違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-22





(本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets.

1.He was seen frantically gesturing for a phone, but he could not make himself________.

C.to understand

2.How _______ you cook without healthy ingredients?


3.I don’t think they are guilty of war crimes, _______?

A.do I
B.am I
C.are they
D.aren’t they

4.I loved every inch of that woman and loved everything __________ came with her.

D.with which

5.I regret ________ you that we have not reached tangible results during this week.

B.to tell
C.to be told
D.having told

6.I work with several master’s and Ph.D. students, almost all of ________ are women, during the course of my research at a large state university.


7.If it ________ the way it is, we will seek considerable compensation.

D.will continue

8.If she _______ to write a real book one day, I will absolutely be the first to read it.

D.will be

9.In both cases the force of the blow was _______ make the victims unconscious.

A.so that
B.such as to
C.so as to
D.in order that

10.It could be another four years before we see the show. _______, it’s one of the most exciting TV shows we’ve heard about.


11.It is desirable that dying patients _______ maximum relief of pain and suffering.

C.be received
D.should be received

12.It is said that there is ________ bridge in that village.

A.a stone fine old famous
B.an old famous fine stone
C.a famous fine old stone
D.an old fine stone famous

13.Mike said that he is sorry for the way _______ he reacted that night and has publicly apologized to John.

B.in that
C.by which

14.Mrs. Barket said she had avoided _______ with risk by refusing to open most of the letters.

B.to engage

15.Ms. Petriuk is taking a French class, but says she rarely _______ help her girls with their homework anyway.


16.Neither police nor the defense lawyer _______ said what the exact relationship is between the two men.

D.had had

17.No sooner _______ to address the housing crisis than Brexit landed on our doorstep.

A.did the Government planned
B.had the Government planned
C.did the Government plan
D.the Government had planned

18.Under no circumstances _______ leave your children unsupervised.

A.should you
B.you should
C.you had
D.had you

19.No staff members were injured but one prisoner remained _______ today with a suspected broken jaw.

D.to hospitalize

20.No-one needs reminding that there’s _______ free lunch.

A.no such a thing as
B.no such a thing as a
C.no such thing as a
D.no such thing as


(本大題共10小題,每小題2分,共20分)Fill in the blanks with one of the items given.

11.including, to include, includes; to, with, atIn Britain, clubbing is different from pubbing and ___________ going to a pub, or a place of music, or a bar, or any other places to gather ____________ friends.

12.for which, which for that which; market, marketing, marketsThomas Moore owned a farm about 20 miles outside the city of Washington, ____________ the village of George town was the ___________ center.

13.be, was, were; what, that, thoseIn Europe, the proportion of people living in cities __________ always smaller than __________ of the work force working in factories.

14.has been, has, have; kind of problems, kind of problem, kinds of problemsTelecommuting-substituting the computer for the trip to the job- ___________ hailed as a solution to all ___________ related to office work.

15.multiply, multiplied multiplying; specialize, specialized, specializingWe live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by ___________ and at the same time becomes more and more _________.

16.he, him, them; all, whole, partAs a stage manager, you have assistants, so use_________, but always do so politely. At the same time, don’t expect them to do ___________ the menial tasks, either.

17.awared, had awared, were aware; to, with, forEven before Newton set down his theories on tides, people ___________ that lunar phases corresponded ___________ the rise and fall of the ocean tides.

18.although, because, so that; organize, recognize, recognitionCommodity-type businesses do not have the flexibility to raise prices ___________ their sales are based on low prices, not on a factor like name_________.

19.modern periodic chemical, chemical modern periodic, modern chemical periodic; know, knew knownDmitri Mendeleev is considered the “father” of the ___________ table. He wrote out the names, atomic masses and other properties of each ___________ elements on separate cards. Then, he ordered them according to their atomic mass.

110.until, above, up to; will be, is, wereGiant squid is extremely large, _______ 14 meters long. If it ______swimming next to you in the ocean, you’d probably want to get out of the water as soon as possible.


(本大題共20小題,每空1分,共20分)請在每小題的空格中填上正確答案。錯填、不填均無分。 Fill in the blanks with an item as required.

21.With a determiner:The student spent the ___________ day writing the composition assigned by his teacher.

22.With a determiner:The manager asked his secretary to have ______ the files ready before the meeting started.

23.With an article:As a student majoring in music, he knew clearly that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be _______ Mozart.

24.With an article:Jobs are hard to find nowadays, but in ________case of Mr. Smith, that is not the problem at all.

25.With a modal auxiliary:Mary ________have received my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.

26.With a modal auxiliary:Frank’s cell phone is lying on the coffee table. He ______have left it here last night.

27.With a preposition:The destruction of natural environment is a loss for mankind that no amount of money can makeup _________.

28.With a preposition:The kindergarten teacher is always very careful to divide everything fairly _______all the children in her class.

29.With a preposition:Active participation _______the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the students in many courses.

210.With a preposition:“Chicken” is a slang word referring ________ someone who is not very brave.

211.With a relative pronoun:The boy in jeans _______ is playing basketball alone is my neighbor’s son.

212.With a relative pronoun:This is the desktop with ______ we have had so much trouble ever since it was bought.

213.With a relative pronoun:Many people believe that to succeed, all _______ is needed is persistence and determination.

214.With a relative pronoun:Mr. Johnson finished running the 26-mile-plus marathon, ______ is a marvelous achievement for a man of 60.

215.With a coordinator:He heard someone knock at the door violently ________he looked out of the window only to find that his house was surrounded by a large crowd of policemen.

216.With a subordinator:Despite such a marked difference in attitudes toward what one consumes, there is no doubt _______ people in the West have come to regard the cuisine of China as something special.

217.With a subordinator:People find it curious ________ those without homes would rather sleep sitting up on benches or huddle in doorways than go to shelters.

218.With a tag:John told me that there wasn’t anyone in the office at that time,_________?

219.With a tag:I don’t think he is telling the truth, ________?

220.With a tag:You must have seen the film last week, ________?


(本大題共15小題,每小題2分,共30分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.

31.Using passive voice:His daughter looked forward to his retirement.

32.Using passive voice:We should bear in mind that he did all this out of his patriotism.

33.Using a modal auxiliary:You had better finish your homework by tonight.

34.Using a non-finite verb form:A lot is known about Van Gogh’s life and his feelings because of the hundreds of letters, which were written by him to his brother Theo and others.

35.Using a non-finite verb form:People who are sentenced to life in prison from now on will have to pay for their keep if the proposed new law goes into effect.

36.Using a complex preposition:Jane went to the concert last Sunday, and her best friend went along.

37.Using a disjunct:I will say frankly that what he did to you is immoral but what you did to him is illegal.

38.Using a relative clause:When I was in Shanghai, I visited the house. Sun Yat-sen is said to have lived there for several years.

39.Using a relative clause:She is an expert I know well. She can give you some suggestions.

310.Using coordination:There are many modem communication methods available today. The traditional business letters remain an important means of sending printed messages.

311.Using subordination:Work hard and you will pass the grammar test in the end.

312.Using transferred negation:I think that the witness didn’t tell the truth.

313.Reinforcing the negation:No voters approved of the education bill proposed by the senator.

314.Using extraposition:That his invention will make people’s life more convenient is certain.

315.Using inversion:Churchill was not only a statesman but also a writer.


(本大題共1小題,每小題4分,共4分)Answer the following questions.

41.When shall is used with a subject other than the first person, what does it usually indicate? Give an example.


Define the following terms with examples. (3%×2=6% )


52.grammatical principle






