
高職單招 責(zé)任編輯:于歡 2021-12-30



1. He jumped_____ the wall easily.

A across B over C through D past

2. ----Our class won the English speaking contest .

----- Congratulations ! You_____ be very proud ofit .

A . may B . must C . needn ' t D . can ' t

3. ______Canada and the USA , school buses are usually painted an orange - yellow

color .

A . Between B . In C . Among D . From

4. ----______isit from here to your company?

----It’s only about ____ walk.

A. How long ten mimute’s B How many ten-minute’s

C.How soon ten mimute D How far ten minutes’

5. Thereare five_____ in our club.

A. Englishman B.America C.Japanese D.Australian

6. It was said that he is very richand he has _____money .

A . a plenty of B . the plenty of

C . plenty of D . plenty

7. They advised that we______ right away.

A. toleave B. leave C. leaving D. left

8.---What’sthe matter with you?

----Icaught ____ bad cold and had to stay in____bed.

A. the, the B.a,a C.a,the D. a, /

9. Whenhe got to the station at 7:30, the train____at 7:00.

A. had left B. left C. have left D.leave

10.---I’msorry. I______my exercise book at home.

---Don’t forget _____it to schooltomorrow,please.

A. forgot, to take B. left to bring

C. forgot, to bring D. left to take

11. I want ______ on Father ' s Day .

A . to buy a tie to my father B . buying a tie to my father

C . to buy my father a tie D . buying a tie for my father

12.Those buildings were over 50 years old ,_____they were not strong enough.

A.and B. but C. or D. so

13. He’snever seen such a good film,_____ he?

A.has B.isn’t C.is D hasn’t


-----Yes.Roast chicken,please.

A. What do you want,men B.Are you ready to order,sir

C.What’sthe specialty . D.What would you like to drink

15.----Yoursister isn’t a nurse, is she?

-----_______. She teaches English in a middleschool.

A. No,sheisn’t B.Yes, she is C.Yes, she isn’t D.No,she is

16.Lookat the man over there. He is _____ uncle.

A.Tom’s and Jim’s B.Tom’s and Jim C. Tom and Jim D. Tom and Jim’s

17.The____ began to eat the green _____of young trees.

A.deer, leaf B. deers, leafs C. deer,leaves D.deers, leaves

18. He doesn’t feel _____so hehas to see the doctor.

A. good enough B. well enough C.enough good D. enough well

19.My mother goes to work everyday ____Sunday.

A.except B. except for C. beside D. besides

20.----Li lei ______his leg whenhe was playing football.

-----I’m sorry to hear that.

A. hurts B.hurting C. hurt D. hurted

21. Ben,_____ climb that tall tree. Itis very dangerous.

A. doesn’t B. don’t C. isn’t D. aren’t

22. There _____a volleyball match inour school this afternoon.

A. willbe B. will have C. is going to have D. are going to have

23. You had better ____yourshoes_____.

A. tohave, mended B. have, mended C. have ,mending D. to have,mending

24. I’m different from my twinsister. I love dancing ____she is interested in reading.

A. so B. or C. while D. and

25. ---Tom,which do you prefer, teaor coffee?

---______is OK. I don’t mind.

A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. All

26. Her shirt isn’t dirty. She _____washit and it doesn’t need_____.

A. doesn’tneed , washing B. doesn’t need to,wash

B. needn’t, washing D .needn’t ,wash

27. Some foreigners in China_____eatwestern food,but now they____Chinese food.

A. usedfor, are used to eat B.used to, are usedto eating

C.areused to ,used to eat D. get used for,are used to eating

28. Tom is always___ to the teachers ,When he meets the teachers he will greet___.

A . politely , polite B . polite ; politely

C . polite ; polite D . politely ; politely

2 9. Would you honor us___ a visit ?

