違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2020-06-18




1. MULTIPLE CHOICE (30 points, 1 point each)




I. BLANK FILLING (20 points, 2 points each)

31. L

32. A

33. G

34. D

35. E

36. C

37. F

38. K

39. H

40. J

II1. TERM EXPLANATION (10 points, 5 points each)

41. Strategic Defense Initiative

Strategic Defense Iitaive (SD) was proposed by President Reagan in 1983. (2分) k was designed to protect the people of the United States against potential nuclear atacks from the Soviet Union. (2分)

42. the batle of allipoli

The btle of allipoli was fought in 1915 during World War L. (1分) Many Australians died in the battle (1分) It is considered one of the most important events in Australian history. (2分)



2. 內(nèi)容為4分,語言為1分。一般拼寫錯誤不扣分。如有重大語法錯誤或拼寫錯誤引起誤解,要扣語言分。

3.提供的答案僅供參考,如考生的回答與參考答案的內(nèi)容樣, 但表述形式不致。也應給滿分。

IV. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (30 points, 3 points each)

43. The Pilgrims, a group of Protestants, objected to some of the beliefs and practices of the Church of England.

44. The expansionist movement.

45. Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen intematioal diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.

46. Iht meant that without their representatives taking part in decision-making. the people in the colonies had no obligation to pay taxes.

47. The "Great Compromise" gave cach state an equal vote in the Senate but made representation in the House reflect the size of each state's population.

48. Qucbee separatism alled for separation from Canada and wanted to create a French-speaking nation.

49. In the election, voters numbered the candidates in order of preference on the ballol.

50. The basis of New Zealand's higher education is technical institutes, community colleges, and teachers colleges.

51. In both the UK and New Zealand, the constitution is a mixture of statute and convention.

52. St. Patrick helped the spread of Christianity in Ireland and converted almost all of the population to Christianity.




3.提供的答案僅供參考,如考生的回答與參考答案的內(nèi)容一 樣, 但表述形式不一致,也應給滿分。

V. ESSAY QUESTION (10 points)

53. Why is he English Civil War aso aledld the Purian Rerlurio? What is is igpifie mce?

The English Cil War is also clled the Puritan Revolution becuse the King's oponents were mainly Puian, and his uprters ciey Eiscoplin and Catolie (2分)

The war has been see as not only a conflict betwen Parlament and the King, but a confit betwen the economic interests of the urban middle casses and the tadinal economic interests of the Crown. (2分) The economic interests of the urtban middle cases coincided with their rligiuis (Puritan) ideology while the Crown's taditional economice interests crrespondingly lliedl with Anglican rligious blief(2分)

The English Civil War ovrthew the feudal system in England and sook the foundarion of the feudal rule in Europe. ht is geall regarded as the beinning of modem world history.(2分)









