違法信息舉報(bào) 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-11-23




I. Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (1%x20=20%)

1. The police arrived and______were tlling him to calm down and put the knife down.

A. he

B. she

C. they

D. it

2. Many thanks______to Adams for all his good deeds and contributions to the company all the while.

A. going

B. go

C. goes

D. gone

3. Only a small part of the people in______prison today were sent there by ajury of their peers. 


B. the

C. one


4. By the end of last year, this charity group______more than 4,000 jobs for the unemployed.

A. created

B. had created

C. has created

D. would have created

5. Up to now, the report______on the need for a new language lab.

A. has centred

B. had centred

C. centred

D. centres 

5. The case______by a three-member unfficial commission headed by Justice Kretzer.

A. has gone into

B. went into

C. was gone into

D. be gone into

7. If I______use one word to describe my work, it would be movement, one of the most______influential things in my life.

A. may

B. would

C. were to


8. I just feel like it's unnecessary. It's just something that______have happened.

A. should

B. could

C. mustn't

D. shouldn't

9.一Will you stay for dinner?

-Sorry, I______. My mother is coming to see me.

A. can't

B. needn't

C. mustn't

D. won't

0. He was trained as an artisan and volunteered______for South Africa in World War II.

A. to fight

B. fight

C. fighting

D. to fighting

11. To finish assignments on time, she had to make______with less sleep.



C. doing

D. done

12. During the examination I forgot______my name on the script of mathematics. It is invalid.

A. to write

B. writing

C. written

D. write

13. I was______to have met Tyson, one of the celebrated boxers in the game's history.

A. pleasing more than

B. more pleasing than

C. more than pleased

D. pleased more than

14. We noticed how isolated we were______other neighbours.

A. to

B. with

C. against

D. from

15. British Broadcasting Corporation plans to spend millions to fight off American media______and tech   ants, , Amazon, Netflix and Facebook.

A. actually

B. namely

C. equally

D. accordingly

16. When I just moved to Canada, Chinatown was the place______made me think of my home.

A. what

B. where

C. that

D. when

17. I have no business relationship with any company_______stock is mentioned in this article.

A. that

B. whose

C. who

D. which

18. When you' re scared or being challenged in any way, 10 seconds_______like a lifetime,let alone 60 seconds.

A. is seemed

B. are seemed

C. seems

D. seem

19. There are some fishing stories you just cannot believe______there's a picture.

A. once

B. even if

C. as though

D. since

20. It was not until the mid 1960s______the number of women smoking eventually peaked.

A. that

B. which

C. when

D. what

II. Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given. (2%x10=20% )

21. safe, safer, safety; barely, bearly, bearable

Since some coal mines in Shanxi Province have been closed for______overhauls,production in the coal-rich province has dropped sharply, and is now______enough to supply local power plants.

22. either, both, all; such that, such as, so that

Pollution is caused______by man's release of completely new and often artificial substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural______substance,oil from tanker into the sea.

23. where,which, in which; in, to, at

This book is about a narrative history of climatic shifts during the past ten centuries, and some of the ways______. people in Europe adapted______.them.

24. lost, losing, being lost; no more, no longer; no much

In New Zealand, immigrants face the possbility of culture______along with the language their children______wish to speak.

25. at, until, during; another, other, olhers

In fact, fish didn't start to appear in painting______the Yam period along with shells and______marine images.

26. are, were, was ; that, which, what

A hot shower, a cup of milk, a bag of potato chips and then a good sleep______all the luxury______she needed after the examination. 

27. bakes, baked, is baked; thal, so, as that

Although it's cold and snowy there in winter, the earth______so hard in the summer sun______

rainwater can't penetrate.

28. bees, bees, bees ; are, is, would be

It is estimated that native______pollination of flower and vegetable crops______worth 1.2 billion dollars a year.

29. it, that, which; should wear; should be worn, is worn

You will be issued with an identity badge,______ ______at all times when you are on company premises.

30. types of mistakes, ype of mistakes, type of mistake; replicating, replicated, to replicate 

Let's consider two______that can occur when a manager actually starts to set up a duplicate system______a successful process.

II. Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required.( 1%x20=20%)

31. With a determiner: 

The ten-year-old boy was regarded as one of the best violin players in______China.

32. With a determiner:

One should always keep an optimistic atitude towards life even though______truth hurts.

33. With a determiner: 

Paul is an excellent playwright, but he is definitely not.______Shakespeare.

34. With a pronoun:

We have had two applicants for the position so far, but unfortunately_______is qualified to do the work.

35. With a modal auxiliary:

My pocket dictionary has gone. Who______have taken it away?

36. With a modal auxiliary: 

You______just as well tell him the truth so that he can make the right decision.

37. With a modal auxiliary: 

The report was well written with sufficient details and statistics; the writer______have spent a lot of time and energy writing it.

38. With an appropriate preposition: 

After flying for more than ten hours, I finally arrived______New York, my dream city.

39. With an appropriate preposition:

The poet quietly left his hometown______a cold winter mormning and never came back.

40. With an appropriate preposition:

Now that you have got the job offer from this big company, you should develop your talent______the full.

41. With an appropriate preposition:

The twin brothers have very lttle______common in their taste and hobbies.

42. With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb:

The young woman ______small convenience store has just been closed down is going to open an online shop soon.

43. With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb:

The girl was greatly interested in archery at an early age,______ her sister never was.

44. With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb:

The retired engineer had valuable experience on ______we depended for the success of the project.

45. With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb:

lony,_______ you say one thing but mean the opposite, is often lost on people from other cultures.

46. With an appropriate conjunctive:

At the Senior Citizen's College, the elderly people learn drawing, cooking, painting, ______the like.

47. With an appropriate conjunctive:

The modern city of Shenzhen sprang up______ a small fishing village had been more than thirty years ago.

48. With a question tag:

Nowadays, nobody is willing to do something ilgal just for a few dllas,______?

49. With a question tag:

I don't think it is the best solution to our financial problem, _______?

50. With a question tag:

There have been a lot of changes in the small town since I left,______?

IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required on the ANSWER SHEET.(2%x15=30%)

51. Using passive voice:

The college dean will preside over the committee meeting.

52. Using passive voice:

Why did you make such a trrible mess of my house?

53. Using a modal auxilary:

It isn't necessary for her to call me back.

54. Using a non-finite verb form:

I felt that my mind weight was lifted after he promised to help me.

55. Using a non-finite verb form:

She doesn't know where she can park the car.

56. Using a simple preposition:

You are his friend. He has several other friends.

57. Using a disjunct:

I'll say frankly that what you did to them is ilgal.

58. Using double relative clauses:

This is the place. They stayed for the night there. They got lost that night.

59. Using double relative clauses:

Have you found anything? We can use it for the project. The project is quite important for the company.

60. Using coordination:

New Hampshire does not have a general sales tax. It does not have an income tax either. It is the only state that does not have either tax.

61. Using subordination:

The student stood up and spoke clearly. Everyone in the classroom could see and hear him.

62. Using transferred negation:

I think Bruce won't tell you the truth.

63. Adding a suitable tag:

Don't forget to turn off the lights before you leave.

64. Using discontinuity:

It is reported that the bribed has been missing for months.

65. Using inversion:

He not only refused the gift, he also severely criticized the sender.

V. Answer the following question on the ANSWER SHEET. (4%x1=4%)

66. Please classify adjectives in terms of three scales.

VI. Define the following terms with examples on the ANSWER SHEET. (3%x2=6%)

67. mood

68. tense 








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