteen years, running_______a popular pastime for 30 million participants of all_______.

16.attempts, attempt, attempting, in, on, atAll their_______to rescue the child from the burning building were_______vain.

17.hour, hour’s, hours’, conserved, preserved, reservedWith no result after one_______discussion, we_______the question for the next meeting.

18.affects, effects, guides, what, how, whenWe are interested in the weather because it_______us so directly what we wear, what we do, and even_______we feel.


(本大題共20小題,每空1分,共20分)請在每小題的空格中填上正確答案。錯填、不填均無分。 Fill in the blanks with an item as required.

21.The_______(chilly) of autumn was in the air and she went to fetch a coat.

22.When my old friend Brian urged me_______(accept) a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.

23.I_______(work) out to keep fit every day; otherwise my brain will not work properly.

24.Friendly contacts between different peoples of the two countries _______(facilitate) the cultural and economic interchange in recent years.

25.It’s a funny thing, but she put the ring on the_______(dress) table a few minutes ago, and now it’s missing.

26.When we attend a meeting, our remarks should_______(confine) to the issues at hand.

27.In doing scientific experiments, one must be_______(care) than doing daily routines.

28.Once they_______(settle) the agenda, the committee circulated it to all the members of the society.

29.Ten days ago the young man_______(inform) his boss of his intention to resign.

210.These goods are_______(essential) for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.

211.If women are free from violence, their families_______(flourish).

212.We were sometimes at odds with the Americans, and even the_______ (German).

213.Several political parties allied with_______(each) against higher taxes.

214.When you fill in the_______(apply) form, please use your permanent address so that we can contact you easily later.

215.In order to open a pub or a wine bar, the owner must obtain the_______(approve) the local government.

216.The Malwood Art Museumn,_______(locate) the main lobby of the University Center, is exhibiting local, national and international works at the moment.

217.Since many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect the money at night, _______ (he)?

218._______(take) care of her little daughter accounts for most part of her time.

219.There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box_______ (which) I was phoning.

220.Passed on from father to son, the island farm has been owned by________.(Chambers family) for many years.


(本大題共12小題,每小題1分,共12分)Correct one error in each of the following sentences.

31.A page of the chapter’s has been lost, so it is difficult to understand its meaning.

32.When the neighbors broke in and found his body, the old man had already died for about three days.

33.The man standing in the corner confessed to have told a lie to the policeman.

34.You needn’t have come to tell me that personally; you could send me a message through your cell phone.

35.After giving the lecture, I started to listen to the students to discuss some social problems.

36.I want to tell you that we all sympathize for you in your afflictions.

37.That is no surprise that John should have failed the exam; he doesn’t work hard at all.

38.One reason why women live longer than men after retirement is because women can continue to do something they are used to doing.

39.Nick is very handy about the house, that I will never be.

310.He hardly entered the room when the phone started to ring.

311.The manager told me that yesterday in person.

312.Wow, you’ve got a huge house. I didn’t expect one to be so big.


(本大題共1 2小題,每小題2分,共24分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.

41.Reinforce the negation in the following sentence:No student managed to finish the exercises on time.

42.Using subjunctive mood:I think it very important for the textbooks to be available before school starts.

43.Using a modal auxiliary:It is necessary that they follow their teacher’s instruction.

44.Using a non-finite verb form:The book is so easy that everyone can understand it.

45.Combining the two sentences by using a correlative coordinator.The conference on nuclear energy was not attended by students from Stanford.We were very disappointed that the conference on nuclear energy was only attended by teachers from Berkeley.

46.Combining the two sentences by using a relative clause:Global warming is one of the greatest challenges.Each and every country on this planet has to face the challenges.

47.Using a disjunct:It is quite obvious that measures should be taken to cope with the environmental pollution.

48.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct:Officially, he is in charge.His secretary does all the work.

49.Using extraposition:Whether he will invest in the program remains a puzzle,

410.Using inversion:Following the roar, a tiger rushed out from among the bushes.

411.Using reference:Mr. Black and his wife are going to dine out this evening. In fact, Mr. Black and his wife do it every weekend.

412.Using ellipsis:Why give me two cups of coffee? I only asked for one cup of coffee.


(本大題共2小題,每小題4分,共8分)Answer the following questions.

51.What are the two major kinds of word classes in English? What words do they consist of respectively?

52.Why is -ed participle so termed rather than the “past participle” as it used to be called? Name three functions the -ed participle can perform.








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