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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-03-23



Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on theANSWER SHEET.

36. I didn’t believe in this treatment before, but after I tried I found that it really ______.

A. workedB. mattered C. passed D. did

37. It is important for a child to share toys in order to ______ good social skills,

A. release B. invent C. develop D. start

38. She refers to me as her closest and dearest friend, ______ we met just two weeks ago.

A. asB. even ifC. as though D. even though

39. When you get upset, you should take deep breaths to main a sense of ______.

A. calmB. humorC. dutyD. security

40. ______ they have the same name, American and English football are very different.

A. SinceB. AlthoughC. ForD. Whereas

41. Emily Dickinson did not become popular ______ her death, when much of her writing was discovered.

A. untilB. soon afterC. shortly before D. up till

42. My ex-boyfriend’s presence at the party made me ______, so every time he came near, I headed in the other direction.

A. puzzledB. delightedC. uncomfortable D. interested

43. The horse race was so close that we had to watch a playback of the video to ______ the winner.

A. realizeB. announceC. award D. determine判斷

44. The animals, highly sensitive to pollution, can ______ monitor of water quality.

A. serve as B. work forC. cope with D. relate

45. The drama school, ______ places to students who can show talent.

A. donatesB. offersC. lists D. supplies

46. When my girlfriend told me I had tomato sauce all over my lips, I ______ reached for a napkin.

A. graduallyB. immediatelyC. reluctantlyD. skillfully

47. Kay wanted to pull her hair out(發(fā)怒) ______ because her busy schedule did not allow time for relaxation.

A. in amusementB. with excitement

C. in frustrationD. with boredom

48. Transport is not included but can be arranged at your ______.應(yīng)貴方要求

A. desireB. requestC. wish D. demand按你的要求

49. It is a challenging task, one that should not be taken ______.

A. seriouslyB. fullyC. lightlyD. quickly

50. The windows will allow a clear ______ of the beach.

A. look B. sight C. vision D. view

51. More and more people come from rural areas ______ better job opportunities.

A. in charge ofB. in search ofC. in memory ofD. in honor of

52. ______ the damage is done, not even modern surgery can undo it entirely.

A. Though B. ForC. OnceD. Unless

53. He ______ that I am unqualified for the job, even though he didn’t come out and say it directly.

A. claimedB. impliedC. declaredD. inferred

54. If you continue to eat junk food, you’ll ______ sick and overweight.

A. give in B. go on C. set offD. end up

55. Hard as they try, these birds have ______ small wings that they can not fly.

A. such B. so C. too D. that

56. Is there a connection between _____ you eat and maintaining good health?

A. that B. which C. what D. whatever

57. Who smokes more, educated people ______ less educated people?

A. and B. orC. but D. as

58. Thanks to the angle ______ he stood, he could see the sunset.幸虧他站的角度合適,他才能看到日落。

A. at whichB. in which C. at that D. in that

59. He doesn’t talk too much, but what he says is always ____ the point.

A. for B. on C. at D. to

60. I used to smoke, but I ______ anymore.

A. didn’t B. don’t C. wasn’t D. won’t.

61. The ice was not ______ to bear the weight of the men.

A. thick enough B. thick asC. too thick D. enough sick

62. We won’t be getting married until we ______ enough money.

A. will save B. save C. saved D. have saved

63. You ______ us, for we could have come to help you.

A. should tell B. should have told

C. would tellD. would have told

64. ______ like candlelight for creating a romantic mood.

A. They are nothingB. There are nothing

C. It is nothing D. There is nothing

65. He suffered from poor eyesight and could ______ read properly.

A. no moreB. no longer C. any more D. any longer

66. The systems remain basically the same as ____ in use half a century ago.

A. those B. that C. ones D. the one

67. Some people express their love through words, ______ others show their affection by giving presents.

A. when B. where C. while D. for

68. When we give the children ice cream, they immediately ceased ______.

A. crying B. to cry C. to be cryingD. cry

69. I read the newspaper every day ______ I can stay informed about current events.

A. in that B. so that C. in case thatD. for fear that

70. ______ many days in the desert, the explorer was relieved when he eventually found water.

A. Before B. During C. Within D. After

71. I didn’t realize that I passed the exit on the highway until it was ______.

A. too late B. a bit late C. rather earlyD. a bit early

72. The blue whale is ______ any other animal on earth.

A. no bigger than B. as big as

C. the biggest of D. bigger than

73. One of the basic rules of having a dog is that you ______ give it exercise every day.

A. will B. can C. may D. must

74. This was the last week of school and they ______ for their finals.

A. prepare B. were preparing

C. would prepare D. have prepared

75. The car was stolen while ______ in a Paris Street.

A. parking B. to be parkingC. parkedD. being parked














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