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普通專升本 責(zé)任編輯:管理員 2022-04-27










If you are conducting businesses in foreign markets, it is necessary to know the customs and traditions of the locals when it comes to New Year's Day celebration audiences. Let's find out how some European countries celebrate New Year's Day!


People in Spain have a unique way to celebrate New Year's Day. It is a custom to eat 12 grapes at midniglit on New Year's Eve, in the coming year. If you are able to get all of them into your mouth, all of your wishes will come true!


New Year's Day by smashing unused plates and glasses against the doors of family and friends. Tliis action is perfbnncd with die aim of warding off evil spirits. Some people even stand on chairs and jump off them bringing good luck.


If you are offered a cake on New Year's Day in Greece, you may need tough teeth. As January 1st is also Saint Basil's Day in Greece, you will have a full lucky year.


They have the custom of throwing bread at the walls as the clock approaches midnight to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck in.


Every year, millions of people flock to Berlin for one of They throw parties, watch fireworks, and drink a Gennan sparkling wine. Families melt lead al home by holding a flame beneath a tablespoon, a heart or ring shape indicates an upcoming wedding wile a pig is a sign of plenty of food.

1. Wliat might Greeks find in St.Basil's Cake on New Year's Day?

A. A grape. B. A ring. C.A coin. D.A tootli.


2. Wliat docs a pig shape of melted lead indicate in Germany?

A. Someone will marry soon. B. Someone will strike the clock.

C. Someone will have sufficient food. D. Someone will jump off the chair.


3. Which of tlie following is a Danish tradition to welcome New Year's Day?

A. Doing cleaning. B. Breaking things.

C. Watching fireworks. D. Drinking wine.


4. Eating grapes on New Year's Eve is a custom in .

A. Greece B.Ireland C. Spain D. Denmark


5. Wliat is the common purpose of celebration activities in the five countries?

A. To get good luck. B. To be successful in business.

C. To scare away bad spirits. D. To wish fbr a good harvest.



Scientists help scientists keep track of animals that are hard to spot, including endangered animals.

A team of scientists in Denmark came up with At the very beginning, they didn't have high hopes fbr tlie new metliod.

Every living thing has DNA that can be used to identify it Scientists can use this eDNA to tell what kinds of animals arc in a certain place.

Testing fbr eDNA isn't a new idea, but most of the time, scientists look fbr it in water.

DNA and fans to collect extremely tiny bits of DNA onto very high quality filters.

In the laboratory, they got die DNA from the filters and made copies of it to from different animals, Tliey identified 49 diflerent kinds of animals. They even identified DNA from animals tliat in the area.As Dr. Elizabeth Clare, who led the team, said.

**There's no other way I would detect DNA from a tiger, except for the Zoo's tiger.”

Tlie researchers are excited about the ways tliis new in the wild. Scientists have been looking fbr better way livejhey can do a better job of protecting them.

6. What could the new method help scientists according to Paragraph 1?

A. To record animal types.

B. To identify rare animal species.

C. To count animal numbers.

D. To trace the hard-to-spot animals.


7. What was the Danish scientists' attitude to the new mctliod before the experiment?

A. Neutral. B. Positive. C. Critical. D. Doubtful.


8. In which section of a magazine does tliis passage most likely appear?

A. Health. B. Environment C. Science. D. Geography.


9. In most cases, scientists look fbr eDNA .

A. from air B. in laboratory C. from waste D. in water


10. Why did the scientists collect samples in the zoo?

A. Because animals at the zoo were easily tested.

B. Because the zoo had samples not locally found.

C. Because they could easily get help in the zoo.

D. Because their laboratory was in the zoo.


Today lots of people k)vc to wear T-shirts for the of a traditional dress shirt and tie.

The T-shirt did not look like the T-shirt we know today until after the First World War (1914-1918) During World War I, some soldiers were wearing old-fashioncd woolen unifoems during the summer Dunng the 1920s the word " T-shirt ” was added to a dictionary. By the Second World War, most soldiers wore coion T-shirt as standard underwaer.

T-shirts were considered solely as underwear until the 1950s. In those days, even the word“ underwear"  was never mentuoned in the social class. So in the 1950s. it was quite shocking to see movie stars, such as Jean Arc and James Ron wearing just a  T-shirt! But by 1955 it became socially acceptable for young men to wear juat a  T-shirt without a regular shirt covering it. James Ron,the famous film star.

Today  T-shirt become part of people's way of life...promote their favorite music bond or sports team. People war T-shirts advertising places that they have visited. T-shirts with images of cartoon characters are worn by children of all ages. In fact, you can find every cartoon character that ever graced the screen on a T-shirt somewhere.

