違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2020-10-13









1. We can see no justifications for an increase in the price.

A. reasons

B. results

C. explanations

D. disputes

2. Multinational companies reaped great rewards of their foreign investment in developing countries.

A. appealed

B. offered

C. earned

D. rejected

3. The aim is to modernize the moribund state -owned enterprises that threatened China's economic  progress.

A. strong

B. stagnant

C. poor

D. monopolistic

4. The structure of the fund management industry and stock market may also exacerbate the problem.

A. reduce

B. worsen

C. atribute

D. develop

5. Stock-taking of the open policy will come this year when the National People's Congress discusses the next five-year plan.

A. Inquiry

B. Acceptance

C. Statistic

D. Assessment

6. From the onset of the erisis, international organizations have been coordinating emergency activities.

A. ending

B. sunset

C. beginning

D. growth

7. The government plans to curtail economic growth to avoid speculative bubbles.

A. enlange

B. continue

C. assist

D. restrict

8. The America's formidable capital and technological resources would be utilized to meet its objectives.

A. powerful

B. available 

C. vast

D. different :

9. The law banned discrimination against people with physical disabilities in the workplace.

A. equality

B. faimess

C. differentiation

D. protection

10. Investment funds have moved out of commodities and into liquid assets.

A. water resources

B. current assets

C. real estate

D. fixed assets

11. With unemployment rate at 9. 7%,the president is pressing the Congress to approve financial incentives for small businesses to add workers.

A. control

B. capital

C. tools

D. stimulation

12.9% of listed fimms are techically insolvent and have stopped paying their debts.

A. private

B. public

C. bankrupt

D. unsuccessful

13. A substantial proportion of loans from the World Bank is still to be disbursed.

A. borrowed

B. paid

C. declined

D. recovered

14. This marks the first time in history that these companies will be subject to federal supervision.

A. be free from

B. be exchanged by

C. be occupied in

D. be subordinated to 

15. Online education is a fledgling sector where no perfect model has been created.

A. inexperienced

B. mature

C. unfinished

D. uncertain



Passage 1

Force of the Multinationals

Direct investment by multinational companies is becoming a hugely important force in the world economy. In essence, a combination of factors, such as the development of global communications and a change in the political climate towards multinationals, is bringing in an era of true global manufacturing. A company such as Siemens may now start making a product in Gemany then ship it to Malaysia for the labor-intensive final stages of manufacture. The strategy by Japanese companies of locating production in cheaper Far Fastern countries such as Thailand has done much to integrate the economies of the region. US companies were setting up production in Mexico, for similar reasons, before negotiations on the NAFTA had even started. There is an important distinction to be made between the kind of integration based on trade, which is relatively simple, and the far more complex links involved in global manufacturing. The report says that “ as integration moves from shallow trade - based linkages to deep international production - based linkage under the common governance,the traditional division between integration at the corporate and country levels begins to break down.”

Foreign direct investment tends to transfer assets from the developed world to the developing world. But the pattern is not entirely simple. Big shifts have occurred in the composition of foreign direct investment by sector. Increasing investment is going into services and high-ech manufacture , rather than basic manufacture and natural resources. As might be expected, foreign direct investment in the developed world is mostly in the former category,whereas in the developing world the emphasis is on the latter. It seems counties have to reach a basic level of sophistication before they can get in the act. Simple cash incentives to set up production in a country have litle effct, other than on margin. In addition, the increasing sophistication of global production means that cheap labor is often not a deciding factor either.

16. International production-based integration is better than trade-based integration.

17. Labor-intensive manufacture is the production mainly depend on the use of a large number of labor.

18. US companies set up production in Mexico for its cheaper labor and cost.

19. Cash incentive is a deciding factor in global production.

20. Foreign direct investment in the developed countries is mostly in services and high-tech sector.

Passage 2

Asia, You Cost Too Much

The Asian economic miacle can be best summed up as the biggest price undercut in history. Asia grew because it was the cheapest source for the low-tech consumer goods that the W est craves. Hong Kong and Korea didn't invent new or more efficient manufacturing techniques, they simply bought market share with low wages. But now Asia is beginning to cost too much. If you still think Asia is cheap or even a bagain, compare ofice rents in Shanghai with those in Chicago and Paris. Or try to hold a qualifed manager in China against the almost weekly job offers he receives due to . the shortage of Chinese pofessionals. No wonder companies are voting with their feet in response to Asia's rising cost. Gemany's Siemens is dumping Singapore in favor of lower cost locations in the region. The way things are going, Siemens may have to move again before too long.

The competition facing Asia is not going to let up, either Local council representatives from Britain are running all over the world advertising tax cuts, giving away state land and slashing bureaucracy in an effort to attract industry. Technological innovations and cost reduction i communications and transport mean that location isn't as important as it once was. Only Singapore seems to understand that keeping u isn't good enough and that being competitive means forging ahead. The Lion City made a concerted effort to open market, cut government regulations and create transparency. But most Asian government just don't seem to understand the relationship between high costs and low competitiveness. Otherwise why would taiffs on agnicu ltural imports be crippling the Korean and Japanese food processing industries? The oligarchical nature of trucking in Malaysia guarantees that high transport costs will drive business away.

21. Asian economic growth was primaily based on cheap exports rather than high technology.

22. Siemens is satisfied with Singapore's low cost and will stay there all the time.

23. High rents and shortage of professionals became China's disadvantage in Business.

24. The importance of location is weak ened by technology and communication innov ations.

25. Most Asian govemment leamed from Singapore to open markets and cut tariffs.











35. 經(jīng)常項目


36. market forces

37. countertrade

38. commercial hub

39. intellectual property right

40. brain trust

41. austerity programmes

42. the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

43. discount rate

14. countervailing duty

45. dumping


Passage 1

Once, when Japan faced pressure from abroad, it would either give in reluctantly or keep quietand hope that the fuss would die down. No longer it seems. America wants Japan to meet importtargets for some American goods, but far from capitulating to the thrust of American trade policy,Japan is taking a stand that could lead to a trans-Pacific confrontation. The annual white paper ontrade development published by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry will reject theargument that Japan needs special trade sanctions. It is Japan's persistent surplus, more thananything, that has provoked anger in W ashington. This year the surplus has been growing fast. Withthe economy still barely growing , despite two fiscal packages in the past nine months, Japan's critics say that the country is once more exporting its way out of recession.

46. Which wond can “give in" be replaced by?

47. Explain “the fuss would die down'

48. Paraphrase “exporting its way out of recession”.

Passage 2

The price of tin on the European spot market rose to 4, 400 pounds per ton, reflecting widespread production cuts in the world tin industry, at a two- day meeting in Indonesia, the association of tin - producing countries, whose members represent 70 percent of world tin output , decided to strengthen their co- operation in a bid to stabilize tin prices and to call on the United States to limit sales of tin from its strategic stockpile. Platinum progressed at the outset on concem about strike action in South African mines but quickly fell victim to profit-taking as work resume.

49. What is“strategic stockpile"?

50. What does“progress" mean in the context?

51. What is profit-taking in business?


52.Commerce among nations entered a modem era; the constrained trading between imperial powers and their colonies began to break down. W orld markets opened to all countries, and multilateral trade flourished. Generally, a country could sell its goods in the best market it could find and buy what is needed from the least expensive supplier. Moreover, since currencies were converible, most transactions could be completed with cash. Barter was as antiquated as the horse-soldier. During the past few years, however, the international monetary system has begun to strain under a variety of economic changes. One important cause is the enormous burden of debt carried by Third W orld countries. A professor at Harvard University says,“The plain fact is that many countries are broken.