A . of B . for C . at D . with

30. The machines made inChina are cheaper than______made in Japan.

A. ones B. that C. those D. it



Starting with Chinese shooter Yang Qian , who won the first gold medal at the Tokyo 2 0 2 0 Games in the women ' s 1 0 - meter air rifle on July 2 4 , Yang Li has finished five clay sculptures (雕塑)of Chinese players who won gold medals at the Games . Besides Yang Qian , the players include Wang Shun , Ma Long , Quan Hongchan and Guan Chenchen . Yang , a fine art teacher in Shanxi province , started creating clay sculptures in 2 0 1 5 . Before creating a sculpture , she usually watches videos and photos of the player and then makes the basic shape using clay , “Then I willput the sculpture into the oven for firing, which helps keep the sculpture forlong time,” she said. “Last, I will paint it in different colors”

Ji Yulan , a paper - cut craftswoman , is showing tourists simple paper - cutting skills . Ji takes a piece of paper and begins performing . The scissors swim like a fish in her hand . The paper moves. When she unfolds the paper , an image(形象) of a Xinjiang child appears.

" I have been making paper - cuts for more than 4 0 years . " Ji said with a laugh . " My dad is over eighty now . He still keeps on paper cutting . although his hands shake when holding scissors . " Influenced by her family , Ji loves paper - cutting . " In the past , my grandma taught me to make paper - cutting portraits with traditional eyes . Now , I know young people like big eyes , so now I make paper - cutting portraits in the shape of big eyes , " Ji joked . Unlike folk paper - cutting . Ji ' s

paper - cutting says a lot about the local history . culture and customs of Xinjiang .

portrait: 肖像 31 . Besides Yang Qian , how many other players ' clay sculptures are included ?

A . Five . B . Four . C . Three . D . None .

32 . Yang Li started creating clay sculptures .

A. in 2 0 2 0 B . in 2 0 1 9 C . in 2 0 1 5 D . in 2 0 1 4

33 . Before creating a sculpture , Yang Li usually does the following things EXCEPT__

A . winning gold medals at the Games

B . watching videos and photos of the athlete

C . making the basic shape using clay (黏土)

D . painting it in different colors

34 . Who taught Ji Yulan to make paper - cutting portraits with traditional eyes ?

A . Herself . B . Her father .C . Her grandma . D.Young people.

35 . What does Ji Yulan ' s paper - cutting say ?

A . About the local history of Xinjiang .

B. About the local culture of Xinjiang .

C . About the local customs of Xinjiang .

D . All of the above .


Body language is used to send messages to one another , which can make people easily understood . When you are talking with others , both words and gestures are used . The same gesture may mean different things . In China , nodding the head means agreement and shaking the head means disagreement , while in Bulgaria ( 保加利亞)it ' s the opposite .

Different countries have different customs and body languages . In Japan , when

people meet for the first time , they usually bow . People in Russia and France kiss

each other when they meet , but people in China and Australia shake hands instead of

kissing . For " OK " , just make a circle with one ' s thumb and index finger (食指) .In Japan , someone who sees anotherperson making this gesture will think it means money . A French person will see the same gesture as zero . In some countries

people keep standing close to one another when they are talking , while English people must keep a distance away when they are talking . When you use a foreign language . it is very important to know the meanings and movements in the foreign country .

Following the customs will help you communicate with people and make your staying there much more pleasant and comfortable .

36. What is the passage about ?

A. Thepassage is about body language.

B. Thesame gesture may mean different things.

C. When you use a foreign language , it is very important to know the meanings and

movements in the foreign country.

D. It describes that body language is used to send messages to one another.

37.How many body languages mentioned are there in the passage ?

A. Four B Five C Six D Seven

38.Accordingto the Text, we can learn that ____is true.

A. In Japan , when people meet for the first time , they usually bow .

B. When Chinese people meet , they kiss each other .

C. Men in Russia and France usually shake hands when they meet .

D. Followingthe foreign languages will help you communicate with people and make

your staying there much morepleasant and comfortable.

39.InBulgaria(保加利亞) shaking the headmeans______

A agreement B disagreement C sayinghello D money

40.Whatwill people do in Russia and France when they meet ?

