防詐騙聲明 培訓(xùn)證書查詢 違法信息舉報 資質(zhì)&榮譽


  • 類型: 理工類
  • 地區(qū): 江蘇省蘇州市
  • 等級: 其他
  • 電話: 0512-66550867
  • 地址: 蘇州市吳中區(qū)吳中大道(越湖路)國際教育園致能大道1號

蘇州工業(yè)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院是二○○三年由江蘇省人民政府批準成立的公辦普通高校,是江蘇省示范性高職院校建設(shè)單位。其前身可追溯到成立于1946年9月的“江蘇省立蘇州高級工業(yè)職業(yè)學(xué)?!?,是蘇州最早建立的工科類職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)校。Suzhou Vocational Institute of Industrial Technology (SIIT) is a state-run college approved by Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government in 2003. It is a model higher vocational technical institute in Jiangsu Province. SIIT dates back to September, 1946, when the earliest engineering vocational school in Suzhou---- Jiangsu Provincial Suzhou Senior Industrial Vocational School was founded.學(xué)院現(xiàn)設(shè)有精密制造工程系、機電工程系、軟件與服務(wù)外包學(xué)院、電子與通信工程系、經(jīng)貿(mào)管理系、文化與藝術(shù)系、國際教育學(xué)院、思想政治教學(xué)部、體育部、繼續(xù)教育學(xué)院等10個教學(xué)單位?,F(xiàn)有30個專業(yè),專業(yè)主要集中在機械制造、自動控制、電子信息、工商管理、文化教育和數(shù)字藝術(shù)等領(lǐng)域,其中,國家級重點建設(shè)專業(yè)2個,省級示范重點建設(shè)專業(yè)4個,省特色專業(yè)1個。目前,學(xué)院共有教職員工457名,全日制在校生7600余名,成人教育學(xué)生630多名。學(xué)院擁有133個獨具特色的現(xiàn)代化實訓(xùn)工場、專業(yè)實驗室、工程技術(shù)研發(fā)服務(wù)實體和200個校外實習(xí)基地,擁有2個國家級實訓(xùn)基地和2個省級實訓(xùn)基地,設(shè)有國家職業(yè)技能鑒定所和各類國家級、省市級教育培訓(xùn)、技術(shù)應(yīng)用基地25個。There are 10 teaching units in SIIT, namely: Precision Manufacturing Engineering Department, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Department, Software and Service Outsourcing College, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Economic and Trade Management Department, the Department of Culture and Arts, the School of International Education, Ideological and Political Theory Course Training Department, Sports Department, the School of Continuing Education and Training Management Center. We offer 30 majors, focusing on mechanical manufacture, automatic control, electronic information, business administration, cultural education and digital art etc. Among these majors, there are two national key construction specialties, four provincial key construction specialties and one provincial characteristic specialty. Now, there are 457 teaching staff, around 7,600 full-time students and 630 students of adult education. We have 133 outstanding modern workshops, specialized labs, engineering R & D service groups and 200 off-campus practice bases, 2 national practical training bases, 2 provincial practical training bases. There are 25 National Professional Skills Accreditation Institutes, all kinds of national, provincial and municipal-level education and training technology bases.作為全國僅有的29所“機械行業(yè)校企合作與人才培養(yǎng)優(yōu)秀職業(yè)院?!敝?,學(xué)院以“理事會”為合作平臺,以校企合作“十百千”工程為抓手,積極開拓“政行企?!比婧献鞯男戮置?。近年來,學(xué)院與蘇州市工業(yè)經(jīng)濟聯(lián)合會、中小企業(yè)協(xié)會簽訂戰(zhàn)略合作協(xié)議,與艾默生環(huán)境優(yōu)化技術(shù)(蘇州)有限公司、百得(蘇州)電動工具有限公司、克諾爾車輛設(shè)備(蘇州)有限公司等50多家世界500強企業(yè)和創(chuàng)元投資發(fā)展(集團)有限公司、亨通集團有限公司、蘇州勝利精密制造科技股份有限公司等100多家知名民營企業(yè)建立緊密型合作關(guān)系,在引企進校、訂單培養(yǎng)、聯(lián)合辦學(xué)、合作科研等多方面開展全方位多模式的合作,重點推進“訂單式”培養(yǎng)和“廠中?!苯ㄔO(shè)。2013年起,學(xué)院與創(chuàng)元集團、亨通集團等十余家企業(yè)合作建立了“創(chuàng)元學(xué)院”、“亨通學(xué)院”等企業(yè)學(xué)院,創(chuàng)新合作機制,推進合作深度。近五年來,學(xué)院畢業(yè)生就業(yè)率始終保持在98%以上,2012年、2014年先后兩次榮獲“江蘇省高校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)工作先進集體”。