
成人高考 責(zé)任編輯:楊銳頻 2022-02-19




[單選題]()!There's a train coming.

ALook out

BLook around

CLook forward

DLook on


[單選題]Mr.Jones woke early one morning,before the sun had risen.It was a beautiful morning,_21_ he went to the window and looked out.He was _22_ to see a neatly-dressed and mid-aged professor,who _23_ in the university just up the road from Mr.Jones‘house,coming the direction of the town.He had grey hair thick glasses,and was _24 an umbrella,a morning newspaper and a bag.Mr.Jones thought that he must have _25_ by the night train _26_ taking a taxi.

Mr.Jones had a big tree in his garden,and the children had tied a long _27_ to one of the branches,so that they could swing on it.

Mr.Jones saw the professor _28_ when he saw the rope and looked carefully up and down the roaD.When he saw that there was _29_ in sight,he stepped into the garden(there was no fence),put his umbrella,newspaper,bag and hat nearly on the grass and _30_ the rope.He pulled it _31_ to see whether it was strong enough to take his weight,then ran as fast as he could and swung into the _32_ on the end of the rope,his grey hair blowing all around _33_._34_ he swung,sometimes taking a few more _35_ steps on the grass when the rope began to swing too slowly for him.

At last the professor stopped,straightened his tie,combed his hair carefully,put on his hat,picked up his umbrella,newspaper and bag,and continued on his way to the university,looking as quiet and correct and respectable as one would expect a professor to be.








"It′s no use, Mum, "said Johnny. "I′ m just no good at dancing. "

"You′ve got to keep trying. Tonight will be 21 , dear. Try a turn with that pretty Lisette. " Johnny 22. Every Saturday night used to be the best of the week. He and his parents went to the 23 at the Club, where his hero, Alcide, played the accordion (手風(fēng)琴)with the band. But lately everything had changed. Now that Johnny was older ,he was 24 to dance with a girl! 25 Johnny and his parents arrived at the Club, music had already started. Johnny got up his 26 to approach Lisette. "May I have this dance?"Johnny asked. "That′ s all right," said Lisette. Johnny struggled to keep up with Lisette′ s 27 steps, but he was always one beat behind her.Then Johnny heard his friend Pierre say," Look! Johnny has two left feet!" Laughter burst from the crowd. Johnny 28 and ran outside,determined never to go to another dance.

The next Saturday, Alcide drove to Johnny′ s house for some potatoes. He happened to hear Johnny playing the accordion. Alcide′ s eyes 29. "Bring that accordion and play some songs tonight," Alcide said. Then he drove off ,leaving Johnny staring open-mouthed 30 him.

At the Club, Johnny scanned the crowd for Lisette and 31 her. The band played for a long time before Alcide said," Dear friends, I got a 32 for you tonight. Young Johnny is going to join us!" Trembling, Johnny stepped up on the platform, his eyes on the floor. He began to play, and the band joined in behind him. When the song ended, he heard cheers. Johnny kept playing until the dance was 33"You did a fine job tonight. Play with us again next Saturday night," Alcide said. "Yes, sir! "said Johnny. 34 he went outside, Johnny saw Lisette and her friends near the door. Lisette stepped forward, smiling," You played really good tonight!"she said.

"Thank you ,"Johnny blushed(臉紅). As he walked on ,Pierre 35 moved out of the way for him to pass.

Johnny patted his accordion. Come to think of it, in his whole life, he had never once seen Aleide out on the dance floor.


Abroke away

Bwent out

Cbroke up

Dturned out



"Are you crazy" people around him shouted as AJex Bien a 33-year-old immigrant(移民).ran toward three cars In a chain accident along the highway in Miami, which were buming down Alex didn't think twice The article "Against the Flames" reported how he put out the fire on a car and pulled a couple out of another. But when here turned to his own car. steam was coming out from it It was damaged beyond repair.

Back in his tiny flat, alone and with little money. Alex didn't know what to do He was already working, going to college and supporting his wife. Aline, and children back in Haiti He worried about his wife's health , doctors thought she had cancer(癌癥)Every cent was important to him And now this

With in weeks of reading the article, readers sent hundreds of letters offering jobs, money and best wishes One delivered a car-used, but in fine condition Others helped Aline come to Miami, where a medical team found out it was not cancer

Readers also wrote to US govemment officials to support the immigration of Alex's family to Miami Consul General Roger Daley even invited Alex to discuss the matter Aline, to get her with their children, joined Alexin Miami this past March Alex says. “I would like to say a beautiful thanks to the readers There are good people every where in this world 。

What do we know about Alex from the text?