11. During the First World War. soldiers found cotton undershirts________ .

A. durable B. acceptable C. fashionable D, comfortable


12. How do people nomtally wear a T-shirt today?

A. They wear it under a sports coat.

B. They wear it under a shirt

C. They wear it under a dress.

D. They wear it under a uniform.


13. Which group of people was influenced by James Ron's T-shirt dressing style?

A. Female musicians. B. Male stars.

C. Male teenagers D. Sportswomen


14. What can vve know about people from tlie T-shirts tliey wear?

A. Their preferences. B. Their families.

C. Tlieir ages. D. Their destinations.


15. Before the 1950s, tlie upper class considered wearing just a T-shirt .

A. formal B. normal C. inappropriate D. isolated



閱讀下面短文,從短文后的選項中選岀可以填入空白處的最佳選項。每個選項只能選 一次。

When people go to the movies today, they can settle in to watch and listen to a story. But what if when tlie lights dimmed and tlie movie began, , sound effects, or music? 16 Those silent films are important to film history.

Wlien movie theaters showed silent films, a musician was often there to play live music along with tlie movie. 17 Occasionally, musicians or tlieater staff also produced sound effects, such as tires screecliing or doors slamming. 18 Instead, the story was told through the performers' motions and througli words shown on the screen.

When movies first included sound, audiences weren't sure what to think. Not everyone was excited about the new type of film, which .... known as tlie “ talkie. ” 19 Clara Bow, who

was a famous silent-movie actress in tlie early 1920s, was too nervous about her voice to become a star in tlie world of talking pictures. She and left show business altogether.

The first movie with sound. The Jazz Singer, was released in 1927. 20 After that, talking pictures became a huge success.

A. That's what the first movies were like.

B. It marked the beginning of a new era.

C. However, there was no sound in tlie movie itself

D. Music was chosen to fit the mood of the movie.

E. Many silent film performers had trouble with the new format.



18. 【答案】C

19. 【答案】E

20. 【答案】B



閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選岀可以填入空白處的最佳 選項。

During tlie last fifty years psychologists have made us believe that differences behveen men and women are mainly the 21 of the way we are brought up. According to this theory women can be trained to do 22 tliat men traditionally do, do more 23 . This so-called "new man” should be more 24 and emotional.

But two books newly 25 say tliat, according to a recent scientific study, gender differences 26 because men's and women's brains work completely 27 and their biological differences mean tliat tliey can never think or 28 the same way.

Try this experiment: read a 29 aloud from a book or magazine. At the same time tap (輕敲) on the table with one finger, and try to 30 a constant speed. Do this first with your right hand and then with your left hand. If you are a 31 , you will be able to maintain constant speed with 32 hand. Men, however, when apping with their left hand will 33 down. This is one of the many 34 that prove men's brains are in compartments (功能區(qū)),with verbal abilities on the left side and spatial abilities on the right. verbal an spatial 35 arc dealt with on both the left and right sides of the brain.

21. A. part  B.fact C.practice D.result


22. A. cooking B. cleaning C. jobs D. exercises


23. A. housework B.experiments C. assignments D.research


24. A. communicative B. boring C. happy D. aggressive


25. A. published B. selected C. borrowed  D. bought


26. A.stay  B. happily  C. silently D. positively


27. A. differently B. walk C.reply D. behave


28、A.move B. walk C.reply D. behave


29. A. phrase B. word C. picture D. passage


30. A. keep B.record  C. exceed  D. reduce


31. A. man B. woman C. scientist D. writer


32. A. either B. left C. neither D. right


33. A. bring B. turn C. slow D. shut


34. A. magazines B. books C. experiments D.works


35. A. problems B.abilities C. differences D. features




When I was younger, I didn't any exercises. For a long time I regretted not 36 (do) much sport, but recently, I decided things needed to change. I saw a marathon on TV and made up my mind that was 37 I wanted to do.

I started slowly because I felt I needed to get used to 38 (thing) gradually. I went swimming in the local pool and started going to a gym. I then 39 (join) a group of runners. Wc met each week and we had 40 excellent coach who gave us guidance and training tips.

At first 1 found the training quite hard and because I tliought that everyone was 41 (good) tlian me. However, I decided to and I'm really glad I did. I realized tliat 42 I wanted to take part in such a big race, I had to be willing to try.

I now go running twice a day as well as going to the gym and I run marathons 43 (regular). To tell the truth, I wish I 44 (run) a marathon years ago. I'd certainly advise anybody to give 45 a try. It's amazing how good it can make you feel.

36. 【答案】doing

37. 【答案】what

38. 【答案】tilings

39. 【答案】joined

40. 【答案】an

41. 【答案】better


43. 【答案】regularly

44. 【答案】had run

45. 【答案】it


46. 【寫作內(nèi)容】你是班長李華。端午將至,你班計劃舉辦主題班會。請給Mr.Smith寫一封電子郵件邀請他參加。內(nèi)容包括以下要點:





Dear Mr. Smith:

In order to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, we will hold a themed class meeting. As the monitor. I am very honored to invite you to join us for the event at 8:00 pm, on June 3.2022 It will take place in Classroom 306 of the Teaching Building.

There will be various activities such as cooking Chinese Rice Pudding tn Chinese Zongzi. story telling. poems reciting, and so on. Zoogzi is the traditional food for the festival and it would be fun to learn how to make it. Since the festival is to commenorate the hero and poet Quyuan.


















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