A Say “Hello” to each other. B Kiss each other .

C Shake hands . D Bow.


三、根據(jù)要求,補全信息(共兩節(jié),共10分 )


A Sick Leave

Dear Mr . Li ,

I ' m sorry to tell you that I can ' t go to school today . I __41_(catch) a cold after I

swam in the school ' s _42___(swim) pool yesterday .

The doctor asked me __43__(stay) in bed , drink more water and have a good rest .

Now I am __44___(write) to you to ask for _45__(三天的)sick leave . I hope you

can give me the leave .

Thank you very much .

Yours truly



Shop assistant : What can I do for you , sir ?

Tom : I ' d like some __46___(傳統(tǒng)的) Chinese products .

Shop assistant : How about Weifang kites ?

Tom : They look wonderful .

Shop assistant : What __47___ do you like ?

Tom : Oh , I want the pink one .

Shop assistant : What size do you want , big or small ?

Tom : Big . How much does the kite cost ?

Shop assistant : This kind of kite is 1 2 0 yuan .

Tom : Oh , well . It ' s nice and not very expensive . I want to buy five of them . Can you give me a __48____?

Shop assistant : OK . How about 2 0 % __49___?

Tom : Great ! I ' ll __50____ them .


Wang Li , a _51__( vocation ) school student , did a voluntary job in a community

last term .

As a volunteer , she __52___( choose ) to teach some elderly people to _53___( sing )

and dance . She went to the community three ___54__ ( time ) a month .

Wang Li said that she __55___( develop ) her skills while __56___ ( teach ) them .

What she learned from her job was much more __57___ she expected . " They taught __58___( I ) how to communicate with others . I learned to be polite and patient from

these elderly people.They were very ___59____( friend ) to me , " said Wang Li .

“The job gave me a sense of achievement __60___ ( especial ) when they said tome.‘Thank you for yourhard work!’”said Wang Li.


畢業(yè)典禮活動是學(xué)校育人的重要環(huán)節(jié)。新華學(xué)校將于六月底舉行2019屆畢業(yè)典禮(graduation ceremony ),屆時將邀請校友代表出席并致辭。假設(shè)你是辦公室工作人員Lin Ping,接到畢業(yè)典禮籌備組負責(zé)人Wang Wei的電話,告知你負責(zé)邀請校友代表。請根據(jù)通話內(nèi)容,完成以下任務(wù)。


Wang Wei : Hello ! This is Wang Wei . May I speak to Lin Ping ?

Lin Ping : Hello ! Mr . Wang . This is Lin Ping speaking .

Wang Wei : The graduation ceremony is coming . We want to invite the CEO of Blue

Sky Company , Gao jian , to attend it . You know he graduated from our school . Please send him an invitation letter .

Lin Ping : All right . When and where will the graduation ceremony be held ?

WangWei: 9:00am---10:00 am,June 26th, in the school stadium.

Lin Ping : What are the main activities ?

Wang Wei : Students will walk the red carpet ( with their parents . Our headmaster will give out diplomas .Mr . Gao Jian will give a speech . At last , there will be a

performance . Please remind Mr . Gao to prepare a ten - minute speech for the students .

Lin Ping : OK . I ' ll let him know .

Graduation Ceremony  Information
Time9:00 am--11:00am,  Jun26th
Placethe school stadium

Students will walk the red carpet  with their parents
Main ActivitiesThe headmaster will give out  diplomas.

Mr. Gao Jian will give a speech.

There will be a performance.

請根據(jù)畢業(yè)典禮的安排,給Gao Jian 寫一封邀請函。(本任務(wù)共10分)





4.請Gao Jian 結(jié)合個人成長經(jīng)歷,給同學(xué)們提出建議。





Dear Mr . Gao ,



Lin Ping







考試內(nèi)容 /去年分數(shù)線5-120601154119[1].gif /去年真題 /報名條件