AHe and his wife worked in the U.S.

BHe was a full-time student in Haiti

CHe was an immigrant with little money

DHe wrote the article ‘Against the Flames’


[單選題]All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition:to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping.For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised.It said:”Remember,once a week,one of our customers gets free goods.This May Be Your Lucky Day!”

For several weeks Mrs.Edwards hoped,like many of her friends,to be the lucky customer.Unlike her friends,she never gave up hoping.The cupboards in kitchen were full of things which she did not need.Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed.She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say:”Madam,this is Your Lucky Day.Everything in your basket is free.”

One Friday morning,after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car,she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea.She dashed back to the supermarket,got the tea and went towards the cash-desk.As she did so,she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her.”Madam,”he said,holding out his hand,”I want to congratulate you!You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!”

Mrs.Edwards's husband tried to().

Amake her unhappy

Bcheer her up

Cbuy things with her

Dstop her buying things


[單選題]The cowboy is the hero of many movies.He is,even today,a symbol of courage and adventure.But what was the life of the cowboy really like?

The cowboy’s job is clear from the word”cowboy”.Cowboys were men who took care of cows and other cattle.The cattle were in the West and in Texas.People in the cities of the East wanted beef from these cattle.Trains could take the cattle east.But first the cattle had to get to the trains.Part of the cowboy's job was to take the cattle hundreds of miles to the railroad towns.

The trips were called cattle drives.A cattle drive usually took several months.Cowboys rode for sixteen hours a day.Because they rode so much,each cowboy brought along about eight horses.A cowboy changed horses several times each day.

The cowboys had to make sure that the cattle arrived safely.Before starting on a drive,the cowboys branded the cattle.They burned a make on the cattle to show who they belonged to.But these marks didn’t stop rustlers,or cattle thieves.Cowboys had to protect the cattle from rustlers.Rustlers made the dangerous trip even more dangerous.

Even though their work was very difficult and dangerous,cowboys did not earn much money.They were paid bally.Yet cowboys liked their way of life.They lived in a wild and open country.They lived a life of adventure and freedom.

When you do something new exciting,you have().

Aa symbol

Ban adventure

Ca job

Da trip


Linda:Hello! This is Linda speaking.

Chris:Hello, Linda, this is Chris. _______51________ this Friday evening?

Linda:Yes, why?

Chris:There’s a good concert, and I’ve got two tickets. I wonder ________52_______.

Linda:That’s great! _________53_________?

Chris:7 o’clock. But how about _________54__________ at 6:45?

Linda:OK. I think I can make it.

Chris:After the concert,________55_________,shall we?

Linda:Wonderful! Why don’t we go to a Chinese restaurant?

Chris:Why not? OK,see you Friday.

Linda:See you then. Bye!



we’ll go to a restaurant for supper/We’ll eat at a restaurant/We’ll have supper in a restaurant



( L = Lucy; S = Sir)

L :Excuse me, sir. 51 the Art Exhibition Centre?

S : Yes, but it is quite far. It' s about an hour' s walk. You can take a bus the~

L: 52 ?

S:You can take B.us No. 15.

L: 53 ?

S:About 20 minutes. And you can also take a taxi.

L:Taxi? That' s a good idea. Thank you very much.

S: 54

L: Goodbye.

S: 55



Which bus should I take


提示星期五晩上有音樂會,Chris得到兩張票,打電話給Linda?問她是否有空一同前往,并約她音樂會后一 起吃飯。Linda聽了非常高興,兩人相約六點(diǎn)四十五分在入口處見面。

Linda : Hello! This is Linda speaking

Chris : Hello, Linda, this is Chris. 51 this Friday evening?

Linda : Yes. why ?

Chris: There's a good concert, andI’ve got two tickets of I wonder 52

Linda: That's great! 53 ?

Chris: 7 o'clock. But how about 54 at 6:45?

Linda : OK. I think I can make it.

Chris : After the concert. 55 . shall we?

Linda: Wonderful! Why don't we go to a Chinese restaurant?

Chris: Why not? OK.see you Friday.

Linda : See you then Bye!



What time does it start



Lester: Not baD.What about you?

Tom: Not bad , either. What did you do last weekend?

Lester: Well,___52___.

Tom: Oh,___53___?

Lester: The Lion King.

Tom: Oh, really?___54___?

Lester: Yes , it was gooD.___55___?

Tom: I went out to dinner with Simon.

Lester: Oh ,you must have had a great time. By the way,how is Simon?

Tom: He's fine.



Did you like it/Was it interesting/good