As one of the 29 excellent vocational colleges in school-enterprise cooperation and talents training in machinery industry, we take council as cooperation platform, school-enterprise cooperation “ShiBaiQian” project as the starting point, create a new situation about the overall cooperation among the government ,the associations, the enterprises and the college. In recent years, we have signed strategic cooperation agreements with Suzhou Federation of Industrial Economics , association for small and medium enterprises. We have established close relationship with more than 50 enterprises among world’s top 500 enterprises, such as Emerson Climate Technologies (Suzhou) Co. Ltd, Black and Decker (Suzhou) Electric Tool Co. Ltd., Knorr-Bremse Vehicle Equipment (Suzhou) Limited, and over 100 well-known private enterprises, such as Chuangyuan Investment and Development Group, Hengtong Group Limited, Suzhou Victory Precision Manufacturing Technology Corp. We develop all-round cooperation such as leading companies to school, order training, joint school-running, collaborative research. We focus on promoting order training and factory-in-school building. Since 2013, we have founded several Enterprise Schools such as “Chuangyuan School”, ”Hengtong School” with more than ten enterprises so as to innovate cooperation mechanism and promote the depth of cooperation. In recent 5 years, the employment ratio of our graduates keeps higher than 98%. We were awarded the Advanced Unit of the employment of graduates in Jiangsu Province.同時,作為江蘇省高等學(xué)校和諧校園單位,學(xué)院具有完善的學(xué)生“獎、貸、助、勤、補、減、免”的助學(xué)體系,并以吳文化傳承基地為載體,以科技創(chuàng)新為重點,以學(xué)生社團建設(shè)為抓手,組織開展大量文化特色活動。學(xué)院支持鼓勵學(xué)生參加各級各類技能大賽,每年有50人次以上在全國職業(yè)院校技能大賽等各級各類技能大賽中獲獎,學(xué)院被評為“江蘇省職業(yè)院校技能大賽特別貢獻獎”和“江蘇省職業(yè)院校技能大賽先進學(xué)校”。Meanwhile, as a Provincial harmonious school, it has a perfect student-assisting system--- award, loan, assistance, work-study, supplement, reduce, exempt. Taking Wu-culture base as a carrier, focusing on innovation of science and technology, building students associations, the cultural activities are diversified. SIIT encourages students to take part in skills competitions of all levels and types. Every year more than 50 students win awards in National vocational school skills competition. Our school won the special contribution award and was honored as the advanced school in Jiangsu Province vocational skills competition.近年來,學(xué)院全體師生員工秉承“我在乎你”的學(xué)院精神,以“與時俱進”為校訓(xùn),堅持人才培養(yǎng)“地方性”、“應(yīng)用性”和“職業(yè)性”的辦學(xué)理念,圍繞以人才培養(yǎng)為根本,“政行校聯(lián)袂、師生企聯(lián)合、教研用聯(lián)動、學(xué)做創(chuàng)聯(lián)貫”的辦學(xué)思路,謀劃了未來“三步走”發(fā)展目標,努力實現(xiàn)把學(xué)院建設(shè)成為“在企業(yè)有滿意度、在行業(yè)有美譽度、在政府有信譽度”和“教師有尊嚴感、學(xué)生有自豪感、員工有成就感”專業(yè)特色鮮明的示范性高職院校的美好愿景。Over the years, SIIT adheres to the School Philosophy “ I care about you”, follows the school motto “keeping pace with the times”, persists in the educational philosophy “ cultivating the talents’ locality, applicability and professionalism” and plans “three-step” development goals which centers on talents cultivation and school-running idea-cooperation among the government, the associations and the school; combination among teachers, students and enterprises; linkage among teaching, researching and using; coherence among learning, practicing and innovating. We are making efforts to realize the dream of becoming a model higher vocational college with distinctive major features and ultimately a college with dignified teachers, proud students and accomplished staff to satisfy the enterprise, earn reputation among associations and gain credit with the government...